Life is Short, Get Divorced.

@HonestlyHannah & @JustJenSAV

Outrageous & opinionated thoughts on how to divorce the things in your life that don't bring you joy! @honestlyHannah & @JustJenSav bring you weekly accounts of the ongoing balance of getting it done and how to not take your life too seriously. Life is short, get divorced! read less
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Self Help Madness!
Dec 7 2022
Self Help Madness!
S2E7: Self Help MadnessFrom handling toxic relationships to finding your love language, in this week’s #LISGD episode, our hosts share their favorite resources for self help advice. Want more details? Here’s what @honestlyHannah and @justJenSav cover in this Episode:@justJenSav  divorces the “ ah-hah!” gift this year - just gonna keep things simple and meaningful around the 2022 tree! Since Hannah is going to Munich for the holidays, this week she is divorcing her time on social media and trying to make some time to read an actual book. She has had an idea for her own book  since 2005, so stay tuned for future developments…..@justJenSav is into self- help books/ podcasts - reading over ten a year in many different subjects - thanks to audio books! Here are some of her favorites:When you need encouragement, check out You Are A Badass and Girl, Wash Your Face!Looking to make a major change in life and are a people pleaser, dive into THE COURAGE TO BE DISLIKED. Seeking a way to additional financial resources, read THE FOUR HOUR WORKWEEK, Ready to step up your professional game, delve into THE ONE MINUTE MANAGERWant to work on your personal relationship with others - both hosts thought THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES was a must read, but agreed most guys don’t know love languages. Other books suggested include GETTING THE LOVE YOU WANT and  I HEAR YOU.  Getting a Divorce and have kids - read immediately Mom’s House, Dad’s House - it is filled with great suggestions regarding equal custody, keeping things consistent at both homes and having respect for the other parent in the presence of children. #lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowerment Thanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Divorcing Aging
Nov 23 2022
Divorcing Aging
S2E6: Divorcing AgingIn this week’s #LISGD episode, our hosts get real about divorcing aging in their lives! Exhausted but still giddy from the wedding, @justJenSav  doesn’t even want to talk about divorce, Beauty Bitch Michelle Turley returns with tips about how to keep your skin ageless and our hosts banter about how to gracefully handle the aging process!! Here’s what and @honestlyHannah and @justJenSav cover in this Episode:@honestlyHannah has a major Thanksgiving evening event - it's a 50-year family tradition her parents started when she was born - Santa visits and has worn the same suit each year!  We learn about how @honestlyHannah designed the new and improved suit, and talk family traditions - lord they can age us! Not a fan of Thanksgiving, @justJenSav has PTSD when she thinks of the years her kids were not around because she had to share holiday time with their dad. She also says divorcing over the top holiday decor makes her happy!Now that @honestlyHannah has discovered her passion for pottery, we all know what  she will be giving as gifts this year! As our hosts start to embrace aging as they hit the 50s decade, they don’t feel their actual age! Hear how young (or old) their brains are and how their aging parents are showing them their future selves.Talking about accepting the reality we will not be forever young, quality time with those we love takes top priority!Beauty Bitch Michelle Turley talks about how her profession is changing at lightning speed and how important it is to have a good self-care routine starting with a strong sunblock! Thanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
WHOOMP! There It Is!!
Nov 9 2022
WHOOMP! There It Is!!
