#132 On the Hunt for Summit Speakers

Sweet Buzz - Scaling a Digital B2B Business With Dancho Dimkov

Oct 14 2022 • 7 mins

Episode #132 of Sweet Buzz - Scaling a Digital B2B Business, "On the Hunt for Summit Speakers".

Wonderful things are happening, and I can't hide my excitement and happiness. Although it scares me a little, I jump оf joy!

We're organizing a summit! Yay!

This is the first time for all of us, and it will be a journey.

Another news is that I am leaving for Malta on a short family trip.

But I still have to keep up with the preparations for the summit.

Boy, oh boy, I can't describe how excited I am.

P.s. Is anyone interested in being a speaker at the BizzBee Summit?

Can't get enough?

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