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Start Somewhere

Sara Vaughan

In Start Somewhere, Sara Vaughan talks to some of the inspiring people that she's lucky enough to meet in the course of her work, each with their own unique story of how they started somewhere.

Follow Sara Vaughan on Twitter @SaraVaughan and Instagram @saravaughanofficial.


Produced by Front Ear Podcasts

Edited by Nathan Copelin

Music by David Cantello

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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#14 How we can help people with Follicular Lymphoma live well and get well - with Nicola Mendelsohn
Dec 29 2021
#14 How we can help people with Follicular Lymphoma live well and get well - with Nicola Mendelsohn
We’re closing off 2021 with another incredible episode about health and wellbeing, this week with the fabulous Nicola Mendelsohn, who is the Vice President, Global Business Group at Meta. Nicola also is the chairperson of the Follicular Lymphoma Foundation, which she founded in 2019 after herself being diagnosed three years prior.  Whilst trying to understand her own condition she connected with the 'Living with Follicular Lymphoma' Facebook Group. This gave her the insight, advice and support from a close-knit on-line community going through the same journeys. Over time, Nicola became more involved in the stories and experiences of the individuals in the group as well as her own treatment. This led her to develop relationships with leading clinicians and investigators in the field, who convinced her that by raising awareness and funds, so much more could be done to transform the lives of FL patients.In this episode, Nicola tells us about how her drive to help and support others throughout her life has been guided by her faith, the challenges she faced after receiving her FL diagnosis and why she remains hopeful for a cure. For more information about Follicular Lymphoma or to support Nicola in finding a cure, please head to The ask: Head to the Follicular Lymphoma Foundation website to learn more about Follicular Lymphoma, spread the word and donate to stop this incurable disease.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
#10 We need a 5050 Vision, at the decision making table and beyond - with Bianca Pitt & Antoinette Vermilye
Nov 9 2021
#10 We need a 5050 Vision, at the decision making table and beyond - with Bianca Pitt & Antoinette Vermilye
Today on Gender Day, I’m thrilled to introduce you to two incredible women who have been campaigning tirelessly to make COP26 a more equitable summit. They are Bianca Pitt, Co-Founder of She Changes Climate, and Antoinette Vermilye also a Co-Founder of She Changes Climate and the Gallifrey Foundation.Bianca and Antoinette founded She Changes Climate after discovering that the COP26 delegation was an all-male team. Its global mission is to ensure all delegations, for all climate negotiations, have at least a 50% representation of diverse women at their top levels, now and in the future. They have recently launched their campaign #5050Vision, calling for all parties to be represented in decision-making, because it affects all parties.In this episode, we hear about the moment Bianca and Antoinette were propelled into action and built a movement overnight, how a #5050Vision can breathe new life into an old system that hasn’t so far worked, and why solving the climate crisis is a matter of collaborating or collapsing.Top tip: Bianca: Check out and become a signatory. Shine a light on the women around you. If you are a voter, vote for women. If you are an employee, check out the board of the company you’re engaged with to see if there is equal representation. If you are an investor, invest in female-led businesses. Find a network or create your own network with people who also care for the environment. Antoinette: If you are a woman, don’t undersell yourself, always speak up and lift up other women because we need radical collaboration. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
#5 Regeneration must also happen within ourselves - with Gail Bradbrook
Nov 4 2021
#5 Regeneration must also happen within ourselves - with Gail Bradbrook
For today’s episode of the Start Somewhere COP26 Climate Emergency special, I’m truly honoured to speak to the visionary Dr. Gail Bradbrook. Gail is the Co-Founder of Extinction Rebellion Extinction Rebellion is an international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse. Gail is a truly remarkable woman, and we owe a lot to her.  Ever since the age of nine, Gail felt drawn to social justice work and activism. It was after reading about civil disobedience as an answer to catalyzing change in 2010, Gail embarked on a journey to bring about this form of protest. Researching, planning and training for mass civil disobedience have been her life’s mission ever since. In a matter of a few years, Extinction Rebellion has grown into an unwavering global movement that has ignited climate action all over the world, with over 1150 XR groups in 75 countries. In this episode, we speak about Gail’s ‘peaceful mischief’, why activism should be intersectional and how we can collectively heal from the wounds of oppressive systems.  Top tip: If you’re a woman listening to this - one of the first places of regeneration and reconnection is to trust your intelligence and to build relationships of trust with other women. Sometimes you may need to reach outside your peer group to do so.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
#4. If you can’t find a seat at the table, bring a folding chair - with Nafesha Richardson
Nov 3 2021
#4. If you can’t find a seat at the table, bring a folding chair - with Nafesha Richardson
