Worlds Best Rehab Magazine

Worlds Best Rehab Magazine

Showcasing the Best Rehabs in the World. Handpicked and vetted on success rate, treatment modality, therapeutic environment, facilities, cost and value. These are The Worlds Best Rehabs. Delivering ultimate personalized treatment, with the goal of complete recovery. read less
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Rehab in Norway | Find, Research and Understand Rehab in Norway
Apr 18 2022
Rehab in Norway | Find, Research and Understand Rehab in Norway
Rehab in Norway Norway is home to many hundreds of successful rehab treatment centers, spanning a range of budgets and treatment modality, from those traditionally employing the established 12-Step approach, through to those that take a more holistic and therapeutic approach to uncovering and treating the traumas associated with addiction and co-occurring mental health treatment. Norway Rehab   Understanding the Severity of Addiction in Norway   According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), Addiction in Norway is diagnosed on a spectrum of eleven criteria, including:   Lack of controlDesire to quit but unableSpending a lot of time trying to get the substanceCravingsLack of responsibilityProblems with relationshipsLoss of interestDangerous useWorsening situationsToleranceWithdrawal   The severity is determined by how many criteria you meet. For example, if two to three of the criteria apply to you, you would have a mild substance use disorder. But even if you have a mild diagnosis, you should still seek the help of qualified professionals. When to go to Rehab in Norway   Substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths globally though when it comes to addiction it can prove very difficult to admit that a problem exists.   As a general guide, if substance abuse and addictive behaviors are causing a negative effect on any aspect of your life then it’s time to consider a period of rehabilitation and recovery. If you’re questioning whether you may need help in rehabilitating your life then it’s very likely that you do, especially if your concerns are around alcohol, opioids or any other psychoactive substance. Inpatient vs Outpatient Rehab in Norway   After the decision has been made to undertake a period of rehabilitation one of the first decisions will be to choose between inpatient rehab or outpatient treatment. At Worlds Best Rehab we are firm advocates of inpatient treatment models, given the greater chance of long-term complete recovery.   Statistically, those choosing residential treatment in 48-day, 60-day or 90-day programs stand a greater chance of success long-term. The 28-day rehab model can also be successful although do remember that if the 28-days includes a period of medical detox then the total number of ‘therapeutic days’ will be greatly reduced. For this very reason many rehabs in Norway have after care or secondary treatment options to assist a client reintegrate into their new life in recovery.   Alcohol and Substance abuse is one of the biggest killers in the World with nearly 3 million directly attributable deaths per year and countless more unattributed. Even with these facts it remains the one with the most stigma. Worlds Best Rehab is designed to help people make informed choices about high end treatment for recovery from a life threatening condition.   Norway Detox   Phase one of inpatient Norway rehab usually starts with detoxification and it’s the detox phase of recovery that presents the most brutal physical symptoms of addiction. Detox can be undertaken in a medically supervised home detox environment though this must be under the guidance and direction of a Norway rehab physician.   A poorly managed detox can be fatal as the potentially life-threatening effects of suddenly quitting (withdrawing) from alcohol and substance abuse can be very severe.   For many people it is safest and preferable to detox under medical supervision in a Norway rehab facility.   Phases of Norway Rehab   After a successful detox, therapeutic efforts begin at the in earnest at the Norway rehab of choice to address the underlying symptoms and catalysts that lead to substance abuse and behavioral disorder. During inpatient Norway rehab this phase of recovery includes therapy, counseling, peer support and medical care if required.   Additionally, many holistic and nutritional therapies can be applied at this stage including nutritional rehabilitation, biochemical restoration, equine therapy, art therapy, yoga, exercise and a raft of local and international techniques.   Admissions Process for Norway Rehabs   There are many different pathways into rehab in Norway and we still believe that reaching out to rehabs and treatment centers directly is the best way.   You may be referred by your medical specialist or interventionist, but it pays to ask whether that physician or referrer will receive a commission for your admission. Be sure not to accept the first recommendation for a Rehab Facility in Norway and check our full list of handpicked and expertly vetted facilities in Norway.   From making the initial inquiry to a Norway Rehab our featured treatment centers will work with you to understand the nature of the client's condition and to assess whether their facility or treatment models are best suited to the individual needs and requirements. Often, a client will be based out of State or indeed internationally and the rehab team will work closely alongside other medical and sober transport agencies to ensure a safe and secure transport pathway to admission.   Cost of Rehab in Norway   Rehab in Norway can cost between $10,000 and $80,000+ per month depending on the individual rehab.   Luxury Rehab in Norway   Norway does not have an abundance of true Luxury Rehabs. There are a few tier one and tier two treatment centers that offer enhanced amenities and facilities. However, individuals and families seeking luxury rehab in Norway tend to travel to an International Treatment for Rehabilitation.   Outpatient Rehab Options in Norway   Outpatient treatment varies in length, depending on the specific needs of the patient and might require 13-26 hours of treatment participation per week and can last from 3 to 12 months. Outpatient treatment in Norway can be successful, of that there is no doubt. Though many patients need to draw upon huge reserves of self-motivation and self-discipline to fully recover. And during active addiction such reserves have generally been exhausted through the very cycle of addiction that leads a patient or their loved ones to consider rehab in Norway as the only option.   Dual Diagnosis Rehab in Norway   Dual diagnosis: In Norway, the term dual diagnosis refers to psychiatric disorder and addictive behavior. Dual diagnosis allows the treatment of co-occurring mental health issues alongside other individualized treatment methods.   Biochemical Restoration in Norway   Rehabs in Norway have embraced the importance of biochemical restoration over the past decade, in line with the general evolution of this dynamic approach to addiction treatment globally. Biochemical restoration in Norway analyses and treats the biochemical imbalances in the body that make a person more prone to addiction. Lab testing and blood work to identify biochemical imbalances such as hormone levels, neurotransmitters, amino acids and nutrient deficiencies while checking for the presence of heavy metals and toxicities.   Comparing the symptoms of nutritional deficiencies that were formed during addiction assists nutritional experts to identify which exact biochemical imbalances are triggering the addictive state, and to begin to restore the biochemistry of the body, over the course of treatment. Proper nutrition can often be the last piece of the puzzle that can make biochemical restoration successful for sobriety.   Secondary Rehab in Norway   Secondary care rehabs cement the life skills required for recovery over a far longer period than would traditionally be feasible in a primary care facility. These extended exposure and life skills geared programs enable clients to operate their day to day lives and remain in a constructive system over a long period of time, which is universally the key to a sustained recovery.
