Understand Your Roots So You Can Reach the Stars with Genealogist Heather Murphy

Winning the Game of Work

Nov 1 2022 • 33 mins

Heather Murphy is a genealogist, speaker, and host of the Stories in Our Roots podcast. With a degree in Family History – Genealogy, Heather has spent over 20 years helping people learn who they are and where they come from, performing client research and speaking around the country, including at RootsTech, the largest conference in the family history industry. Entrepreneurs and professionals hire Heather to leverage the power of their genealogy to fortify their core self with greater clarity, curiosity, and courage to live their greatest purpose.

Website: https://heathercmurphy.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/msheathermurphy/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/msheathermurphy/

Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stories-in-our-roots/id1527610668

Here's how you can reach host Terry McDougall:




Her book Winning the Game of Workis available at Amazon