

Exploring the emotional side of money. read less


Breaking Free from Money Chains - Jessica Hammock - Episode 120
Feb 23 2023
Breaking Free from Money Chains - Jessica Hammock - Episode 120
Trauma is not only caused by things like car accidents and bad breakups. Jessica “Vibrant” Hammock teaches that trauma can be caused by anything where we had an expectation and what actually happened did not meet our expectations.  Therefore, anytime we have a money experience that doesn’t meet our expectations we may have a trauma response and store it in our bodies. This often appears as headaches, anxiety, depression, stress, and more. In this episode, Jessica teaches us how to begin to rewire our thinking around money. She encourages us to give ourselves permission to recognize where we are, change our behaviors, and learn a new story. Join us! "I always believe that there's this grace period for us when we learn new information to begin to walk it out... You don't have to fix it all today." -Jessica "Vibrant" Hammock About Jessica Hammock Jessica Hammock is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Clinical Certified Trauma Specialist, Emotional Mastery Coach, Speaker and Author. Chief Creator and Visionary of Vibrant Voice. Jessica has over 15 years of experience in education as a teacher, counselor, and mental health specialist. She is married to her husband Aaron of 15 years and has an 8 month old miracle baby, Hope Elizabeth. The best way to contact Jessica is by email at or you can visit her website   Money Mantra: "My worth and value has nothing to do with the money that I have, keep or earn. I have exactly what it takes to earn unlimited amounts of money for all that I desire." -Jessica Hammock Costumes Jessica’s focus is helping people to break free from their money chains. She suggested a prisoner costume for our recording and I loved the opportunity to create a look I hadn’t done before. More at
Oooh, Shiny! - Stéphanie Rourke Jackson - Episode 119
Feb 9 2023
Oooh, Shiny! - Stéphanie Rourke Jackson - Episode 119
Stéphanie’s parents weren’t always the best at managing money. As she was entering adulthood she realized that if she wanted to have money it was up to her. She worked hard and did well but continued to struggle. After her kids and husband were all diagnosed with ADHD, Stephanie finally allowed herself to be tested and discovered what she already knew, she had ADHD. Knowing that her brain learns and processes differently, Stéphanie was able to rewrite her money story. She and her husband put tools in place to help them better manage their finances. They have regular check-in meetings to stay on track and they are now debt free. They have even been able to save and pay for a backyard renovation and regularly have space in their budget for fun stuff like eating dinner out. Stéphanie now coaches those who want to overcome limiting beliefs and reach their full potential. In this episode she shares her experience and some of her best tips on how to break free from inner conflict and live the life you desire. "If I wanted to have money it was up to me." -Stéphanie Rourke Jackson About Stéphanie Rourke Jackson Stéphanie is a high energy, coffee drinking, naturally curious problem solver who likes to push limits. As founder of Beacon Coaching & Leadership she is a guide, coach and mentor for ambitious people who want to grow their confidence, crush limiting beliefs and discover their full potential. She is the creator of the radical self-awareness program and life plan called Identity Mapping. She also created the coaching program called ADDvance for Adults with ADHD who want to function well in work and at home.  Stéphanie is a life learner who is inspired by success stories, especially when adversity is overcome. She’s passionate about human dignity and engages her voice to create awareness to end human trafficking. In her downtime, she can be found at the beach with a good book or running on a trail listening to an inspiring podcast or classic rock, like John Mayer. Stéphanie loves laughing with her three grown children and husband of 30 years whom she married twice! She’s a firm believer that nothing is impossible when you know who you are and courageously empower yourself with support!  You can connect with Stéphanie through her website on Instagram at and on LinkedIn at Here are links to a few helpful tools: Mint (free budgeting app): Stéphanie’s free workbook and “Get Outta the Rut” training: Money Mantra: "Be generous in giving, it’ll always come back to you." -Stéphanie Rourke Jackson Costumes Stéphanie asked to wear a unicorn costume for our recording to reflect how unique each person is. I already had a unicorn horn on standby and added a shiny shirt and boa to make my unicorn extra fancy. More at
Inevitable Money Moves - El Knezevic - Episode 118
Feb 2 2023
Inevitable Money Moves - El Knezevic - Episode 118
