May 15 2022
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
It's Phil's pick this time around and Jay, under the influence of Chew-Z spends far too much time debating the meaning of the word 'stigmata'. More importantly, what does a Barbie doll like character called Perky Pat have to do with colonies on Mars? There's a lot to unpack in this second go around with a Phillip K. Dick novel and Jay experiences 60 Freuds of stress as he ends up having to reread the book. (Yes stress is measured in Freuds in the Dickensian universe.) If you enjoyed this podcast and have some ideas for books that you'd like us to recommend for each other, leave us feedback on Facebook or at listeners will remember that last time I warned that if you don't recommend a book for us, Phil may end up breaking the spine of Dog-eared and Cracked with yet another Phillip K. Dick recommendation. And look where we are now!)We are also on Twitter now...@dogeared_pod, (at least until Palmer Eldritch...oops I mean Elon Musk's purchase offer goes through and we are forced to pay per tweet). Kidding Elon, and yes we will certainly have you on our next podcast.