Apr 19 2022
S2 Ep 2: Authentic diversity, professionalism and ending performative allyship, with Dr. Monica Cox
What does being a “real” ally mean? Is professionalism a social construct? What kind of diversity measures, budgets and roles are needed in organizations?
In S2 Ep 2 of “The Digitalization & Diversity” podcast , I had the pleasure to discuss with Dr. Monica Cox, a distinguished professor, entrepreneur, and diversity expert on the topic of “Authentic diversity, professionalism and ending performative allyship”.
In July 2021, Dr. Cox made a diversity quote on Twitter that went viral with more than 4 million views and explosive sharing across all social media platforms.
The quote said “Instead of showing me your diversity statement, show me your hiring data, your discrimination claim stats, your salary tables, your retention numbers, your diversity policies, and your leaders’ public actions against racism. End performative allyship”
In this podcast episode, we dig deeper on what triggered this quote. Monica shares how she approaches the basics of understanding the topi