Is any of us prepared when we start our own business? Usually not! After starting her business El Knezevic found she kept running into blocks when it came to making money. Being the type of person who takes responsibility and seeks out solutions, El quickly discovered the blocks were not external, they were internal. In this episode El brings up those tough money emotions like shame, worthiness, and all the other stuff stored in our subconscious. She talks about how we can get so easily distracted by small money issues like a little raise in price when we open a bill. Then she shares with us how we can start to change our money situation by changing in three key areas mindset, words, and action. El explains that our minds are always looking for evidence and whatever you believe, you’re always right. You will always find evidence to support your belief, so change what you’re looking for! If you’ve been wanting to modify your money mindset in a fun, low-stress way, this is the episode for you. "Some of that for me, please." -El Knezevic About El Knezevic El Knezevic is an intuitive money mindset and abundance coach for women in business. El empowers women to break through their inner glass ceiling and get in the financially fierce mindset and energy that makes money inevitable. As a former business-owner in the male-dominated construction industry, El is passionate about shifting the financial consciousness of female leaders. You can connect with El through her website  Money Mantra: "There is no loss in Divine mind. Whatever is meant for me comes to me with ease and abundance." -El Knezevic Costumes El suggested fun hats as our theme. I made mine by decorating a plain had with autumn leaves. In her unique and cheerful style, El added pineapple sunglasses to her look and I absolutely loved them. More at
Health is Wealth - Len Glassman - Episode 117
Jan 26 2023
Health is Wealth - Len Glassman - Episode 117
Len Glassman jokingly describes himself as a recovering attorney. He explains that after 4 years of law school and 12 years in practice he just wasn’t happy. Unfortunately (but actually, very fortunately) he was laid off from his job as an officer at a hospital. Right then he decided he never wanted to have another job where someone else was in control of his future. The very next say he ran into an old friend who was a serial entrepreneur. She and her husband were about to start up a fitness training center and invited him to come work with them. He loved it, learned a ton, and eventually bought the business from them. He ran that business for years and expanded it to having 15 trainers. In this episode Len opens up about how fitness not only saved his physical health but also his mental health. We have a fun discussing about the best way to build a business and some of the challenges of being an entrepreneur. Before we wrap up Len provides us with a few exercises we can do to relieve the stress of sitting for long periods of time. Best of all the only equipment we need is a wall. Join us! "If you feel uncomfortable in what you're doing everyday, then it's not the right place." -Len Glassman About Len Glassman Len Glassman is a Master Level Personal Trainer and Certified Health Nutritionist with over 25 years of professional fitness experience. He is the owner of Personal Best Training Center and Fit Pro Express Virtual Training. Len is dedicated to helping people achieve and maintain optimal health and fitness at all stages of life. He works with people to change their physical outlook on life through holistic health, optimal wellness and intellectual fitness, using a unique blend of personalized programming and expert instruction, to help them move better, feel physically and emotionally empowered and provide deeper meaning, purpose and insight into all aspects of their lives. Len’s unique expertise was most recently featured in the Vitamin Shoppe blog article titled It’s Time To Master The Towel Workout (, where he shared how to turn your towel into a workout weapon! He has also contributed to several high profile articles in national health and fitness magazines including AARP, Eat This Not That, Consumer Health Digest and Men’s Journal(, and has served as a fitness and health advisor, corporate wellness and lifestyle consultant and motivational speaker. He is also an Affinity Partner with Castle Connolly Private Health Partners, LLC. ( Len is the acclaimed author of Soul Trainer (, a fictional-fitness series of short stories that takes readers on an inspirational journey, where fictional characters with troubled lives find fitness as a way to overcome insurmountable obstacles, while challenging readers to gain control over their lives from the outside in. He is also the creator of the Fitness Fundamentals Personal Training Exercise Program ( Len believes that in order to get people to move, you must create a movement, something bigger than yourself that people from all walks of life can relate to. Money Mantra: "Being Fiscally Fit and Physically Fit Go Hand in Hand." -Len Glassman Costumes When I asked what costume he wanted to wear Len made the logical choice of fitness gear. Most of my fitness gear is pretty well used, lol, but I finally found a set that was color coordinated and without holes. More at
