We’ve heard it for a few years now. Alberta being referred to as “Hollywood North”, and Calgary is a great place for “celebrity sightings”. In fact, right now Jennifer Lawrence and Robert Pattinson are in town filming a major film project! We caught up with Brad Parry, President & CEO of Calgary Economic Development and CEO of the Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund, for his thoughts on what has led to Calgary’s growth as a filming destination.
Next, according to the latest data from ‘Parks Canada’, visitation to Banff National Park has increased by 30 percent over the past decade. Are these tourism levels sustainable, or has the national park reached a tourism tipping point? We tackle the topic with David Matys, VP of Destination Development., Banff and Lake Louise.
Finally, it sounds like something out of a ‘comedy’ sketch! “Dead Butt Syndrome”. What exactly is it and could you be at risk? We get the ‘bottom line’ on this interesting condition from Dr. Ted Jablonski, our ‘on-call’ family physician.