The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel
The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel (version 3)
Black Beauty (The Autobiography of a Horse)
Black Beauty (version 2)
Black Beauty (version 3 Dramatic Reading)
Black Beauty (version 4)
Blackie, A Lost Cat
Blacky the Crow
The Blue Cat of Castle Town
The Blue Fairy Book
Bobby Gray Squirrel's Adventures
Bonnie Prince Fetlar: The Story of a Pony and His Friends
The Book of Cats
The Book of Clever Beasts
The Book of the Cat
Bowser the Hound
The Brown Fairy Book
The Brownies: Their Book
Bully and Bawly No-Tail (the Jumping Frogs)
Bumper the White Rabbit
Bumper the White Rabbit and His Friends
Bumper the White Rabbit in the Woods
Bunny Brothers
Buster Bear's Twins
Buster Bear's Twins, Version 2
Buster the Big Brown Bear
The Candle and the Cat
Cat Tales
Cats by the Way
The Cave Twins
A Chautauqua Idyl
The Chinese Kitten
Chinook the Cinnamon Cub
The Christmas Reindeer
Chunky, the Happy Hippo
A Collection of Beatrix Potter Stories (Version 2 Dramatic Reading)
The Curious Book of Birds
Curly and Floppy Twistytail (The Funny Piggie Boys)
Daddy Takes Us To The Garden
Dido, the Dancing Bear: His Many Adventures read less