S2E5: WHOOMP! There It Is!!In this week’s #LISGD episode, our hosts try to calm @justJenSav  jitters as she gets ready for her son’s wedding, then they jump into a deep dive discussion about how all of us have experienced that “WHOOMP! There It Is” moment when we realize a relationship is not working.  “Ask Our Man” favorite host Justin comes back to talk about his libido and how he  keeps his marriage thriving.Want more details? Here’s what @honestlyHannah and @justJenSav cover in this Episode:Get @justJenSav  a Xanax! She starts the podcast worried about how much is on her plate to get done before for her son’s wedding. She knows she can’t divorce the wedding but still has lots of little details to get done before the big day!!! Be on the lookout for a full “All Things Wedding”  episode coming out over the holidays!It’s November - Finally it’s really fall - and @honestlyHannah is divorcing her obsession with the hand painted tile in her kitchen. Soon after they were installed, the tiles started to flake and @honestlyHannah took action! She divorced herself from the mess by  scraping off the tile pattern herself!A close friend shared with  @justJenSav,  recently she had a moment when she was with her ex-husband - now called "Wusband" - at her child’s sports game. When he reacted in a certain way, she had her own,  “WHOOMP! There It Is” realization, reminding her why they are not together any more.#lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowermentThanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Dating after Divorce
Oct 26 2022
Dating after Divorce
S2E4: Dating after DivorceIn this week’s #LISGD episode, our hosts are trying to decide how to divorce all the Fall activity madness surrounding their personal lives, then they discover the term “WUSBAND” and get all the nitty gritty details about online dating from their newly divorced friend Mandy. Want more details? Here’s what @honestlyHannah and @justJenSav  cover in this Episode:A life-long believer of over the counter hair products,  @honestlyHannah decides to divorce this belief after she has seen how amazing her hair is performing with high-end salon products. @justJenSav is hoping to divorce personal clothes shopping through the end of the year. However, since she will miss this activity, she is willing to personally shop for others as long as she does not have to go to Talbots. @justJenSav introduces her new friend, Mandy, and is excited about the term Mandy recently introduced to our hosts - WUSBAND. Mandy heard this term from a friend and asked if she could borrow that term  - she felt like the term ex husband was a bit severe to use. Both @honestlyHannah and @justJenSav  are now thinking of all the great merchandise options that could be developed around the WUSBAND theme!Mandy who was married for over 20 years and has three grown daughters, has been divorced less than 30 days. She was pleased how she and her WUSBAND handled the decisions and tough conversations they had to navigate without anger and drama and even worked together without a mediator and shared one attorney during the divorce process.Recently Mandy jumped into the online dating game and although she met a few people she did not click with, she is now going out with someone fun and is pleased she has met someone so compatible for her. Mandy talked about some of those first dates she had to endure - meeting men for coffee, a visit to the farmers markets, etc. She set a goal of 25 people to connect with during her online dating experiment. #lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowermentwww.lifeisshortgetdivorced.comThanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
It's The Little Things...
Oct 12 2022
It's The Little Things...
S2E3: It's The Little Things...In this week’s #LISGD episode, our hosts are talking about the small things that bring them down on a daily basis. @honestlyHannah’s husband, Brian, joins the show for this week’s “Ask Our Man” segment and talks about how their partnership began.Want more details? @honestlyHannah loves her sleepy time app, but @justJenSav  thinks she needs to pay more attention to her sleep patterns. She may divorce Ray Donovan and Showtime because she is getting obsessed with the show and watches it until she falls asleep!Both love TV binging - is there anything new to watch? @honestlyHannah is watching Virgin River and @justJenSav  is watching Little House on the Prairie - she even tells us about her  Little House 9th birthday party!Defining those little things - @honestlyHannah  talks about taking Brian for his first pedicure and how much he loved it. Our hosts get details about how when it comes to little things, folks get irritated and let the little things take over.@justJenSav  says don’t sweat the small stuff but there are things that drive her crazy, making her become frustrated. Sometimes she does not mention these little things, but should she? It’s ok to get rid of those little things and walk away rather than causing more drama.Holiday time can really trigger how little things can become big issues. Our hosts, both of whom have been married to Europeans, talk about how American holidays carry so many high  expectations. Americans get into holiday mode starting at Halloween through the new year! @honestlyHannah prefers the European attitude - they don’t have unrealistic expectations.Can you name your little thing? Our hosts recommend claiming the little thing that is  bothering you and learn how to separate from this “small” issue.  @honestlyHannah’s husband, Brian joins us for our “Ask Our Man” segment, sharing how he met Hannah and how their relationship began. Brian talks about being married to American women, his new American citizenship from IreBland, his positive attitude about divorce, and how proud he is of his wife.#lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters Thanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Self-Talk: Our Love/Hate Relationship