It's Never About the Money - Sarah Leslie - Episode 116
Jan 19 2023
It's Never About the Money - Sarah Leslie - Episode 116
After 20 years of work Sarah Leslie had a very high paying career doing something she was really good at… but it was killing her. The job was so intense that she was literally sleeping with her cell phone in the bed so she wouldn’t miss any work related calls. People were starting to comment that she was losing weight and turning pale. One day during the final rest pose of a yoga class, lying there in the dark with about 50 other people, she started crying uncontrollably. That was totally out of character and it was enough to finally move her to action. When she got up from that mat she knew she had to make a change and resigned from her job the very next day. Sarah is now an Identity Artist who helps highly motivated individuals become strategically liberated CEO over their whole lives, including the way they create money. In addition to sharing her story, in this episode Sarah reveals the underlying causes of why we get stuck in our money beliefs and how we can start to break free. "Money is just paper. Money doesn't mean anything unless you and I agree it means something." -Sarah Leslie About Sarah Leslie Sarah spent the first 20 years of her career working from the therapy chair and as the Director of Clinical services over a 150 bed residential facility.   After a dramatic shift in her own life, she pivoted to the virtual space allowing her the freedom to work from anywhere!  Now, she helps highly motivated individuals become strategically liberated CEO over their whole lives, including the way they create money.   She stands out from others in her field as she is fiercely committed to her own personal growth so that she can continue to push past her own limits.  She loves nature, being near the water and the mountains, cooking delicious meals and having thought provoking conversations. Sarah Leslie, CEO Identity Artist Book a free consultation at The best way to contact @sarahleslieliberatedbadass is to send her a DM through her Facebook page: That’s where she hangs out the most. Money Mantra: "It's never about the money. It’s always about your beliefs about the money." -Sarah Leslie Costumes The first time I met Sarah she was housesitting for a friend and had an enclosure with quite a few birds hopping about in the background. I used the bird theme as inspiration for this costume, although I took the creative liberty of making it dark instead of colorful.  More at
Service Without Sacrifice - Linda-Ann Stewart - Episode 115
Jan 12 2023
Service Without Sacrifice - Linda-Ann Stewart - Episode 115
Many of us, especially women, are taught that in order to serve we must sacrifice something precious to us. Frequently, the sacrifice we make is our own well being. We sacrifice our income, our physical health, and our and mental health to be what we believe to be the most helpful and the most useful person possible. For years Linda-Ann Stewart did exactly that. She volunteered regularly and helped out with every event until her health took a turn for the worst and she was forced to learn to say “no”. As she practiced saying no she made some key discoveries about being of service versus giving a gift. Most importantly that service doesn’t have to be for free and that it’s incredibly hard to give when your energy and finances are low. In this episode Linda-Ann shares her story and we discuss how value, priorities, feeling indebted, and feelings of  resentment all play into this theme. Linda-Ann does a wonderful job of teaching us where to draw the line, creative ways to say no with confidence and kindness, and how to serve without sacrifice. "Service is different than a gift." -Linda-Ann Stewart About Linda-Ann Stewart As a focus coach, hypnotherapist, speaker and writer, Linda-Ann Stewart works with women entrepreneurs and small business owners who have gotten stuck and distracted by shiny objects. She empowers them to focus, master their mindset and manage their priorities, so they manifest greater prosperity, well being and freedom. She opened her private hypnotherapy practice in 1990, a few years after moving to Sedona, Arizona. A dozen years ago, she transitioned her business to coaching women to be more effective, efficient and productive. Over 300 of her articles on mindset, motivation, and empowerment have been published in magazines, newsletters and online. Many can be found on her website, and her Monthly Coaching Tips videos can be found on her YouTube channel:  Get a free gift and book a consultation on Linda-Ann’s website: Money Mantra: "When I'm being of service, I accept an equitable exchange of energy or reward that benefits both sides." -Linda-Ann Stewart Costumes Linda-Ann and I are both big fans of Renaissance festivals. She suggested wearing chainmail we’d each gotten at a faire along with some matching garb. The hardest part for me was choosing which chainmail pieces to wear! More at