Welcome to day four of the #StartSomewhere COP26 Climate Emergency special! This episode was recorded last month at the Youth4Climate Summit in Milan, where I was lucky enough to meet some of the world’s most amazing young activists and campaigners, one of them being Nafesha Richardson. Nafesha is the Founder of SPARK SVG, member of the Commonwealth Youth Gender and Equality Network, Youth Champion of the Escazú Agreement, and volunteer at the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Girl Guides Association. It was winning a public speaking contest at just seven years old that made Nafesha realise she had a voice and people were listening to her. From that moment on, she used her platform to speak about the issues that her island nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines are facing. Like many other islands across the globe, Nafesha’s home is sadly dealing first-hand with the effects of the climate crisis, and it’s vital they are heard and have a place at the decision-making table in Glasgow.In this episode, we hear about how climate change is affecting St. Vincent and the Grenadines, why we need true representation at COP26 and beyond, and the limitless potential of many people starting small. Top Tip: If you want to start a movement, start influencing your family, your friends and your local community. Start small. Use science, speak from a place of knowledge. If you can’t find a seat at the table, take a folding chair. Keep knocking on those doors. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
#3 It’s time to reimagine what courageous leadership looks like - with Paul Polman
Nov 2 2021
#3 It’s time to reimagine what courageous leadership looks like - with Paul Polman
Today, on day three of the #StartSomewhere COP26 Climate Emergency special, I’ll be speaking to the incredible business leader, campaigner, influencer and - most recently -author, Paul Polman. Paul works to accelerate action by business to tackle climate change and inequality. A leading proponent that business should be a force for good, Paul has been described by the Financial Times as “a standout CEO of the past decade”. I’ve been fortunate enough to be working closely with Paul both during his tenure as CEO at Unilever as well as at his most recent venture IMAGINE. In this episode, we discuss Paul’s brand-new book “Net Positive”, a call to arms to courageous business leaders, setting out how to build net positive companies which profit by fixing the world’s problems rather than creating them. We also hear about why throughout his career, Paul has always led from the heart, putting community and humanity first, what courageous leadership looks like in the face of the climate crisis and how he envisions the role of big business in solving the world's most urgent issues. Top tip: One. For business leaders: see this as an opportunity. The cost of inaction is much higher than the cost of action. Let’s take action. Two. If you want to take action as an individual, find that sweet spot of what you’re good at, what you like and what the world needs most. Three. Live what you preach. Four. Include the youth. Half of the population is under thirty and they should be able to not only get a seat at the table, but get the table. Five. Work in partnerships.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
#2. You can’t have healthy people on an unhealthy planet - with Jojo Mehta
Nov 1 2021
#2. You can’t have healthy people on an unhealthy planet - with Jojo Mehta
Welcome back to part two of this Start Somewhere COP26 Climate Emergency series. Today, I’ll be speaking to the amazing Jojo Mehta, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Stop Ecocide International (SEI). SEI is the driving force behind the growing global movement to make ecocide an international crime. From oil spills to plastic pollution, to deforestation - we simply can’t talk about the climate crisis without talking about ecocide. Ecocide, the mass damage and destruction of ecosystems, committed repeatedly over decades, has created the climate and ecological emergency that we now face. Thanks to Stop Ecocide’s growing international network and Jojo’s unshakable determination that more and more countries are committing to or considering making ecocide an international crime. In this episode, we hear about the question Jojo’s daughter asked her that led her to found SEI, how striving for net-zero emissions isn’t enough to create a healthy planet and how recognizing ecocide as an international crime has the potential to accelerate climate action.  Top tip: One. Join our Stop Ecocide community and visit our website and take action. Two. Talk about Ecocide. It’s a relatively new concept, and once people understand the word they develop an understanding of knowing it’s wrong and people take action. Include Ecocide into your conversation. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
#1. We can’t win the game without half of the team - with Sanda Ojiambo
Oct 31 2021
#1. We can’t win the game without half of the team - with Sanda Ojiambo
Welcome to the very first episode of the #StartSomewhere COP26 Climate Emergency Special! In this 12-part series, we will speak to some of the world’s most trailblazing climate experts, activists, and business leaders, each with their own unique story of how they started somewhere in taking real and impactful climate action. For the first episode of this series, I speak to the incredible Sanda Ojiambo, CEO & Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact. Launched in 2000, with more than 13,000 companies and 3,000 non-business signatories based in over 160 countries, the UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. Its ambition is to accelerate and scale the global collective impact of business by delivering the Sustainable Development Goals through accountable companies and ecosystems that enable change.As a child of parents deeply involved in public service in her native Kenya, Sanda was keenly aware of economic, social and gender inequality ever since she was young. It was at the age of nine she knew she wanted to work with communities to help bridge the gap between those that had something and those that had nothing; an ambitious mission that has been the golden thread throughout Sanda’s career. In this episode, we speak about Sanda’s life journey, how the UN Global Compact has helped businesses transform their purpose and align with the Sustainable Development Goals and why we need women and minority groups around the decision-making table.  Top tip:One. Get perspective. What is the problem at hand? What is the issue you’d like to solve? Take some time to stand on the sideline to really think about this. Two. You can’t solve problems alone. Find the right people around you who want to achieve the same goals.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.