Where do the wealthy in Tanzania go for Rehab Treatment?
Apr 17 2022
Where do the wealthy in Tanzania go for Rehab Treatment?
Rehab in Tanzania Drug abuse is a major issue in Tanzania. In 2019, the drug control commission (which is dealing with drug abuse issues) reported that the number of people struggling with addiction issues ranges from 350,000 and 650,000. In Tanzania, there are numbers of rehab centers and sober living facilities in different regions, which provide treatment and consultation to individuals and families struggling with addiction.   Is there Luxury Rehab in Tanzania?   There are no luxury rehabs in Tanzania. For those that can afford the very best treatment Physis Recovery has been popular with UHNW families and individuals in Tanzania. With prices from USD $304,000 per week, Physis Recovery is unquestionably the most exclusive and expensive rehab in the World. Physis Recovery is a rehab for the super-rich. The Physis team is ideally positioned to understand and anticipate the needs of their ultra high net worth clients, and those whose lives are the subject of intense media scrutiny.   Understanding Addiction in Tanzania   According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), Addiction in Tanzania is diagnosed on a spectrum of eleven criteria, including:   Lack of controlDesire to quit but unableSpending a lot of time trying to get the substanceCravingsLack of responsibilityProblems with relationshipsLoss of interestDangerous useWorsening situationsToleranceWithdrawal   The severity is determined by how many criteria you meet. For example, if two to three of the criteria apply to you, you would have a mild substance use disorder. But even if you have a mild diagnosis, you should still seek the help of qualified professionals.   When to go to Rehab in Tanzania   Substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths globally though when it comes to addiction it can prove very difficult to admit that a problem exists. As a general guide if substance abuse and addictive behaviors are causing a negative effect on any aspect of your life then it’s time to consider a period of rehabilitation and recovery. If you’re questioning whether you may need help in rehabilitating your life then it’s very likely that you do, especially if your concerns are around alcohol, opioids or any other psychoactive substance. Inpatient vs Outpatient Rehab in Tanzania   After the decision has been made to undertake a period of rehabilitation one of the first decisions will be to choose between inpatient rehab or outpatient treatment. At Worlds Best Rehab we are firm advocates of inpatient treatment models, given the greater chance of long-term complete recovery.   Statistically, those choosing residential treatment in 48-day, 60-day or 90-day programs stand a greater chance of success long-term. The 28-day rehab model can also be successful although do remember that if the 28-days includes a period of medical detox then the total number of ‘therapeutic days’ will be greatly reduced. For this very reason many rehabs in Tanzania have after care or secondary treatment options to assist a client reintegrate into their new life in recovery.   Alcohol and Substance abuse is one of the biggest killers in the World with nearly 3 million directly attributable deaths per year and countless more unattributed. Even with these facts it remains the one with the most stigma. Worlds Best Rehab is designed to help people make informed choices about high end treatment for recovery from a life threatening condition.   Admissions Process for Tanzania Rehab   There are many different pathways into rehab in Tanzania and we still believe that reaching out to rehabs and treatment centers directly is the best way. You may be referred by your medical specialist or interventionist, but it pays to ask whether that physician or referrer will receive a commission for your admission. Be sure not to accept the first recommendation for a Rehab Facility in Tanzania and check our full list of handpicked and expertly vetted facilities in Tanzania.   From making the initial inquiry to a Tanzania Rehab our featured treatment centers will work with you to understand the nature of the clients condition and to assess whether their facility or treatment models are best suited to the individual needs and requirements. Often, a client will be based out of State or indeed internationally and the rehab team will work closely alongside other medical and sober transport agencies to ensure a safe and secure transport pathway to admission.   Cost of Rehab in Tanzania   Rehab in Tanzania can cost between $10,000 and $304,000+ per month depending on the individual rehab.   Luxury Rehab in Tanzania   Tanzania does not have an abundance of true Luxury Rehabs. There are a few tier one and tier two treatment centers that offer enhanced amenities and facilities. However, individuals and families seeking luxury rehab in Tanzania tend to travel to an International Treatment for Rehabilitation.   Outpatient Rehab Options in Tanzania   Outpatient treatment varies in length, depending on the specific needs of the patient and might require 13-26 hours of treatment participation per week and can last from 3 to 12 months. Outpatient treatment in Tanzania can be successful, of that there is no doubt. Though many patients need to draw upon huge reserves of self-motivation and self-discipline to fully recover. And during active addiction such reserves have generally been exhausted through the very cycle of addiction that leads a patient or their loved ones to consider rehab in Tanzania as the only option.   Dual Diagnosis in Tanzania   Dual diagnosis: In Tanzania, the term dual diagnosis refers to psychiatric disorder and addictive behavior. Dual diagnosis allows the treatment of co-occurring mental health issues alongside other individualized treatment methods.   Biochemical Restoration in Tanzania   Rehabs in Tanzania have embraced the importance of biochemical restoration over the past decade, in line with the general evolution of this dynamic approach to addiction treatment globally. Biochemical restoration in Tanzania analyses and treats the biochemical imbalances in the body that make a person more prone to addiction. Lab testing and blood work to identifies biochemical imbalances such as hormone levels, neurotransmitters, amino acids and nutrient deficiencies while checking for the presence of heavy metals and toxicities.   Secondary Rehabs in Tanzania   Secondary care rehabs cement the life skills required for recovery over a far longer period than would traditionally be feasible in a primary care facility. These extended exposure and life skills geared programs enables clients to operate their day to day lives and remain in a constructive system over a long period of time, which is universally the key to a sustained recovery.