Taking the Risk - Jennifer Vellenga - Episode 114
Jan 5 2023
Taking the Risk - Jennifer Vellenga - Episode 114
Not too long ago Jen Vellenga (Jen V) and Jennifer Rettele-Thomas (JRT) started a company dedicated to helping women speak with presence as a side hustle. Then after a few months, they decided to take a big risk. They chose to resign from their steady, stable, university jobs and make their side hustle their main gig. In this episode, Jen V shares what it was like to take such a risk (yes, there was last minute panicking involved) and how they knew it would be worth it. She talks about her supportive husband and a few others who were much less supportive. We also chat about what it’s like to be an entrepreneur, the power of partnerships, and quantum leaps. Join us! "You learn along the way. Your clients teach you what you offer." -Jen V About Jen V Jen Vellenga, Co-Founder of Voice First World.  Former professor of theatre, academic leader, stage director, and speaking coach turned entrepreneur. Success Stories from Voice First World: Join the Powerful Women Speakers Facebook Group: Money Mantra: "I don't have one, but my mom always said, 'It's only money.' That is stuck in my head for better or worse. LOL" -Jen V Costumes Jen’s big concept for starting Voice First World was to help women speak with presence without being perfect. When she told me about her “Perfection is Overrated” t-shirt I decided to use that as the costume theme for this episode. Then, because irony loves me, I forgot to take a pic while in costume and had to pull a screenshot from our video recording. Genius. Follow the show on Instagram @moneyheartshow to see more pics of my costumes from each episode. I also include my guest’s costume when they choose to wear one. More at
Profitable Not Painful - Patty Farmer - Episode 113
Dec 8 2022
Profitable Not Painful - Patty Farmer - Episode 113
Pretty much everyone wants to monetize their media, but how does one stand out in a crowded marketplace? Marketing and media strategist, Patty Farmer, says you could do “lazy” marketing by throwing stuff up and seeing what sticks, OR you could work in your zone of genius and build authentic relationships. In this episode Patty shares a wealth of information on how to create a business that is profitable without being painful. She talks about leveraging other people’s audiences, how to set your pricing, how to make sure you’re talking to the right people, and the importance of not going it alone. If you want learn how to grow both your business and your bank account, join us! "When you do well, you can do good." -Patty Farmer About Patty Farmer Patty Farmer is an award-winning Marketing & Media Strategist, International Speaker, Podcast Host, Magazine Publisher, and 7- Figure Event Producer. As a global influencer and thought leader, she works with women CEO’s, entrepreneurs and speakers who are experts in their field to help them fully identify their expertise, attract (and convert) their ideal buyers, gain massive visibility, package their knowledge, and position them in the marketplace to increase sales, leverage the media and create marketing strategies that are profitable…not painful. Her mission is to help her clients scale their business in a way that creates transformation for both them and their clients, to make a big impact in the world, and bigger deposits in their bank account while designing a lifestyle they want to live. Money Mantra: "It is NOT in my DNA to be broke, I have the power to reset my money story." -Patty Farmer Costumes For the costume in this episode I was inspired by this new chainmail headpiece I’d recently picked up at a local event. The blue cloak seemed fitting and I love how it turned out. More at
There is Always Enough - Mary Meduna-Gross - Episode 112
Dec 1 2022
There is Always Enough - Mary Meduna-Gross - Episode 112
Did you know a desire to continuously give without receiving anything in return often stems from a lack mindset? When my guest Mary Meduna-Gross first found that out about herself she let the assessment results sit for seven years before circling back to address the issue.  