Feb 28 2022
Episode 132 - Canadian Creeps and Cryptids with Haunted History BC
Canada is well known for hokey, poutine and cold weather. Eh? Yes, I also know Canada for Corner Gas and some of the best punk rock in the world (Anti-Queens, duh!). What about the ghosts and cryptids of our friendly neighbors to the north? Not content with another episode about Waverly or Whaley House, in this one, I turn to Gina and Victoria of Haunted History BC, those Canadian Mavens of Morbid Mayhem, for answers. We’ll talk about the sisters’ history in the paranormal, how they conduct investigations, their mascot, Onyx The Crow and more. The “more” being several stories of Canadian haunted places and cryptids!!! Good stuff, eh? Last “eh?” joke, I promise. Those Pennsylvanian Purveyors of PUNK, Advocaat, generously grace us with the song “Ghost” in this one, too. BOOOO, eh!!! Sorrrry about that.