Stories from the Heart of Leadership

Shahmeen Sadiq, PCC

Over my years as a leadership consultant and executive coach, I’ve been fascinated by the stories that lie underneath the surface of our human façade. I’m noticing a theme: We think we are alone in our experience and we have learned that it’s not OK to talk about it.brbr Things happen in life: wonderful, terrible and sad things. It appears safer, especially at work, to put a neutral face on it all and carry on. Better to look like we have it all together than to let them see the joy, shame or dread we might be feeling on the inside.brbrMy hope is for us to become more resilient and effective by connecting at the level of our shared humanity. When someone courageously gives voice to their yearning, fear or uncertainty, the potential for creating extraordinary results at work, at home and elsewhere is exponentially increased.brbrLearn more about this, how it works and how you can put it into service in your life. read less
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