In this episode Mary shares how often we use generosity to mask our feelings of inadequacy. Fortunately, there is often ample evidence that we are enough. And ample evidence and that there is enough of what we need for all… if we are willing to pause and look for it. Join us as Mary shares her journey of self discovery and growth as she went from educator to entrepreneur. "I am good enough. I do have enough. I have enough value to offer." -Mary Meduna-Gross About Mary Meduna-Gross Dr. Mary Meduna-Gross s a heart-centered business leadership coach and educator. She believes that we are happiest when we honor our inner strengths and gifts by using them to make life better for others. She knows that it takes a great deal of courage and self-compassion to let go of the old stories that no longer serve us so that we can experience this highest version of ourselves. Mary has been teaching, leading, and coaching others on their journey for more than 30 years. She supports conscious entrepreneurs who struggle with self-doubt and lack clarity of purpose. With her guidance, her clients align with their inner power so that they can make the world a better place through their business, establish a satisfying culture within their organization and manage profits so they can make an even better impact. Money Mantra: "I am worthy of all the richness I desire." -Mary Meduna-Gross Costumes When I asked what costume she would like to wear Mary told me she had a tiara that doesn’t get enough use. I was super excited to don my sparkly tiara again and then I couldn’t find it! Instead I combined a feather arrangement that fell off of a mask with a dark crown I made a few years ago. Tada! More at
Sales Baggage - Annie P. Ruggles - Episode 111
Nov 24 2022
Sales Baggage - Annie P. Ruggles - Episode 111
Annie P. Ruggles spent years living in what she calls “the martyrdom of overmarketing”. A place filled with stress and overwhelm wherein no one is allowed to like selling because selling makes you a terrible person. Never mind the fact that all entrepreneurs need to sell if they want to make a living! In this episode Annie delightfully shares how she released her sales baggage and gives us some tips on how the rest of us can do the same. Spoiler Alert: sales don’t have to be stressful, creepy, or difficult. Selling can even be fun and you don’t have to spend your life as a miserable “stress beast.” "The only thing that makes money faster is consistency in your marketing and brand awareness coupled with a willingness to ask and receive. That's it!" -Annie P. Ruggles About Annie P. Ruggles For over a decade, Annie P. has harnessed her Hulk-like disdain for hard-sales, tacky self-promotion, and overly competitive sleazeballs as inspiration to help people find better ways to grow their small business. As Founder of The Non-Sleazy Sales Academy, she’s guided hundreds of people toward making deeper connections, lasting impressions, and friendlier, more lucrative transactions and conversations. Her pride and joy is her podcast, Too Legitimate to Quit: Instantly Actionable Small Business Strategies with a Pop Culture Spin. Visit her podcast website here: Money Mantra: "I am someone people love to pay." -Annie P. Ruggles Costumes Annie P. immediately suggested we wear sequins in our episode. I found this awesome scarf on a shopping trip shortly after. Annie’s personality turned out to be even more sparkly than her shirt and I had a blast recording our interview. More at
The Fortune is in the Follow-Up - Bethany George - Episode 110
Nov 17 2022
The Fortune is in the Follow-Up - Bethany George - Episode 110
We’ve all had an unpleasant experience with a sales person who made us feel like we wanted to run away and join the witness protection program to get away from them. Somehow, when many of us start a business we suddenly become that sales person because we’ve never had training or been exposed to a better way. In this episode Follow-up Boss, Bethany George, talks about how to generate more sales and higher dollar sales through relationship building. What’s even better is she teaches us how to do it without getting burned out. "Stop treating them like prey and start treating them like a partner." -Bethany George About Bethany George From a very young age Bethany has been an entrepreneur. Achieving early success going door to door selling candy bars for band and cookies for the girl scouts. That early success came from her own tenacity, and something else that is often overlooked. The relationships she had with neighbors, friends and local businesses. As an adult, struggling to understand the secrets to sales success, she realized that underlying all success is a solid network of interpersonal relationships. Bethany has since expanded on that idea to unlock the secrets to accelerating business growth, creating powerful partnerships, and simplifying the sales process. Follow Up with Bethany on her website and connect with her on social media @thefollowupboss. ~~~ The CRM I mentioned in this episode and use personally is Less Annoying CRM. You can access their website here: ~~~ Money Mantra: "The size of the obstacle is based purely on your perspective. If it looks too big, get a different perspective." -Bethany George Costumes In our first meeting Bethany and I quickly discovered we both have a love of costumes and corsets. We quickly agreed on a pirate theme for this episode and I used the opportunity to don a green pirate look which I hadn’t worn before. Follow the show on Instagram @moneyheartshow to see more pics of my costumes from each episode. I also include my guest’s costume when they choose to wear one. More at
How to Make an Impact - Robert Peterson - Episode 109
