Aug 23 2023
Your Career Revolution Ep206 "Learning the Art of Business Ownership" Andrew Yonkers and Jamie Allen
Learning the Art of Business Ownership with Andrew Yonkers and Jamie Allen Season 2 Ep 206Read more... Yonkers joined the United States Air Force in 2002 after high school graduation. He started his military service in aircraft structural maintenance, primarily working on F-16 fighter jets. Andrew planned to work for a military contractor after he retired from the service. However, the job offers did not meet his financial expectations, so he started to hunt for alternatives. That is when he met Jamie Allen, a Career Ownership Coach™ with The Entrepreneur’s Source® (TES), who contacted him. They both began the exploration of the business ownership opportunities available to Andrew.This Podcast covers their journey together. Both gentlemen had military backgrounds, and Jamie knew he could guide Andrew through discovering the possibilities.About Jamie Allen: As a Career Ownership Coach™ at The Entrepreneurs Source®, I help people build rewarding careers, take control of their lives, and create the income, lifestyle, wealth, and equity they seek. With over 40 years of combined experience as a business owner, CEO, board member, and career Air Force officer, I have the skills, knowledge, and passion to guide you through discovering and evaluating alternative career options outside the traditional job market.According to Andrew, You know, honestly, it was just, it’s been something I’ve been thinking about for years. And, ultimately, in the end, I thought about it, I’m like, you know, I’ve done the military for this many years. And really, I want to be my own boss; I want to make my own schedule and not have to go out there and, you know, line things up with everybody else. So that’s ultimately one of the biggest decision makers, the other one, with the particular brand I went with. My wife was an architect. So, it made sense for us to go the route that we went.Jamie adds: Andrew chose to complete his military career. Now, it’s time to go to Career 2.0. And it’s all positive, but it’s completely new, and his options are many different types. He has a lot of leadership and management skills. And the first thing I heard in his voice was I want to use those. I want to be my own boss; Andrew learned a lot throughout his military career, which resonated with us both. And I want to use that I want to use it for family, and I want to use it for our community, and I have a vision of where I’m going and be in charge of that vision. Early in our conversations, he talked about being a multi-unit owner with multiple territories and possibly multiple franchise brands to diversify. So, he was already putting out a vision of what he wanted to do. Now, he wanted to discover how to get there. What are his options, and the franchising piece really connected with him,Read more podcast is based on our latest book “Your Career Revolution: Reimagine and Reclaim the Life of Your Dreams,” which gives people permission to dream. Terry Powell, Visionary Founder, co-authored this revolutionary book alongside the Career Ownership Coach community. This book is a great guide and starting point for anyone who wants to make meaningful changes in their lives and careers. From the Franchise Source Brands International and The Entrepreneur’s Source.