5. A REAL LIFE ROSIE THE RIVETER: A talk with Dr. Frances Carter

The STEM Class Podcast

Jun 15 2021 • 45 mins

Dr. Frances Carter is a real life Rosie the Riveter. In 1941, when Pearl Harbor was attached, Carter left her studies to become a teacher to work in a Birmingham B-29 refurbishing factory. Join The STEM Class Podcast host Anthony Arno, as he talks with Carter about not only her life as a Rosie the Riveter, but as an educator as well.

Highlights from the show include:

  • Growing up during the Depression
  • Remembering December 7, 1941
  • Job responsibilities as a Rosie the Riveter
  • Wearing pants and lipstick to work as a woman
  • Opening up the STEM door for women in the workplace
  • Meeting her husband, John Carter
  • John proposes to Fran while serving in the US Army in France
  • The American Rosie the Riveter Club
  • Annual American Rosie the Riveter Conference
  • Famous Rosie the Riveter posters
  • What todays generation can learn from the WW II generation
  • Good advice for teachers today
  • Celebrity status as a Rosie the Riveter

Website: American Rosie the Riveter Association