Ep 88: CROSSROADS, The Maga & Doing What Makes YOU Happy.

The Hedonistic Way

Sep 27 2021 • 26 mins


She is bubbling underneath,

Alluring you into the underworld of decadence,

When we ignore her she doesn’t go away,

She waits,

She’s the purr under your skin,

She’s that clench of your butt cheeks,

She is someone I avoided for a long time,

She was a piece of me that I would find in small moments,

Often under the influence,

The hunger to be uninhibited,

I felt so free there,

I didn’t care what people thought, I was just me,

In a life where I let the need for people to like me consume me,

Swayed by what people thought I was meant to do with my life,

So I hopped from thing to thing trying to find THE thing,

I chopped and changed,

Moved from place to place looking for THE place,

This  constant pursuit to be content, consumed my every thought and action,  to the point where I was never really able to enjoy life because I was  high tailing to this LIFE I COULD NEVER CATCH.
