Nov 19 2024
Joe Fig at the Sarasota Art Museum: Painting the Art of Contemplation
In this episode, we dive into the creative world of artist Joe Fig, renowned for his intricate exploration of the art of contemplation. Hosted by Jeffrey Kin, this conversation unveils Joe's latest work showcased in a solo exhibition at the Sarasota Art Museum from November 17th through April 13th. Joe Fig shares insights into his Contemplation Series, a collection of small-scale paintings depicting people engaging deeply with art in museums and galleries.
Inspired by a rare opportunity to witness the historic Vermeer exhibition at the Rijksmuseum, Joe discusses how he turned his experience into a series of 16 paintings, each capturing moments of art appreciation. He delves into the meticulous process behind his work, from using photography to compose scenes to the influence of body language in conveying emotion. The episode also touches on Joe’s broader themes of the artist’s studio, the public’s interaction with art, and the unique role of viewers in completing the artistic experience.
Listeners will discover the thoughtful intricacies behind Joe Fig’s paintings, the humor found in human posture, and how the act of viewing art becomes a form of portraiture in itself. Whether you're an art enthusiast or simply curious about the creative process, this episode is an intimate look at how art can bridge the gap between artist, viewer, and the space in between.
(00:00) Introducing Joe Fig, Artist, Author, and Department Head of Fine Arts and Department Head of Visual Studies, Ringling College of Art & Design
(01:55) About the Exhibition - Vermeer Contemplation Series
(04:30) Inspiration for the Contemplation Series
(07:05) Did the subjects know?
(08:05) Composing the images
(13:42) The “rules” of the Contemplation Series
(17:44) Funny experience with the Contemplation Series
(21:40) Joe’s two books
For more information and to listen to all the episodes, go to