In this special episode, we got 30 years of wisdom from renowned product and aviation designer, Mike Van Staagen. Mike is extremely passion about sharing what he's learned on his professional journey which started with architecture and led to his current position as VP of Advanced Design and Development for Cirrus Aircraft.
Among Mike's many career achievements, he helped to envision, design and lead teams for the best-selling Cirrus SR20/22 aircraft. He was also the creator and driving force behind the Cirrus SF50 Vision personal jet.
Here's a snapshot of the insightful and powerful points Mike makes in this episode. If you're looking for inspiration, take a listen!
Episode Topics:
00:00 Intro
01:41 Thinking like an architect changes your perspective
06:25 If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then models are worth 1,000 pictures
07:33 Making bold moves can create bold results
18:17 A design is never, ever finished
20:11 Accidental discovery is a superpower, so create opportunities for it to happen
25:56 Models and prototypes are the best possible ambassador for your design
32:14 Polygon modelers are easy to manipulate and like having digital clay
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