Nov 10 2022
How to Make an Impact - Robert Peterson - Episode 109
Robert spent 10 years traveling the world and working as a missionary. During his travels he learned many important lessons. One was that smiles and hugs translate into any language. Another was the fact that we need money to make an impact in the world. Robert came across many missionaries who believed they needed to give away all the money that came to them and that sacrifice was required to be righteous. Robert realized the more money he had the more he could affect change in the world. In this episode he shares how he came to this conclusion and how he’s built a business based on teaching other entrepreneurs to do the same. “Don't act in fear. Don't use money in fear. Money is meant to work.” - Robert Peterson About Robert Peterson Robert Peterson is a podcaster, author, speaker and the Smiling Entrepreneur Coach. Here are a couple of links to Robert’s podcast and book as well as the best places to contact him. Robert’s podcast episode with Mike Michalowicz: Robert’s Book, The Entrepreneur Mindset $hift: Growth Characteristics of Success: Add Value 2 Life website: Connect with Robert on LinkedIn: Money Mantra "You need more money to make a bigger impact." - Robert Peterson Costumes Robert knew right away that he wanted to wear his smiling emoji hat and shirt. He’s devoted his business and life to helping entrepreneurs smile every day. I loved the emoji concept and found this really fun hat which made me smile. Follow the show on Instagram @moneyheartshow to see more pics of my costumes from each episode. I also include my guest’s costume when they choose to wear one. More at
Playful Money Energy - Devin Grindrod - Episode 108
Nov 3 2022
Playful Money Energy - Devin Grindrod - Episode 108
In her Reiki practice Devin teaches that the spirt world loves joy and playful energy. When we focus too much on the “I need to make money” thought we are damming the flow of that energy and slowing our money energy to a trickle. When we are open to abundance we realize that it will show up in all areas, including money. In this episode Devin and I discuss letting go of limiting beliefs and she shares some practical ways she’s implemented these concepts of playful money energy in her own life. Devin reminds us that the universal energy isn’t vindictive and doesn’t hold grudges, so we can implement this new way of thinking and change our future at any time. Join us and test this new mindset for yourself! “Now when I go out I think, I have space in my budget for this, but is this something I want to make space in my budget for?” - Devin Grindrod About Devin Grindrod Devin Grindrod is a Reiki Master and Evidential Psychic Medium. Devin is a strong advocate for empowerment and whole-person healing. She received her B.A. in Psychology and is currently working as an evidential psychic medium and Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Devin’s mission is to help women overcome self-limiting beliefs and learn to trust in the power of their own inner knowing. Devin’s website is or find her on TikTok and Instagram @spirituallybalanced. Money Mantra: "I live in a constant state of abundance where money flows easily and effortlessly to me and through me." - Devin Grindrod Costumes Some of what she does feels like magic so Devin chose a wizard costume as the theme for our episode. When we got on zoom we discovered we both had the same hat! So much fun. More at
Healing Money Wounds - Emily Wilcox - Episode 107
Oct 27 2022
Healing Money Wounds - Emily Wilcox - Episode 107
While running a highly successful business, Emily Wilcox got burned out on “hard” and started exploring what “easy” would look like. She led herself back to feminine energy, healed her money wounds, reprogrammed her subconscious mind and nervous system, and welcomed easy money. In this episode she explains the six money wounds which keep us stuck in lack and prevent us from reaching our full potential. They are: 1. Money Shame 2. Evil Money 3. Money Trust 4. Hard Money 5. Safe 6. Disappearing Emily is an expert at identifying and healing money wounds to help entrepreneurs level up. Listen in and learn to level up your money game with ease! “If we perceive the distance between where we're at and where we want to be as lack then we will perceive our entire lives as lack.” - Emily Wilcox About Emily Wilcox Emily Wilcox is a crystal loving, coffee drinking, money magnetizer and business coach. Emily’s mission is to help female entrepreneurs uncover their money wounds and heal them in community, so that more money flows to embodied women & collectively up levels the planet. After building two 7-figure businesses in the masculine energy of hustle & grind, Emily decided to ditch the belief that it had to be hard. She put those businesses in the hands of her capable team so she could dive deeper and amplify what she truly loves: the inner work. She uses energetics, woo woo, and a sprinkle of strategy to help women call in more money, joy, ease, and play. Emily’s website is or slide into her DMs on Instagram Money Mantra: "Money is easy, money is fun. I love money and money loves me." - Emily Wilcox Costumes Thrilled to be diagnosing and healing money wounds, Emily chose a doctor’s costume as our theme. I love finding different ways to do this costume! More at