Sep 28 2022
Self-Talk: Our Love/Hate Relationship
S2E2:  Self-Talk: Our Love/Hate RelationshipIn this week’s #LISGD episode, Our hosts are filled with ideas on how to combat negative self-talk, talking at length about how our attitudes and future behaviors are affected by what we are thinking about alone in our minds! As they obsess about  @justJenSav ’s athleisure confusion and @honestlyHannah’s pottery passion, they spend some quality time with their “Ask Our Man” guest, Justin, who shares his insights into keeping communications consistently strong with your partner.@honestlyHannah shares why she is never divorcing pottery because it gives her the chance to unplug from her cell and just focus on one thing - making special pottery gifts for all her friends.When @honestlyHannah mentions her desire to divorce athleisure, Jen talks about her recent trip to ATL where every woman was wearing Lululemons and she looked out of place “dressed up” in real clothes. Even Jen and her goddaughter went shopping at Lululemon and supported the ATL athleisure movement!As they jump into self-talk analysis, both agree women and men have different self-talk patterns and wonder why women’s self-talk tends to be more negative. They would never talk to their friends the way they talk to themselves, so remember this the next time you are negative about yourself. @honestlyHannah and  @justJenSav recommend reaching out for a friend so you can try to hear the positive things about yourself and not get bogged down in all the self-shaming.  @justJenSav also recommended what she has done in the past - talk to yourself in the third person - she says it helps you remain in the facts and less negative.Justin comes back to the show so we can “Ask Our Man” about how he and his wife have learned how to communicate effectively over their 26 years of marriage. Justin believes most people focus on the negative parts of their life, and if he did that all the time he would be very disappointed. Being positive about our life and our partner is important. Justin says he works on being self-aware, but wants to be there for his partner and support her in the ways she needs it rather than just thinking about himself.#lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowermentThanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Welcome to Season 2! How do you want to Vacay?
Sep 14 2022
Welcome to Season 2! How do you want to Vacay?
S2 E1:  Welcome to Season 2! How do you want to Vacay?This week’s #LISGD episode is filled with feedback from friends, family and, yes even a fan, as the girls return to the studio for their second season! They are divorcing more things out of their life, talking about their hot vs cold vacays, and interviewing their Beauty Bitch, Esthetician Michelle Turley of Savannah Chatham Plastic Surgery.Want more details? Here’s what @honestlyHannah and @justJenSav  cover in this Episode:We want more details! Feedback has been consistent @honestlyHannah and @justJenSav need to give us more intel about how they are divorcing things out of their life and why.Hannah says progress is being made on folks talking about divorcing bad stuff out of their life - her mother now talks about  what she is “divorcing”! Hannah is determined to divorce sweating and claims there are some new cures for "humidititties."As our hosts eat cookies and cheese straws and wish for future sponsors, there seems to be no divorcing carbs this week!Future topics for season two will include a deep dive on self-help books, more financial learning tools, the beloved, “Ask our Man” interviews and more talking about sex.Hannah’s COLD vacay  all started from her son wanting an “adventure” vacation included  having only four hours of sunlight during their week away! Jen’s HOT vacay included total relaxation hitting the catamaran, dock, rooftop pools but it didn’t get started or end easy. Her friend Kay had to endure planes, trains and automobiles to get to Mexico, and Jen had an extended time off being diagnosed with COVID the night she got back from vacay!Hannah is now not really thrilled about her next trip to IreBland, where she hopes some listeners may be found on her trip.Hannah brags about our first fan encounter after her voice was recognized at a local watering hole. She and the fan bonded on being divorced and living in Savannah.Michele Turley, LISGD’s Beauty Bitch, a well respected esthetician with Chatham Plastic Surgery gives us her history of getting down dirty with our skin and some important beauty bits to never forget!#lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowermentwww.lifeisshortgetdivorced.comThanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Gym Days, Clothing & More!
Aug 31 2022
Gym Days, Clothing & More!
