EP. 126 Stop Apologizing To You For YOU!

Breakthrough with Brig, Mindset + Life Coach

Apr 24 2023 • 21 mins

Apologizing to you for being you is like you have this, “ I'm sorry, I am the way I am” kind of vibe going on.

This may not be something that you do subconsciously or even to other people, but apologizing to you for being you is an internal discourse within you that is keeping you from where you want to be.

Even if you're working on improving yourself, you don't do that through apologizing for who you are, you do that by owning, “This is who I am, and this is where I am”. You don't argue with it, and resist it because you will never get to where you want to be by apologizing and resisting where you are.

Stop apologizing for reactions in your body to things that happen in this world, inside of you and around you. It is meant to be felt. It is meant to be experienced.  You have a right to be here. You have a right to be yourself. And you have a right to your feelings. No apologies need it.

I want you to live unapologetically within the confines of your body. Listen in to learn how.

And if you need additional support with releasing the good girl standard of living, get on the waitlist for the Deeply Rooted Group Coaching Program by visiting www.brigjohnson.com/group for more details.



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