Finding Extraordinary Abundance - Rita Desnoyers-Garcia - Episode 106
Oct 13 2022
Finding Extraordinary Abundance - Rita Desnoyers-Garcia - Episode 106
After years of trying to work harder and faster Rita was at a breaking point. She was overwhelmed and feeling intense pressure to take care of her children, be a supportive spouse, and be a successful entrepreneur. Her business wasn’t generating the income she desired and she was becoming increasingly more distraught. Rita knew she was an intelligent person but for some reason she just couldn’t figure this one out. Rita hired a coach and started working with him over the phone. One of the first things he asked her to do was to pause and start taking care of herself. Over the next few years she completely changed her views on abundance and worthiness and discovered how she had been blocking all the goodness she desired. Join us as Rita shares about her transformation and gives us mindset tips on how we too can create extraordinary abundance in our lives. “When you when you feel that not enoughness, there's not enough time, there's not enough money, there's not enough love, there's not enough food, nothing is enough. There's not enough goodness... and you're coming from that place.” - Rita Desnoyers-Garcia About Rita Desnoyers-Garcia Rita Desnoyers-Garcia has been helping people reach their true potential for over 30 years. She has a BA in Psychology from College of the Holy Cross and an MSSW from Columbia University. After a long career as a social worker in New York City, and while raising her family, she had a spiritual transformation. She is now a spiritual teacher, speaker, life coach, and author, comedian and musician. She is the author of  3 books: Extraordinary Abundance, Outside of the Box Love Experiments, and The Self-Compassion Project ( and the creator of The Forest Meditations. You can find out more about Rita’s work and offerings at She lives with her husband and three children in New Jersey. Money Mantra: "I am open to money appearing in all forms and in all ways." - Rita Desnoyers-Garcia Costumes Rita chose not to dress in costume for our episode, so that gave me an opportunity to play. I chose a costume inspired by Dr. Olivia Octavius from Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse. One of my kids volunteered to make the signature glasses for me. I love how they turned out. More at
You Don't Have to Go It Alone - Anna Roszak - Episode 105
Oct 6 2022
You Don't Have to Go It Alone - Anna Roszak - Episode 105
As Anna Roszak was listening to Episode 082 of MoneyHeart, Recovering from a Money Fight, she realized not enough people were speaking about emotional and financial abuse. In that episode my guest, Stephen Finney, recommended that rather than blame your partner for all the money problems, start by taking at least 1% ownership of the problem. Excellent advice. And he included one caveat which was… not if you’re in an abusive relationship. Anna was so glad we brought that up because when she was in an abusive relationship she was blaming herself all the time. This realization sparked her to reach out to me and ask if we could record an episode about her experience in hopes that we may shed some light on this issue, help others to recognize their situation, and get help on the path to recovery. In this episode, Anna shares her experience of emotional and financial abuse. It is different from many well known abuse cases because her husband never hit her. There was no physical abuse so for years she didn’t realize there was a problem. This is very common. She explains what happened, what the clues were, how she got help, and what you can do if you notice a friend who might be in a similar situation. I’m so grateful to Anna for being brave enough to share her story in support of the greater good. “I didn’t know I was in an abusive relationship until I was out of it for years.” - Anna Roszak About Anna Roszak Anna Roszak is the founder and director of DesignShack, a web and graphic design business based in Glasgow, Scotland. To see examples of Anna’s design work you can visit her website at You can contact her directly via email at Money Mantra: "For every giver there must be a receiver, and for every receiver there must be a giver." - T. Harv Eker Recovering from a Money Fight The episode Anna mentioned listening to was Recovering from a Money Fight –  Stephen Finney – Episode 082. You can find it here: Costumes Anna told me she had a bee costume on hand so I matched her theme. I think we make excellent bees and I love the underlying metaphor of a colony who works together for the benefit of all. More at