Episode 14: Gym Days, Clothing & More!In this week’s #LISGD episode, @honestlyHannah and @justJenSav talk about what gets them motivated in the gym, their husbands affinity for pedicures, and how their closets change with age. Having recently lost over 65 pounds, honestlyHannah reveals how her weight loss  has affected her fashion choices and the way she shops. Meanwhile, justJenSav plots how she plans to stage a closet intervention and show off honestlyHannah’s new curves! Want more details? Here’s what honestlyHannah and justJenSAV cover in this Episode:honestlyHannah admits to cheating on her gym-partner, justJenSav. She's ending her lengthy separation with working out and reuniting with their old trainer. Meanwhile, justJenSav and the gym are still on the outs. honestlyHannah and justJenSav reveal what actually keeps them motivated to get back to the gymjustJenSav debunks the theory of “if you find an exercise you love, it won’t feel like work!” Newsflash - It still does! Our hosts agree - “You can’t outrun a bad diet, and you can’t out diet skipping the gym”justJenSav spills her shopping secrets and convinces honestlyHannah they must be “boutique bitches!”honestlyHannah ponders if there is such a thing as “sexy fishing gear”....justJenSav and honestlyHannah throw out the label “ex-husband” and coin the new term “was-band” #lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowermentwww.lifeisshortgetdivorced.comThanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Material Girls!
Aug 17 2022
Material Girls!
Episode 13: Material Girls!In this week’s #LISGD episode, Wendy Wallace with Lighthouse Financial Group is back for another segment of “Watch yo money with Wendy”! @honestlyHannah and @justJenSav quiz Wendy on YOUR questions surrounding planning for the future and living within your means. Because really, are we living to work or working to live? Listen in as our hosts talk living in excess, changing financial priorities, and being bad influences on each other… (Especially in South Beach!)Want more details? Here’s what honestlyHannah and justJenSAV cover in this Episode:While honestlyHannah budgets to live within her means, justJenSAV admits her heavy hand with a credit card is what taught her how to hustle! Wendy proposes a challenge to our hosts: For 30 days, no matter what the expense, write down what you spend your money on… Better bring out the wine now! justJenSav can attest - Women love to live in excess. Listen in as Wendy gives her expert tips on earning an income to afford all the mani pedis your heart desires. justJenSav and Wendy discuss the books that changed their financial lives forever. Our hosts agree, finally being able to retire can seem like a fairytale. Wendy talks about ways to turn that fairytale into a reality. Education is the key to financial success! For more information, visit Wendy’s website at for free downloads, questionnaires, and information on available workshops. #lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters Thanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Divorcing Friends - The Great Debate
Aug 3 2022
Divorcing Friends - The Great Debate
Episode 12:  Divorcing Friends - The Great DebateIn this week’s #LISGD episode, @honestlyHannah and @justJenSav debate the impossible question - can you divorce a friend? And if so, how do you do it without guilt? Whether due to a blow out fight, or death by a thousand cuts, sometimes friendships don’t stand the test of time. In today’s world of social media, is it even possible to divorce a friend? Listen in as our hosts give their thoughts on what it takes to actually be a good friend, how selective to be when accepting Facebook friend requests, and the ever classic “slow-fade”. Want more details? Here’s what honestlyHannah and justJenSAV cover in this Episode:Our hosts agree, as you get older, it feels like your bandwidth for new friends enters a gradual decline. True or False: Facebook friends aren't real friends? Our hosts share their thoughts on how social media affects friendships. justJenSav is a self-proclaimed Facebook friend “slut”. (But hey - PR is a numbers game!) Meanwhile, honestlyHannah admits her one rule for accepting friend requests - no coworkers! honestlyHannah and justJenSav debate the pros and cons of a friendship slow-fade, and how to approach a combative friend from a loving place.Our hosts wonder - Does a woman’s need to “be liked” affect the number of friends they have? And later, when it comes to divorce, how do you split custody of the friends? justJenSav reveals the difficulties behind choosing sides. honestlyHannah emphasizes that being a good friend is never a one way street!#lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowermentwww.lifeisshortgetdivorced.comThanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Bless your F-ing Heart!
Jul 20 2022
Bless your F-ing Heart!