What You Need to Know About Rehab in Saudi Arabia
Apr 17 2022
What You Need to Know About Rehab in Saudi Arabia
Rehabs in Saudi Arabia Are there any drug and alcohol addiction rehab treatment centers in Saudi Arabia?   Saudi Arabia does not have any rehab treatment centers. Saudi Citizens travel abroad for treatment. One of the most popular treatment facilities for those in Saudi Arabia is Physis Recovery, which has a dedicated, award-winning program, treating just one client at a time in sublime opulence.   The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a zero tolerance legislative framework toward illegal substance use, which unfortunately often means  those suffering from burnout or substance use forgo treatment options and instead suffer from severe health implications. For more information contact   Finding a treatment center in Saudi Arabia is virtually impossible, but there are options for residents of Saudi Arabia who are ready to regain control over their lives. Physis Recovery has been awarded Worlds Most Exclusive Luxury Rehab. The Saudi Arabia and GCC team is culturally sensitive, adheres to strict codes of confidentiality, and employs staff members who offer treatment in both Arabic and English.   Why does Saudi Arabia Have  Zero Tolerance for Substance Misuse?   Substance misuse in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia contradicts the fundamentals of Sharia Law and it is deemed culturally unacceptable. Many individuals and families experience intense feelings of shame and alienation when confronted with substance use issues.   What is the Addiction Treatment Situation in Saudi Arabia?   Despite strict laws forbidding alcohol and drugs in Saudi Arabia, there is still widespread use throughout the country and the severe penalties for the import, manufacture, possession, and consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs has not proven to be a deterrent. In 2019 a World Drug Report by the UNODC, it was found that for Saudis aged 15 to 64, an estimated 2.3% used amphetamine-type substances, 1.9% used cannabis, 2.5% used opiates and 0.85% used opioids. What is the Best Rehab in Saudi Arabia?   Worlds Best Rehabs features the most exclusive addiction treatment facilities in Saudi Arabia and our expert editors hand pick each rehab based on the facilities, treatment modality, success rate, ratio of clinical staff to client, a commitment to aftercare and long term recovery and overall value.   Understanding the Severity of Addiction in Saudi Arabia   According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), Addiction in Saudi Arabia is diagnosed on a spectrum of eleven criteria, including:   Lack of controlDesire to quit but unableSpending a lot of time trying to get the substanceCravingsLack of responsibilityProblems with relationshipsLoss of interestDangerous useWorsening situationsToleranceWithdrawal   The severity is determined by how many criteria you meet. For example, if two to three of the criteria apply to you, you would have a mild substance use disorder. But even if you have a mild diagnosis, you should still seek the help of qualified professionals.   When to go to Rehab in Saudi Arabia   Substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths globally though when it comes to addiction it can prove very difficult to admit that a problem exists.   As a general guide, if substance abuse and addictive behaviors are causing a negative effect on any aspect of your life then it’s time to consider a period of rehabilitation and recovery. If you’re questioning whether you may need help in rehabilitating your life then it’s very likely that you do, especially if your concerns are around alcohol, opioids or any other psychoactive substance.   Inpatient vs Outpatient Rehabs in Saudi Arabia   After the decision has been made to undertake a period of rehabilitation one of the first decisions will be to choose between inpatient rehab or outpatient treatment. At Worlds Best Rehab we are firm advocates of inpatient treatment models, given the greater chance of long-term complete recovery.   Statistically, those choosing residential treatment in 48-day, 60-day or 90-day programs stand a greater chance of success long-term. The 28-day rehab model can also be successful although do remember that if the 28-days includes a period of medical detox then the total number of ‘therapeutic days’ will be greatly reduced. For this very reason many rehabs in Saudi Arabia have after care or secondary treatment options to assist a client reintegrate into their new life in recovery.   Alcohol and Substance abuse is one of the biggest killers in the World with nearly 3 million directly attributable deaths per year and countless more unattributed. Even with these facts it remains the one with the most stigma. Worlds Best Rehab is designed to help people make informed choices about high end treatment for recovery from a life threatening condition.   Saudi Arabia Detox   Phase one of inpatient Saudi Arabia rehab usually starts with detoxification and it’s the detox phase of recovery that presents the most brutal physical symptoms of addiction. Detox can be undertaken in a medically supervised home detox environment though this must be under the guidance and direction of a Saudi Arabia rehab physician.   A poorly managed detox can be fatal as the potentially life-threatening effects of suddenly quitting (withdrawing) from alcohol and substance abuse can be very severe.   For many people it is safest and preferable to detox under medical supervision in a Saudi Arabia rehab facility.   Luxury Rehab in Saudi Arabia   Saudi Arabia does not have any rehabs. Individuals and families seeking luxury rehab in Saudi Arabia tend to travel to an International Treatment for Rehabilitation.
