1. My Miracle Morning

Moms Need Moms

May 4 2022 • 31 mins

Welcome back everyone.  Today is a new day and a new Month.  Welcome March! I wanted to share with you all, My Miracle Morning and how it all got started.  I recommend you all pick up this quick and awesome read called the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.  It's definitely a game changer and I have incorporated his practices into my own morning routine.

The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0979019710/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_WY432W2Y0TX89A66XARM

This topic is super important to me, because it relates to "Self-Care" which is something that has become hugely popular, especially during the pandemic.  But it's also important to me because it's something that I have forgotten to do for myself for a very long time.  As I sat down and wrote out my morning ritual on paper, I realized that it wasn't as complicated or long at as one my think.  It was simple and tailored to fit my only personal needs.  And it all starts with something as simple as waking up earlier.  I know....crazy right?  But I promise, that you will enjoy this.Enjoy this awesome episode and I hope I was able to share some new and inspiring tidbits.  Do you have a morning routine or ritual? Share it on social media and tag me.  I would love to hear what your routine is like :-)Quote: "You've got to wake up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction." -Hal ElrodP.S.  My given name is Joann but I use Josie for social. :-)


I would love to connect with you all. And if you would be so kind as to leave me a review on Apple Podcasts, I would so greatly appreciate it.
Love you all 💙❤❤ Take care of you. I can't wait to hear from you all.

IG Handle: @_moms_need_moms_
Facebook: www.facebook.com/joann.p.camacho.3
email: momsneedmoms39@gmail.com