Episode 56EM May 26, 2023. The “San Joaquin Valley” issue.
Residents Against Wood Smoke Emission Particulates (see RAWSEPresidents.wordpress.com and Scroll Down for PDFs of articles with U R L’s to search on, and on the website are links to 30 minute Youtube videos and Spotify podcasts as well as podcasts on Amazon Music Prime (free for Prime subscribers), podcasts.google.com, Cast Box, and Pocket Cast (Pocket Cast is only free on the phone App)
United States
EPA releases Annual Air Report, highlighting trends through 2022 - BIC Magazine
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Particulate Matter 2.5 microns (PM2.5) 24-Hour,42% (from 2000); Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) 1-Hour,90%. It is important to note that air quality ...
EPA advice to prevent smoke pollution | Mirage News
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Buying the right wood heater, using it correctly and maintaining it well are some simple measures you can take to reduce smoke pollution in your ...
California, San Joaquin Valley, Oakdale
18.5M in federal grant dollars to fund two Valley clean-air programs - ScienceBlog.com
Science Blog
... and the wood burning device change out proposal was selected for ... dirty wood burning devices in homes throughout the San Joaquin Valley.
18.5M in federal grant dollars to fund two Valley clean-air programs - Air Quality Matters
Air Quality Matters - Science Blog
... of air quality data – PM 2.5 · With Fresno bus rapid transit having hit the ground running, is light rail transit to be completely ruled out?
New Federal Clean Air Funds Coming To District - Oakdale Leader
Oakdale Leader
The $8,590,223 from this grant will help fund the replacement of approximately 2,089 wood burning devices with much cleaner electric or gas devices, ...
May 23, 2023.
Excerpts edited by RAWSEP for brevity and clarity and relationship to Residents Against Wood Smoke Emission Particulates.
The Valley Air District took action earlier this month to accept over $18.5 million in additional U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) funding to replace old nut harvesters and wood burning devices.
The Valley Air District submitted three proposals to the EPA for the highly competitive 2022 Targeted Air Shed Grant Program and was informed that two of the three proposals were selected for funding. the wood burning device change out proposal was selected for funding in the amount of $8,590,223.
To date, the District’s Fireplace & Woodstove Change-Out Program has successfully provided over $57.6 million to replace 29,000 dirty wood burning devices in homes throughout the San Joaquin Valley. The $8,590,223 from this grant will help fund the replacement of approximately 2,089 wood burning devices with much cleaner electric or gas devices, with significant match funding provided by the grant recipients.
Significant resources are needed to implement a successful incentive-based strategy and procure the necessary reductions in emissions. The Valley Air District has developed and implemented a robust and effective voluntary incentive program to identify the needs of the Valley and meet those needs with funding that helps generate significant emission reductions that would not otherwise occur.
A complete listing of available grant programs and requirements can be found at www.valleyair.org/grants or by calling program staff at 559-230-5800.
The Valley Air District covers eight counties including San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare, and San Joaquin Valley air basin portions of Kern. For additional information about the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, visit www.valleyair.org or call 559-230-6000.