Episode 11:  Bless Your F-ing Heart!In this week’s #LISGD episode, @honestlyHannah and @justJenSav discuss one of the South’s nicest insults, “bless your heart!” While the phrase may sound sweet as pie, us southerners know there is no better way to call someone an idiot while still using your best southern manners. With both of our hosts being self-proclaimed Type A people, they often struggle with the internal battle between calling out idiocy and holding their tongue. While honestlyHannah still favors being direct, justJenSav admits that as the years go on, sometimes it’s easier to kill them with kindness. Listen in as our hosts reveal their thoughts on why dealing with men is sometimes easier, how to navigate today’s polarized world, and knowing when to pick your battles! Want more details? Here’s what honestlyHannah and justJenSAV cover in this Episode:In the South, where politeness reigns, our hosts reveal the common workarounds to delivering a cutting insult with a smile on your face. justJenSav discusses how to know when it's best to address conflict head-on or when it's best to walk away. True to her name, honestlyHannah believes speaking your truth is always the best solution.Our hosts share their thoughts on how to navigate the holiday season with combative inlaws, especially with today’s political climate. honestlyHannah reveals her preference for working with men and how women’s tendency to “people please” often lands them in sticky situations. justJenSav talks about advice she would give to her younger self when it comes to confrontation and how sometimes in life it's best to let things roll off your shoulders. In our host's wise words, “It will all be okay in the end. And if it's not okay, then it’s not the end!”#lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowermentwww.lifeisshortgetdivorced.comThanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Opportunity is Knocking….#Hellooooo!?
Jul 6 2022
Opportunity is Knocking….#Hellooooo!?
Episode 10:  Opportunity is Knocking….#Hellooooo!?In this week’s #LISGD episode, our boss bitches @honestlyHannah and @justJenSav discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of life as an entrepreneur and business owner. Our hosts reveal what jobs (or lack thereof) lead them to where they are today, the fear of failing, and the pressure of an employee’s paycheck resting on their shoulders. Even knowing the ups and downs to come, justJenSav admits she is a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and if given the chance, she’d do it all over again. Because really, who needs time for a hobby anyway?! Listen in as our hosts give some sage advice for those considering life as an entrepreneur!Want more details? Here’s what honestlyHannah and justJenSAV cover in this Episode:justJenSAV discusses the importance of having flexibility as a woman in the workplace, especially as you introduce kids into the equation. Our hosts emphasize the importance of hustle, a high-risk tolerance, and a bit of luck when it comes to starting a business. Entrepreneur life isn't for the faint of heart!honestlyHannah admits her fear of failure and the drastic measures she took to get her businesses up and running. justJenSav confesses her envy of millennials and their affinity for work-life balance and ability to jump on career opportunities as they appear.honestlyHannah talks about the importance of giving yourself permission to fail, knowing when to pivot, and following your gut.Our hosts reveal their secret to a successful business brainstorming session - Sake! In our host’s wise words, “great opportunities are often scary, but when the opportunity comes knocking, that's your chance to take it and see what's on the other side.” #lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowermentwww.lifeisshortgetdivorced.comThanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Gettin' Real about Marital Divorce
Jun 22 2022
Gettin' Real about Marital Divorce
Episode 9: Gettin' Real about Marital DivorceWhat would the #LISGD podcast be without our two hosts dishing on their own experiences! This week, @honestlyHannah and @justJenSAV recall their personal brushes with divorce over the years. Our hosts don’t hold back when they are joined by divorce attorney, David Schachter, who answers all your burning questions surrounding modern divorce. Listen in as David gives his unfiltered thoughts and sage advice for when considering divorce. In David’s wise words - “Divorce is never a good thing. But sometimes, a good divorce is better than a lousy marriage!”Want more details? Here’s what honestlyHannah and justJenSAV cover in this Episode:honestlyHannah and justJenSAV agree - divorce is messy, complicated, and often emotionally draining. Our hosts dig into the bad, and not so bad, of their own divorces.Later, special guest and divorce attorney, David Schachter with The Schachter Law Firm, LLC, joins our hosts to share an inside look at divorce from the other side. justJenSav asks the hard hitting questions we all want to know - Do people really hire private detectives, or are we watching too many TV dramas? COVID and Divorce? They go together like peanut butter and jelly! David shares how he got into divorce law and his “deal breaker” when it comes to whether or not to file for divorce. #lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowermentwww.lifeisshortgetdivorced.comThanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Get the Fuck Out!
May 11 2022
Get the Fuck Out!