Rehabs in Finland *The Luxury Rehabs in Finland Worth Talking About
Apr 16 2022
Rehabs in Finland *The Luxury Rehabs in Finland Worth Talking About
Rehab in Finland Individuals and families seeking rehab treatment in Finland tend to travel abroad for their care. Finland does have a number of rehab clinics, yet these the success rates of these facilities is low when compared to leading clinics such as Physis Recovery. Remedy Wellbeing delivers the type of care that is lacking in Finland. Mental disorders are often closely linked with biochemical imbalances and neurotransmitter issues in the body and these imbalances are healed with a sustained program of bio-molecular restoration, orthomolecular medicine and bio-pharmaceutical prescriptions to complement intense episodes of psycho-therapeutic deliveries.   Remedy Wellbeing is exceptionally popular with Citizens and Residents of Finland and is the Worlds most exclusive treatment center. Many residents of Finland find themselves unable to commit to a full program of recovery and a substantial number of residents of Finland opt for the Intensive Online Program.   Understanding the Severity of Addiction in Finland   According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), Addiction in Finland is diagnosed on a spectrum of eleven criteria, including:   Lack of controlDesire to quit but unableSpending a lot of time trying to get the substanceCravingsLack of responsibilityProblems with relationshipsLoss of interest   The severity is determined by how many criteria you meet. For example, if two to three of the criteria apply to you, you would have a mild substance use disorder. But even if you have a mild diagnosis, you should still seek the help of qualified professionals.   Best Rehab in Finland   Physis Recovery has been awarded Best Rehab in Europe for individuals and families looking for rehab in Finland.   When to go to Rehab in Finland   Substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths globally though when it comes to addiction it can prove very difficult to admit that a problem exists.   As a general guide if substance abuse and addictive behaviors are causing a negative effect on any aspect of your life then it’s time to consider a period of rehabilitation and recovery. If you’re questioning whether you may need help in rehabilitating your life then it’s very likely that you do, especially if your concerns are around alcohol, opioids or any other psychoactive substance.   Inpatient or Outpatient Recovery in Finland   Statistically, those choosing residential treatment in 48-day, 60-day or 90-day programs stand a greater chance of success long-term. The 28-day rehab model can also be successful although do remember that if the 28-days includes a period of medical detox then the total number of ‘therapeutic days’ will be greatly reduced. For this very reason many rehabs in Finland have after care or secondary treatment options to assist a client reintegrate into their new life in recovery.   Alcohol and Substance abuse is one of the biggest killers in the World with nearly 3 million directly attributable deaths per year and countless more unattributed. Even with these facts it remains the one with the most stigma. Worlds Best Rehab is designed to help people make informed choices about high end treatment for recovery from a life threatening condition.   Finland Detox   Phase one of inpatient Finland rehab usually starts with detoxification and it’s the detox phase of recovery that presents the most brutal physical symptoms of addiction. Detox can be undertaken in a medically supervised home detox environment though this must be under the guidance and direction of a Finland rehab physician.   A poorly managed detox can be fatal as the potentially life-threatening effects of suddenly quitting (withdrawing) from alcohol and substance abuse can be very severe.   For many people it is safest and preferable to detox under medical supervision in a Finland rehab facility.   Next Phase of Finland Rehab   After a successful detox, therapeutic efforts begin at the in earnest at the Finland rehab of choice to address the underlying symptoms and catalysts that lead to substance abuse and behavioral disorder. During inpatient Finland rehab this phase of recovery includes therapy, counseling, peer support and medical care if required.   Additionally, many holistic and nutritional therapies can be applied at this stage including nutritional rehabilitation, biochemical restoration, equine therapy, art therapy, yoga, exercise and a raft of local and international techniques.   There are many different pathways into rehab in Finland and we still believe that reaching out to rehabs and treatment centers directly is the best way.   You may be referred by your medical specialist or interventionist, but it pays to ask whether that physician or referrer will receive a commission for your admission. Be sure not to accept the first recommendation for a Rehab Facility in Finland and check our full list of handpicked and expertly vetted facilities in Finland.   From making the initial inquiry to a Finland Rehab our featured treatment centers will work with you to understand the nature of the clients condition and to assess whether their facility or treatment models are best suited to the individual needs and requirements. Often, a client will be based out of State or indeed internationally and the rehab team will work closely alongside other medical and sober transport agencies to ensure a safe and secure transport pathway to admission.   Outpatient Rehab Options in Finland   Outpatient treatment varies in length, depending on the specific needs of the patient and might require 13-26 hours of treatment participation per week and can last from 3 to 12 months. Outpatient treatment in Finland can be successful, of that there is no doubt. Though many patients need to draw upon huge reserves of self-motivation and self-discipline to fully recover. And during active addiction such reserves have generally been exhausted through the very cycle of addiction that leads a patient or their loved ones to consider rehab in Finland as the only option.   Dual Diagnosis in Finland   Dual diagnosis: In Finland, the term dual diagnosis refers to psychiatric disorder and addictive behavior. Dual diagnosis allows the treatment of co-occurring mental health issues alongside other individualized treatment methods.   