Tiffany Norris talked with Jeannie Stone, superintendent of Richardson ISD in February before all the things happened in our world and schools moved to at-home learning.
In this interview, they talk about the diversity of the district, upcoming goals and initiatives, school ratings, and where in Richardson she likes to go to relax.
So I hope you appreciate this interview in a different context now than when we recorded it.
We've mentioned a couple of times on the podcast how very happy we've been with our experience at our neighborhood public school. Our girls have been taught well, cared for, and truly known by their teachers, and we were already so grateful for all the hard work of the teachers and staff there.
That gratitude has only multiplied in the last month as we've watched Dr. Stone, our principal, all the teachers and staff navigate this extremely challenging experience with grace and good humor.
We would also love to hear about your RISD experience—either in light of our current situation or any time.
Jeannie Stone on Twitter: