2022 April #BeTheGift Connections: "Saving Young Lives”

#BeTheGift Connections

Apr 29 2022 • 28 mins

On the April #BeTheGift Connections: "Saving Young Lives,” we highlight April being Donate Life Month and the week of April 25th being designated National Pediatric Transplant Week.  We have two inspiring stories about remarkable young people. One is a story of Kainen Boring, a donor hero, who passed away unexpectedly at the age of 17. His family knew he had talked about being an organ donor and it was important to them to follow his wishes. The second story is one of a family’s love for one another. Liza Cagle was diagnosed with a life-threatening condition when she was just months old. The only option was a liver transplant. Because of the gift of life, Liza is a healthy teenager today. Her cousin volunteered to be her living donor and today they share a special bond. Register to be an organ and tissue donor at BeTheGiftToday.com.