Biochemical Restoration in Finland   Rehabs in Finland have embraced the importance of biochemical restoration over the past decade, in line with the general evolution of this dynamic approach to addiction treatment globally. Biochemical restoration in Finland analyses and treats the biochemical imbalances in the body that make a person more prone to addiction. Lab testing and blood work to identifies biochemical imbalances such as hormone levels, neurotransmitters, amino acids and nutrient deficiencies while checking for the presence of heavy metals and toxicities.   Nutritional rehab in Finland   Comparing the symptoms of nutritional deficiencies that were formed during addiction assists nutritional experts to identify which exact biochemical imbalances are triggering the addictive state, and to begin to restore the biochemistry of the body, over the course of treatment. Proper nutrition can often be the last piece of the puzzle that can make biochemical restoration successful for sobriety.   Secondary Rehab in Finland   Secondary care rehabs cement the life skills required for recovery over a far longer period than would traditionally be feasible in a primary care facility. These extended exposure and life skills geared programs enables clients to operate their day to day lives and remain in a constructive system over a long period of time, which is universally the key to a sustained recovery.
The Banyans Rehab in Brisbane, Australia * Rehab Review
Apr 12 2022
The Banyans Rehab in Brisbane, Australia * Rehab Review The Banyans is a luxury rehab retreat located in Brisbane, Australia. It is a world away for clients seeking recovery from their addictions and disorders. The setting and facilities guests are offered at the Banyans is second to none. Visitors are provided a beautiful resort-like home to spend each day of recovery living in. The grounds of the Banyans are well-manicured and guests can explore the natural surroundings.  The five-star luxury rehab facility accommodates just eight guests at any one time. The low in-take number means clients receive the focus of the Banyans staff and recovery is taken very seriously. The modern architecture of the Banyans and spotless interior are far different than many of the 12-step recovery centers clients may have experienced in the past.  All treatments are personalized and each client is treated differently than the other guests on-site. The Banyans ensures there is no one plan to fit all the addictions and mental health issues of its clients. A family-like atmosphere is created thanks to the center’s small community of guests and dedicated staff. Guests will find a team of six medical doctors possessing specialist qualifications in Addiction and Dependency, Mental Health and Eating Disorders. The Banyans’ doctors can also work with clients suffering from trauma and burnout. The facilities provide a one of a kind stay and thanks to a growing list of alumni providing five-star praise, the Banyans remains one of the best rehabs in the world.  What is a day like at the Banyans? The Banyans is an immaculate facility with a spacious outdoor space allowing guests to lounge around its infinity swimming pool that looks out onto the Brisbane countryside. A gym is situated inside the facility allowing guests to work out during their stay. A cinema room is on-site giving guests the chance to mingle and watch films. Rooms are overseen by a housekeeping staff that changes each suite’s bedding regularly. Bedrooms are spacious with comfortable beds, a sitting area, and a writing desk. Guests are encouraged to use their living quarters to reflect and relax during rehab. A private bathroom with spa bath is also located inside each en suite bathroom.  Most guests remain at the Banyans for around 28 days. However, the length of stay is determined by the guest. New arrivals are introduced to the rehab center’s daily schedule right away. The daily schedule consists of mealtimes, educational classes and sessions, and individual therapy. Guests will meet with therapists privately which increases the family-like atmosphere former clients have praised. Clients may undergo a variety of treatment techniques including CBT, Motivational Interviewing (MI), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and relapse prevention. The Banyans cost The cost of the Banyans varies due to the length of stay and treatment. A stay at the luxury rehab center can be as few as 28 days, however, some guests remain at the center for extended periods to recover further. Each person is different, therefore, the length of time needed for rehab can vary. The cost of treatment at the Banyans can range between $84,000 and $130,000 AUD. The Banyans accommodation The accommodation at the Banyans is equivalent to a boutique resort. In fact, that is exactly what the Banyans is. Guests will be transported to a world of luxurious recovery where a small team of doctors and therapists personally work with them to overcome addiction and mental health issues.  Visitor live in private suites that include a bedroom, study, and en suite bathroom. An infinity swimming pool offers breathtaking views of the surrounding natural area, and daily maid and laundry services are available. Guests also have access to a library and lounge, cinema room, gym, and dining area. The Banyans Privacy Only eight residents are allowed at the Banyans at any one time. The low in-take number gives guests a private experience. Residential living quarters also offer a private stay as guests can remain in their rooms relaxing and reflecting when not in therapy sessions.  One of the World’s Best Rehabs The Banyans is hands down one of the best rehab centers in the world thanks to its beautiful surroundings, modern architecture, and first-class amenities. The small staff and low number of guests on-site make it a perfect destination for recovery.  The Banyans Modality All guests are assessed to determine each individual’s level of care. The length of stay is calculated on the client’s needs although 28 days is the average length of a stay. The Banyans provides dual diagnosis support and therapists are available to treat co-occurring disorders such as depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, and bipolar disorder.  The Banyans Facility The rehab center is set on a gorgeous estate surrounded by rolling green hills. The modern home is a true escape for individuals seeking recovery from addiction. The facilities are pristine and guests can enjoy a variety of amenities including a pool, gym, and cinema room.  The Banyans Setting Situated in Brisbane, Australia, guests can expect a home away from home. Guests will be able to enjoy the lush greenery and warm Brisbane weather when not in their one-on-one sessions. The rich natural setting of the Banyans is the perfect blend of comfort and quiet to improve the recovery process. The Banyans Cost The cost of a stay at the Banyans varies depending on the length of a stay at the facility. Each guest is different and the length of stay will depend on the initial interview process upon arrival. The overall cost of a stay at the Banyans is between $84,000 and $130,000 AUD. The Banyans Accommodation An on-site team of chefs is available for guests providing fresh, locally sourced meals. The low number of guests allow for the culinary team to cater to each individual needs. Each guest will stay in a lush suite during their visit. Suites come with a sitting area, desk, en suite bathroom with spa bath, and plush bed. Other Luxury Rehabs in Australia Worlds Best Rehabs
Rehabs in Australia
Apr 11 2022
Rehabs in Australia
Rehab in Australia Residential Rehab in Australia takes a long-term approach to treatment and strives for a lifestyle without alcohol or drugs. A drug rehab or drug rehabilitation program is a professionally-led treatment plan to help you recover from a drug addiction or addiction.   Make sure your drug rehab program is based on proven methods of drug addiction treatment and recovery. The goal of drug rehabilitation is to break the cycle of addiction and help you stay instinctively “clean” by giving you the tools you need to change your behavior and making recovery methods second nature.   The best drug rehab centers will give you all the tools and help you need to get back to living a life free of addictions or illegal drugs. Drug rehabilitation ideally provides professional care and a recovery-friendly environment, making it the most efficient and effective solution.    The main advantages of private rehabilitation are the speed of admission and the time of initiation of treatment, which can usually be provided quickly. This is one of the reasons many choose private drug or alcohol rehab to access treatment faster.   Waiting 6 months for a free community bed is impractical when addicts admit they have a problem and need treatment. When someone with an addiction decides to prepare for treatment, it’s important to act quickly, as most of us experienced know that the drive to recover is fleeting at best.   The alcoholic or drug addict then returns to detox and addiction treatment in Australia only to repeat exactly the same thing that went wrong on their first visit to rehab or their 3rd, 4th or 10th visit to rehab Centre. Drug and alcohol rehab helps people improve their lifestyle by helping them quit or reduce their drug and alcohol use. Drug and alcohol rehabilitation services offer a wide range of treatments, including counseling, which means you don’t have to do it alone.   Both federal and state governments fund community support services that provide drug and alcohol treatment to help subsidize costs. To combat alcohol and drug addiction, the Australian government funds a number of local treatment centres and prevention programmes to help end substance use. Often, the involvement of family or community members can improve the effectiveness of alcohol and drug addiction treatment.   Australia is home to many successful rehab treatment centers, spanning a range of budgets and treatment modality, from those traditionally employing the established 12-Step approach, through to those that take a more holistic and therapeutic approach to uncovering and treating the traumas associated with addiction and co-occurring mental health treatment.   Are Mental Health Retreats in Australia Covered By Insurance?   There are elements of an Australian rehab programme that can be covered by private health insurance, however, the entire programme is not covered as most rehabs in Australia are not classed as hospitals.   The elements of rehab in Australia that may be covered by insurance include: OsteopathyDieteticsExercise PhysiologyRemedial MassagePsychotherapy & CounsellingPilatesAcupuncture   Can I unlock my Super Annuation for Rehab in Australia?   Yes, there are certain compassionate circumstances where the ATO will approve access or release of superannuation to help pay for the cost of rehab in Australia.  Each case and situation is different but the link below is the form you will need to get started.   What you will need:   Written supporting documentation from 2 registered medical practitioners one of which needs to be a specialist (psychiatrist or specialist GP)A quote and programme from your chosen rehab in AustraliaCompleted ATO application form   Outpatient Rehab Options in Australia   Outpatient treatment varies in length, depending on the specific needs of the patient and might require 13-26 hours of treatment participation per week and can last from 3 to 12 months. Outpatient treatment in Australia can be successful, of that there is no doubt. Though many patients need to draw upon huge reserves of self-motivation and self-discipline to fully recover. And during active addiction such reserves have generally been exhausted through the very cycle of addiction that leads a patient or their loved ones to consider rehab in Australia as the only option. Worlds Best Rehabs
Brookdale Premier Addiction Recovery Review
Apr 6 2022
Brookdale Premier Addiction Recovery Review
Brookdale Premier Addiction Recovery, Scotrun, Pennsylvania, United States Brookdale Recovery resembles a quaint outdoor vacation destination rather than a luxury substance abuse treatment facility. However, looks can be deceiving. It is this charming look and feel that makes Brookdale Recovery different than its rehab contemporaries. The resort-style substance abuse rehab isn’t just about aesthetics. It provides high-quality treatment to individuals suffering from substance abuse disorder and co-occurring disorders. Brookdale Recovery simply offers treatment in a way many people do not expect from a luxury rehab. The private substance abuse recovery center is located in Scotrun, Pennsylvania. Brookdale Recovery is set amongst the gorgeous Pocono Mountains, providing a great natural setting for individuals seeking recovery from substance abuse. Brookdale Recovery opened in 2019 and offers a unique facility to residents. The entire rehab center overlooks a lake, further building a one-of-a-kind environment few individuals experience when going through treatment.  Clients undergo intensive inpatient treatment, detoxification, and mental wellness programs to improve their quality of life. Brookdale Recovery’s treatment plans are centered around substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. The rehab offers a one to six staff to resident ratio, giving clients the chance to spend plenty of time with their counselor.  Brookdale Recovery’s staff implements a variety of evidence-based therapies into each client’s treatment program. Residents will undergo cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing (MI), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), 12-step integration, and grief groups. There are also gender-specific groups provided by the rehab. There is much more to love about Brookdale Recovery inside and outside. The rehab is fully accredited by the Joint Commission. What is a day at Brookdale Recovery like? One of the first aspects residents notice about Brookdale Recovery is that the entire campus looks like a holiday camp. The environment created by the treatment facility breeds relaxation, healing, and well-being. These three aspects are very important to Brookdale Recovery and that is why the rehab offers a holistic approach to substance abuse treatment.  The Brookdale Recovery program features mindfulness and meditation, yoga, family education, health and wellness sessions, relapse prevention, and co-occurring disorder interventions. This holistic approach means each client’s mind, body, and spirit has the chance to heal.  Brookdale Recovery’s founders understand that the rehab is one of the most unique in the world. It is the uniqueness that has been created that attracts clients from around the globe. Brookdale Recovery’s very location and setting makes it different than all other rehabs. However, it isn’t just the setting alone that sets the rehab apart. There is substance to the intensive program.  There is an emphasis on providing a comprehensive and humanistic approach to clients. Treatment programs are tailored to meet the needs of each client. Staff build a treatment program around a client’s needs using an array of therapeutic techniques. Residents will undergo evidence-based treatments such as CBT, MI, and DBT. A 12-step integration program is also a part of Brookdale Recovery’s offerings.  A client’s journey at Brookdale Recovery begins with detox. After completing detox, clients move to the residential program. Residents will work closely with the rehab’s staff to discover the root of their addiction issues. From there, residents will work to build coping strategies.  Brookdale Recovery Accommodation Brookdale Recovery opened in 2019 as a newly built resort-style rehab. The rehab was constructed to meet the needs of clients. Residents stay in cozy cabins that overlook an onsite lake. Brookdale Recovery is nestled in a gorgeous part of Pennsylvania in the Pocono Mountains. It provides a rustic setting for recovery. However, there is nothing rustic about the fantastic amenities clients experience.  Residents will use the main cabin onsite for individual therapy sessions, detox, dining, and group therapy and events. An indoor and outdoor swimming pool is onsite. There is also a sauna for clients to access. Sports and recreation are popular parts of the Brookdale Recovery model. Residents will find a yoga studio, tennis courts, basketball courts, and more available to use. Hiking trails snake off into the Pocono countryside for excursions. The rehab offers three different cabin styles. Each is unique and provide a great place for residents to spend their quiet time. Clients can choose from private or shared cabins. Each cabin comes with an ensuite bathroom.   Brookdale Recovery’s campus size allows it to accommodate a large number of residents at one time. The rehab is able to welcome up to 50 residents. The summer camp-style resort’s atmosphere makes it feel very different to other large-sized rehabs.  Brookdale Recovery Privacy Brookdale Recovery’s primary goal is to provide each client with compassionate, quality care in a safe and comfortable environment. The rehab accomplishes these tasks by providing clients with a relaxing, private, and secure rehab experience. Brookdale Recovery adheres to HIPAA laws to protect each clients PHI as it sees fit.  One of the world’s best rehabs Brookdale Recovery’s location makes it one of the most incredible rehabs in the world today. Located in the Pocono Mountains, residents are immersed in the local nature from the start. Clients spend their rehab stay in cabins. The entire stay is similar to spending a summer at camp.  Brookdale Recovery Modalities Residents will undergo evidence-based treatments such as CBT, MI, and DBT. A 12-step integration program is also a part of Brookdale Recovery’s offerings. The rehab also uses health, wellness, and mindfulness activities to improve the entire person. Brookdale Recovery Setting Brookdale Recovery is uniquely set in the Pocono Mountains in southern Pennsylvania. Residents will spend their recovery in a completely rural setting with mountains, forests, and lakes surrounding them.  Brookdale Recovery Cost A 28-day stay at Brookdale Recovery begins at $28,000. A full-stay at the rehab provides residents with a wealth of activities along with their treatment for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. Brookdale Recovery accepts major insurance providers and potential clients can have their insurance verified here.  Other vetted rehabs in Pennsylvania
The Orchard on the Brazos Review * Know Before You Go to Orchard Recovery, TX
Apr 5 2022
The Orchard on the Brazos Review * Know Before You Go to Orchard Recovery, TX
