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Everyday Victual
Michael Ishaku
This is the audio version of Everyday Victual daily devotional available at michaelishaku.wordpress.com.
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Dec 24 2023
Priceless Gifts
Jesus is the reason for the season. There are priceless gifts He came for us to have. Let's take a look at some of them.
Dec 24 2023
Priceless Gifts
Jesus is the reason for the season. There are priceless gifts He came for us to have. Let's take a look at some of them.
Dec 23 2023
Perspire To Greatness
History is waiting to record your story, but are you willing to tell it. Find out some important truth about geniuses that will help you tell a story the world will remember.
Dec 22 2023
Let God Be First
A favoured life is what we all desire. Many go after it not being able to get it. Here’s an important secret to it.
Dec 21 2023
Choose Blessing
Life will either be a product of chance or choice. What does chance mean and what does choice mean? Dig in and see.
Dec 20 2023
Key To Happiness
Everyone is looking for this thing called happiness. There are many way it can be gotten. Sadly, most of them are provide only temporary happiness. Here are 2 keys to lasting happiness.
Dec 19 2023
Live With Urgency
We don't have forever to live on earth. A sense of urgency is required if we will make the best of the time that we have.
Dec 18 2023
Little Increments
The Bible makes reference to ants a couple of times so there's so much to learn from them. One powerful lesson they teach is the importance of little incremental increases.
Dec 17 2023
Habit Overhaul
Most of the things you do daily are habit-controlled. This is also true of the richest and the poorest men in the world. You need to be sure you are on the right course.
Dec 16 2023
New Story
Where you be in ten years will not happen by chance or mistake, it is already being decided right now. That's why it is dangerous not to be deliberate about life.
Dec 15 2023
Rise Up One More Time
Failure as an event is different from failure as a person. You response to failure is a critical part of your journey to success.
Dec 14 2023
Patience Instead of Anxiety
God's will is for us to walk through adversity with a calm attitude. That's an important step towards víctory.
Dec 13 2023
Remorseless Perseverance
Stick-to-itiveness is a virtue that must be inculcated for success to happen. If giving up comes easy, success will be illusive.
Dec 12 2023
Dress For The Future
Virtues are like clothes, some to put on and others to put off. The virtues you wear will determine where life will admit you.
Dec 11 2023
Build Gradually
Things that happen too fast usually don't last. Things of worth require time, sometimes longer than we expect.
Dec 10 2023
Value Through Practice
Increase your value, Increase your worth. Practice is a major key to make this happen,
Dec 9 2023
Contagious Positivity
What happens to you isn't as important as your response. Shake off the dust of your negative past and move on.
Dec 8 2023
Wired For Difficult
We are not wired by God for easy only. We are wired for difficult as well. Don’t run from hard situations. Face them and conquer them because you have what it takes.
Dec 7 2023
A New Man
The 'born-again' experience is a most amazing experience that redirects from a path of failure and frustration to a path of success and satisfaction.
Dec 6 2023
The Tree Will Fall
Felling a tree takes time. Seems impossible at first until after a while. That's how it is when you are trying to accomplish a difficult task.
Dec 5 2023
A Daily Affair
Success is a daily affair; a daily plan; a daily step. Success is decided by your daily routine.