Episode Six - Get The Fuck Out!This week, @honestlyHannah and @JustJenSAV discuss when to Get The Fuck Out of a relationship! Our hosts rehash their previous divorces and all the little moments that led up to their decisions to leave, with zero guilt. Whether it’s the anxiety of telling family and friends or feeling like a failure, thoughts of divorce can make your own brain a scary place. To help navigate a major life decision like getting a divorce, our hosts are joined by licensed professional counselor Scott Pennington of Marietta Roswell Counseling Group.  Based in Atlanta, GA, Scott is a couples and family counselor who often deals with relationships on the brink of collapse. In this week's “Sessions with Scott”, Scott breaks down the emotional and business sides of divorce and gives advice on communication skills for couples. Want more details? Here’s what honestlyHannah and JustJenSAV cover in Episode 6:Whether it’s silence instead of fights, “you and I” instead of “we” - the signs that it’s time for a divorce may be subtle, but they’re there. As JustJenSAV would say, sometimes it’s, “death by a thousand cuts”. honestlyHannah recaps a trip to Italy where the former wife of an Iowa corn farmer changed her life and convinced honestlyHannah to do the same. Don’t get corn-bored! JustJenSAV admits to having an Oprah-approved counselor flown in for couples counseling to work through the decision to leave her second husband. After using only 2 of the allotted 8 hours, JustJenSAV got her answer. Our hosts acknowledge the power of a third party when making these life changing decisions, and how important it is to have a support group to lean on. During “Sessions with Scott,” listeners get to hear firsthand from a licensed counselor how to work through the emotionally charged decision to get divorced, but also the business side of preparing to leave. #lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowermentwww.lifeisshortgetdivorced.comThanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Money, Money, Money!
Apr 27 2022
Money, Money, Money!
Episode 5: Money, Money, Money!This week,  @honestlyHannah and @JustJenSAV discuss the importance of financial intimacy in relationships. Our hosts are joined by professional financial planner, Wendy Wallace, CEO of Lighthouse Financial Group, for their first “Watch Yo Money with Wendy” segment. Listen in as Wendy discusses the female psyche when it comes to money in relationships, the importance of “money dates,” and so much more! Want more details? Here’s what honestlyHannah and JustJenSAV cover in Episode 5:honestlyHannah admits to being a control freak when it comes to handling the finances. The unsexy part? Husband #3 has no chance of surprising her! Our hosts can agree - The best advice they’ve gotten when it comes to money in relationships? Have separate and joint accounts. Financial Planner, Wendy Wallace, joins our hosts for their first, “Watch Yo Money With Wendy,” segment where they discuss why women are afraid to talk about money with their partners, what amount of spending should be shared with your partner, money management in different generations, and why a third party is sometimes helpful to get the conversation started. And of course, the #LISGD duo touch on what information everyone needs to know if divorce looks like it might be on the horizon. Light some candles and grab a bottle of wine because we're talking financial intimacy, baby! #lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowermentwww.lifeisshortgetdivorced.comThanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Bitches Go Down (South to Miami!)
Apr 13 2022
Bitches Go Down (South to Miami!)
