Mentoring Your Mind

Joyful Leader

Nov 7 2024 • 32 mins

An exceptional mentor is invaluable. They provide perspective, wisdom, and guidance.

One of the greatest skills we can develop is to mentor our own minds. To learn to step in and be that voice for ourselves.

Today’s podcast is an in-depth, practical guide to developing or deepening this ability. I’m sharing more about what it means to mentor your mind, and specific, practical tips for exactly how to do it and when.

Thanks for listening.

Hungry for more of the things we talk about on this podcast? Visit to find articles, classes, and other resources. Or to schedule a free 60-minute consultation to talk about working with me as your coach. You can also find me on Instagram @mimigordoncoaching.

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Original music by Amir Sberlo | Never Bored Photograph by Vivian Johnson Design by Deena Rutter This podcast is hosted by

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