Celebrating the African Americans of Horror


Jun 15 2020 • 43 mins

This week on The Nightmare Feed we will be celebrating the African Americans of Horror.

If you're familiar with Reed's Reviews, you know one of the easiest ways to piss Reed off, is to kill off the minorities of a horror movie first, before they get any real screen time.  The trope, often coined as "Black Man Dies First" specifically mentions that black actors were frequently used as fodder for movies, so the white actors could get more screen time.  In Reed's Horror Rules, he goes on to explain, this includes all minorities now, "Being a minority in the movies is hard enough.  But far too often it’s impossible for minority characters to get decent air time as they’re usually the first to die.  This is just sad B.S. the industry has been rehashing over the past 50 years.  It still counts if an undeveloped white character dies first, if the next to die is a fully developed minority character."