Episode 110: Financial Infidelity


Jul 14 2022 • 41 mins

In what may be our most salaciously-titled episode yet, we will be discussing hiding money from your partner. We’ll kick off the show with our list of the top movies involving characters being untruthful about finances, then we’ll jump into this behavioral finance topic. In what can be credited as a “money disorder,” financial infidelity can release a floodgate of problems for a couple – whether they’re married or not. Financial infidelity can be as destructive as its sexual counterpart, and giving into lying about your financial situation can have dire consequences. Join Katie, Cort and Cam as they discuss the signs of financial infidelity, stats about money-related secrecy, and how to deal with the emotions that accompany this betrayal.

The List: Financial Secrecy in Pop Culture

Hashtags of the week: #FinancialInfidelity #BehavioralFinance #ScandalousAndStressful #FinancialCheaters #Deception #RedFlags