Who decides what you should read? Ryan talks about Weird fiction, Joseph shows his latest CML find, Chris rants about his newest anime obsession, and Dr. Geoffrey Clegg joins us to discuss how the Norton Anthology of Literature gets put together.
{Notes from Your Friendly Instruction Librarian:
This is the article that Geoffrey referenced - Shesgreen, S. (2009). Canonizing the Canonizer: A Short History of The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Critical Inquiry, 35(2), 293–318. https://doi.org/10.1086/596644
The book American Lucifers was written by Jeremy Zallen.
The Cheese and the Worms and The Night Battles were written by an Italian historian named Carlo Ginzburg.}
SUMMARY KEYWORDS: Norton, thinking, text, Norton Anthology, author, part,
English literature, talk, robots, people, Longman, history, story, edition, anthology, editors, town, reading, years, book
{Recorded 11/13/23}