CIVICUS is a global alliance of over 10,000 activists and civil society organisations, especially from the Global South, that exists to defend people power. Our podcast brings you stories of people, communities, and organisations defending human rights and fighting for a more just, inclusive and sustainable world. As a human rights organisation, our activism focuses on human rights violations, civil liberties, and issues such as sustainability, safe protests, and good governance. Find out more on or on social media under @CIVICUSAlliance. read less


A decade after the Arab Spring
Jun 29 2021
A decade after the Arab Spring
Over ten years ago, millions of people took to the streets in the Middle East and North Africa to demand justice, democracy and fundamental freedoms. This was an important moment for civil society, that has left a long and checkered legacy. We speak to Mozn Hassan, a human rights defender from Egypt,  who took part in the Egyptian revolution in 2011. She speaks to us about that time and how it has shaped the feminist movement. She is the founder of Nazra, a women’s rights organization, which is working to strengthen the Egyptian feminist movement and integrate feminism and gender awareness into politics and society. Next, we hear from Lilia Khazri,  a 21-year old social activist from Tunisia advocating gender equality, peacebuilding and youth empowerment. She is also a member of the CIVICUS Youth Action Team. She reflects on her current activism and the influence of the Arab Spring. The threats against activists continue till today. We talk to Sayed Yousif al-Muhafdha, is a Bahraini human rights defender, who lives in exile in Germany, about his arrest and detention, and how the trauma of the Arab Spring stays with him and his family. CIVICUS Voices is a podcast produced by CIVICUS and hosted by Aarti Narsee and Mawethu Nkosana. Our producer is Elna Schütz, and today’s content producers were Matthew Reading Smith, Silvia Puerto Aboy, and Samia Diri. Find out more on or on social media under @CIVICUSAlliance.Music in this podcast is One Night In Africa by John Bartmann under CC0 1.You can find CIVICUS online and on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. CIVICUS Voices is hosted by Aarti Narsee and produced by Elna Schutz, Jamaine Krige, and the CIVICUS team.
What the fight for climate justice means now
Jun 15 2021
What the fight for climate justice means now
The Covid-19 pandemic halted a lot of activity, giving the environment a brief reprieve, but with governments opening up economies again, climate change activism is more important than ever. We start the show by discussing these trends with Inés Pousadela, who worked on CIVICUS's recent  State of Civil Society Report. She explains how activists have become creative in their methods, but many still face lethal threats in their work.  Hear what a day in their life sounds like for Perk Pomeyie, a youth environmental activist from bustling Ghana, who has mobilised young people for the Fridays for Future mobilisations. Later we speak to Munnira Katongole, a South African environmental activist fighting for social change and climate justice.  She speaks to the historical and intersectional nature of the climate justice fight, and how we are running out of time. We close the show by telling you how you can get practically involved in your community to make a difference. CIVICUS Voices is a podcast produced by CIVICUS and hosted by Aarti Narsee and Mawethu Nkosana. Our producer is Elna Schütz, and today’s content producers were Nina Teggarty, Safia Khan and Maame Twum Barima.Find out more on or on social media under @CIVICUSAlliance.Music in this podcast is One Night In Africa by John Bartmann under CC0 1.You can find CIVICUS online and on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. CIVICUS Voices is hosted by Aarti Narsee and produced by Elna Schutz, Jamaine Krige, and the CIVICUS team.
How Covid-19 has impacted on civic space
Jun 1 2021
How Covid-19 has impacted on civic space
During the Covid-19 pandemic, civil society organisations took action as frontline responders, and as defenders of democracy, civic space and human rights. They often faced greater restrictions, sometimes under the guise of pandemic emergency response.  In this episode, we hear from activists and researchers about what this all means. Debora Leao is a civic space researcher with the CIVICUS Monitor, an online research tool tracking civic freedoms. She describes some of the trends they have seen throughout the pandemic, including greater detention of activists and stricter government to protesters.We hear from a voice on the ground in Fiji with feminist and human rights defender, Roshika Deo, as she gives us a glimpse into her daily work while the country is under harsh lockdown restrictions. Later, Slovenian youth activist and the president of trade union Mladiplus, Tea Jarc, describes how they have used creative methods of political expression despite government pushback, including playing badminton in front of parliament. We close the show by telling you how you can get practically involved through the CIVICUS #StandAsMyWitness campaign, which has successfully called for the release of 9 activists and Human Rights Defenders so far. CIVICUS Voices is a podcast produced by CIVICUS and hosted by Aarti Narsee and Mawethu Nkosana. Our producer is Elna Schütz, and today’s content producers were Amal Atrakouti and Deborah Walter.Find out more on or on social media under @CIVICUSAlliance. Music in this podcast is One Night In Africa by John Bartmann under CC0 1.You can find CIVICUS online and on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. CIVICUS Voices is hosted by Aarti Narsee and produced by Elna Schutz, Jamaine Krige, and the CIVICUS team.