When It’s Time To Move On: Knowing When & The Steps To Transition Into What’s Next For You!

Faith + Purpose +Profit (FPP)

Feb 10 2023 • 35 mins

In this 2 part episode, I am giving you the steps you need to move into your next level!

When you feel this rumble in your belly to transition into either starting a business alongside your 9 to 5 or your next best corporate move.  If you are going to do something you have never done, then you need a lot more than what you already know. After all, when God is nudging you to level up, it’s not about who you already are, it’s about who you have not yet become.

In this this episode I will walk you through the tools you need to make the impact God intended for you to make in this world which will move you past just being successful and into significance.  Ultimately mastering the significance God intended for you is tied to your ability to LEVEL UP!

By the way, what’s different this season is my podcast is NOT a weekly wrap up.  Oh I am coming to give you even more strategy as well as guests who will join us to pour into you as well.   I am so excited as I am Leveling Up how my podcast serves you in 2023!