How much should you be charging as a creator? Pricing Conversations with Bree, the Founder of Thrive Blogging

The Creative Edition Podcast

Apr 11 2023 • 31 mins

Today, Bree joins me to discuss a range of what you could be charging for Instagram posts. If you are interested in learning what others are charging and want access to this guide, this podcast episode is for you.

We discuss the range of how much a nano influencer under 10,000 could be charging for an Instagram post, Reel, and Instagram Stories. We also chat about:

Why do you think creators and influencers continue to undercharge?
Is it transparency? Is it a lack of confidence?
How does lack of pay transparency hurt the influencer industry?

Get Thrive's FREE pricing guide on their website:

If you need help negotiating brand paid brand partnerships, my course How to Negotiate (Paid) Brand Collaborations is still available!

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