From Employee to Entrepreneur - SJ Barakony - Episode 104
Sep 29 2022
From Employee to Entrepreneur - SJ Barakony - Episode 104
Building an entrepreneur mindset typically doesn’t happen overnight. In this episode SJ Barakony shares his journey of slowly transitioning from full-time employee to full-time entrepreneur. It wasn’t just a job switch. As he tested the entrepreneurial waters with a side-hustle his mindset started to transition and lead him to where he is today; now calling himself The Education Sherpa. Join us as we discuss the growth that happens as one embraces being an entrepreneur and what it’s like to see life through the eyes of a business owner rather than the eyes of an employee. SJ says that truly happens when we become a producer of value instead of a consumer of resources. “Have the courage and the heart, but also keep the discerning mind, too. Have that social circle around you that will be champions and encouragers.” - SJ Barakony About SJ Barakony SJ Barakony, the Education Sherpa, is a restless entrepreneurial spirit who is involved in multiple ventures, totally self-employed, and joyful to have so much agency and autonomy. His day-to-day work sits right in the middle of the futures of work and of education.  If you’d like to connect with SJ you can find him on LinkedIn: and Instagram: Money Mantra: "Time = Gold. Money = Silver." - SJ Barakony Costumes SJ’s title is The Education Sherpa so I decided to play with the Sherpa theme. After a bit of googling for inspiration I put together a costume representing those amazing guides who lead people up Mt. Everest. Follow the show on Instagram @moneyheartshow to see more pics of my costumes from each episode. I also include my guest’s costume when they choose to wear one. More at
Tuning In to Your Worthiness - Savannah Joy - Episode 103
Sep 22 2022
Tuning In to Your Worthiness - Savannah Joy - Episode 103
Savannah and I easily connected over our shared experience of trying to tune out what everyone and everything else in the universe was trying to tell us. Once we finally embraced our callings life became infinitely better. In this episode Savannah shares her story of how she finally tuned into her worthiness and how you can, too. There are so many actionable exercises in this episode it’s definitely worth a listen. Savannah actually walks me through the exercises so you can see exactly how quickly they produce results. “You always know. You may not be aware of it in the moment because you have a story or someone else's voice getting in the way, but you always know.” -Savannah Joy About Savannah Joy Savannah Joy is the Founder of Embrace Your Wild and an Embodied Feminine Leadership Coach. Embrace Your Wild empowers visionary women to reclaim and embrace all parts of themselves, master their emotions + energy, take up space and be seen in their fullest expression in relationships and business. When you show up powerfully and authentically every day for yourself, you can show up for your biggest visions. Through radical self-acceptance, feminine embodiment practices, and a deep connection to self, the Embrace Your Wild Method opens up a channel for ultimate sovereignty in mind, body and spirit.  If you’d like to chat with Savannah further you can email her at Visit her website to view her retreats and photography. Money Mantra "It's already here." -Savannah Joy Costumes Savannah chose not to wear a costume on the show so I chose a "wild" theme inspired by her work. She does amazing photography work and was kind enough to send me a photo of herself embracing her wild as well. More at
It’s All in Your Hands - Anita Swetman - Episode 102
Sep 15 2022
It’s All in Your Hands - Anita Swetman - Episode 102
If you've ever wanted to make a change your life but weren't sure you could do it, this is the episode for you. Anita Swetman was a shy, introverted, ordinary girl, until she became a national-multi-gold-award-winning beauty therapist, CEO of her own beauty business, massage therapist to celebrities, a published author. Join us as Anita shares how she followed her heart and went from pharmacy tech to beauty consultant to the stars. "Don’t wait for a wake-up call to finally take action! Do it now!" - Anita Swetman About Anita Swetman Anita Swetman is a Beauty Therapist, CEO, and published author. You can find her on social media and through her website. Facebook @anitaswetmanofficial Twitter @anitaswetman LinkedIn @anita-swetman-author Website:  Anita’s book, No Ordinary Girl, is available on Amazon and wherever books are sold. Money Mantra: "I effortlessly attract more money into my life. There is plenty for everybody!" -Anita Swetman Costumes At first Anita wasn’t sure what our costume theme would be. Then she messaged me and asked if we could do animal print. I love brining out my animal print dress and absolutely loved hers in pink. Follow the show on Instagram @moneyheartshow to see more pics of my costumes from each episode. I also include my guest’s costume when they choose to wear one.