Episode 4: Bitches Go Down (South to Miami!) This week, @honestlyHannah and @JustJenSAV recap their top ten observations from their most recent girls trip to South Beach, FL. Listen in as they dish about all things burrata, admiring gay men and loving the Versace Mansion. And be sure to check out pictures and videos from the trip on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced. Want more details? Here’s what honestlyHannah and JustJenSAV cover in Episode 4:How honestlyHannah and JustJenSAV overstayed their welcome at the Versace Mansion, eating lunch by the pool and chatting up a gorgeous man from Rome for makeup advice.Why do gay men seem to have the most fabulous, fun trips! Is it the speedos? Or, is it their ability to always look amazing, even while scarfing down carbs? Our hosts continue their quest to understand this dynamic in more detail.While honestlyHannah and JustJenSAV managed to find the one hotel room without a closet, it was not missing a Redbull margarita machine in the lobby. Miami is one caffeinated city!honestlyHannah and JustJenSAV talk Miami fashion and looking like cougars amongst a sea of athleisure. JustJenSAV is a self proclaimed “burrata bitch.” Is it possible to OD on cheese? Asking for a friend… Our hosts agree - sometimes it’s just better to go with the flow! Half the fun of a girls trip is just being with your friends. Wake up late. Sip coffee in your robe. Or, take a note from our hosts and binge the latest season of Yellowstone from your hotel! #lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowermentwww.lifeisshortgetdivorced.comThanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Beauty and the Beast of Old Age (Bonus Episode)
Apr 6 2022
Beauty and the Beast of Old Age (Bonus Episode)
BONUS EPISODE: Beauty and the Beast of Old AgeIt’s time to take off those eye patches and look inside your beauty regimen and overstuffed makeup drawer with our hosts @HonestlyHannah and @JustJenSav! Listen as they dish about their favorite discount and high-end beauty purchases, treatments they are scared of but keeping coming back to - #nopainnogain - and how they are trying to do their best to not look their age - but nobody said this was done naturally!Want more details? Here’s what HonestlyHannah and JustJenSAV cover in this BONUS Episode:HonestlyHannah said she just started getting getting serious about the beauty game when she turned 50 and claims she does not have as many beauty regimens as JustJenSAV.HonestlyHannah RAVES about her favorite Thrive Causmetics JustJenSAV tells us all the happiness she experiences from getting her hair blown out by a professional, and raves about drugstore products she just can’t live without.HonestlyHannah thanks JustJenSAV for helping her discover Urban Decay’s All Nighter makeup setting spray - a game changer!Botox has been in JustJenSAV’s world for over 15 years, but HonestlyHannah just entered the world of fillers. Both hosts use the same esthetician - Michelle - who loves to burn their face with lasers in the name of skin health - something our hosts will do again because of the fantastic results!Both hosts agree healthy eating and drinking more water are two of the easiest ways to boost your beauty routine.JustJenSAV is looking at giving away some of the many cans of dry shampoo she has collected in her bathroom - be on the lookout for a future beauty regimen giveaway!Tinted moisturizer, Mac Studio Fix powder and Maybelline foundation are always found in our host's makeup bag! #lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowermentwww.lifeisshortgetdivorced.comThanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced
Poly & Throuple & Bi, OH MY!
Mar 30 2022
Poly & Throuple & Bi, OH MY!
Episode 3:  Poly & Throuple & Bi, OH MY! This episode proves you are never too old to learn some new things about how relationships work! Our hosts, @honestlyHannah and @JustJenSAV talk about being part of a community that loves to gossip, talking about how to handle the haters and even embrace the love of fascinating conversations about others that may not have a sliver of truth! This episode’s “Ask Our Man” segment gets real about a baby mama, online dating and the interesting dynamics of being a part of a polyamorous relationship.Want more details? Here’s what honestlyHannah and JustJenSAV cover in Episode 3:How honestlyHannah met her third (and current) husband in Savannah at a garden party. Then, soon after, when JustJenSAV agrees to meet her for a quick cocktail, she gets the “I’m Busy, Girl” non-verbal cue from honestlyHannah because she is talking to her new beau (now husband) with a sexy foreign accent.Our hosts share another thing they have in common - both honestlyHannah and JustJenSAV have been married to Europeans with accents!Living in Savannah, GA, one of the locations where the Julia Roberts movie,”Let’s Give Them Something To Talk About” was filmed sure seems fitting as our hosts discuss the extreme amount of gossip being done in their hometown - it seems like recreational gossip may be a professional sport in the Hostess City!JustJenSAV talks about how most of her best friends from college are from towns even smaller than Savannah and her theory that the smaller the town, the more folks gossip!honestlyHannah and JustJenSAV love telling people who are recently divorced,  “Congratulations!” rather than being sad and negative.Timmy, this episode’s “Ask Our Man” guest, gives juicy details about his personal life with his baby mama, dating a great Jamaican lady and meeting potential partners online.Listen as our hosts get their minds blown when Timmy shares the benefits he discovered in a polyamorous relationship.#lifeisshortgetdivorced #lisgd #podcast #savannah #divorce #podcastsofinstagram #podcastersofinstagram #spotify #applepodcasts #lifestylepodcast #womenpodcasters #womenempowermentwww.lifeisshortgetdivorced.comThanks for Listening, Follow us on Instagram @lifeisshortgetdivorced