The Orchard on the Brazos Review The Orchard on the Brazos is a luxury residential substance abuse treatment center located in Wallis, Texas. The inpatient rehab center treats men and women seeking recovery from the effects of drug and alcohol abuse.  Founded in 2020, the Orchard has quickly grown a reputation for providing high-quality rehab care to clients from around the globe. Although the rehab is newly opened, it boasts more than a century of combined experience from its professional team.  The Orchard on the Brazos welcomes a maximum of 15 residents at one time to its gorgeous facility. You will find the rehab situated on a 130-acre Texas ranch. It is a world away from many of the rehab facilities that are located in major cities around America.  The pace of life is slower at the Orchard on the Brazos, but that doesn’t mean your recovery will be slow. The location of the five-star luxury rehab is ideal for healing as it takes you away from the environment that created and supported substance abuse.  The rehab is Joint Commission accredited and it uses a holistic approach to healing. The Orchard on the Brazos focuses on recovery, spiritual exploration, and reintegration. These pillars of the rehab’s treatment program enable clients to recover and become valuable members of society. The Orchards on the Brazos provides residents with the tools need to rebuild their lives.  What is a day at the Orchard on the Brazos like? Your journey to full recovery at the Orchard on the Brazos begins with an initial assessment. The one-to-one assessment with a member of the rehab’s clinical staff gives the center a clearer picture of the treatment you need. Every person’s substance abuse is different. The initial assessment will help doctors create a treatment plan that is unique to your needs.  The Orchards on the Brazos treats a variety of substance abuse problems including alcohol addiction, opioid addiction, methamphetamine addiction, cocaine addiction, benzodiazepines, MDMA addiction, marijuana addiction, and much more. The center’s expert staff of professionals has years of experience working with clients suffering from these issues and they have helped individuals gain freedom from their addictions.  Residents will obtain medical stabilization under the care of the Orchard on the Brazo’s staff. The rehab’s staff is available 24 hours a day. After your initial assessment, you will have a customized plan created to address your recovery needs. A full spectrum of care is provided to each resident. Treatment programs include fitness and exercise programming, trauma therapy, group counseling, one-to-one therapy, and family therapy.  The Orchard on the Brazos wants each resident’s family to be involved in the healing process and the family program welcomes loved ones to the center to participate in sessions. The length of each resident’s stay is dependent on their needs. No two clients are alike and the Orchard on the Brazos’ treatment program treats everyone individually.  Orchard on the Brazos Accommodation The Orchard on the Brazos is located just outside of Houston, Texas in a town known as Wallis. The rehab is nestled on a 130-acre ranch. It is a world away from the hustle and bustle of life in the big city. The grounds that surround the rehab are beautiful. They provide a space to clear your head and to recover. Rehab can be a very stressful period, but having nature and wide-open spaces to explore relieves some of the stress residents feel.  One of the major selling points for the Orchard on the Brazos is the accommodation. Residents live in one of six custom-built homes that are found on the rehab’s grounds. The homes are located on the Brazos River and provide fantastic views of the area’s natural beauty. Each house is designed to showcase the beauty of the area. You will have floor to ceiling windows to view the outside world. There are also outdoor areas to enjoy during your downtime.  Residential quarters are split up for men and women. There are also premium living spaces that you can select. The Orchard on the Brazos provides special living quarters for extended stays. Fitness and health activities are a major part of the recovery process at Orchard on the Brazos. A fitness gym is located on campus allowing you to work out 24 hours a day. A two-mile walking trail surrounds the property and is great for exploring. Fitness classes are available along with massage therapy. A swimming pool is on-site as well. Orchard on the Brazos Privacy Orchard on the Brazos adheres to the latest HIPAA laws and it works to ensure your private details are kept safe. Meanwhile, you will have privacy on-site while living in one of the rehab’s exclusive homes. The large, rural campus also adds to the secure, privacy residents experience at Orchard on the Brazos.  One of the world’s best rehabs Orchard on the Brazos’ location on a Texas ranch makes it one of the more unique rehabs in the world. It offers you the chance to get away from the environments that foster substance abuse disorder and the chance to spend time in a beautiful natural setting. The accommodation provides you with your own space and the customized treatment program address the underlying issues that led to your substance abuse.  Orchard on the Brazos Modalities The rehab’s treatment program is based on three pillars: recovery, spiritual exploration, and reintegration. Using the three pillars, the rehab’s staff works with clients to end addiction. A full spectrum of care is provided to each resident and treatment programs include fitness and exercise programming, trauma therapy, group counseling, one-to-one therapy, and family therapy. Orchard on the Brazos Setting Founded in 2020, the Orchard on the Brazos is located in Wallis, Texas on a beautiful 130-acre campus. It is a perfect slice of rural Texas life and ideal for recovering from drug and alcohol abuse.  Orchard on the Brazos Cost The length of treatment varies from resident to resident. Your needs will determine the length of stay and treatment options available. A stay at the Orchard on the Brazos begins at $40,000. The rehab accepts several major insurance providers.  Other rehabs in Texas: Luxury rehabs in Texas
Help Me Stop Outpatient Addiction Treatment Center (Podcast Review)
Apr 5 2022
Help Me Stop Outpatient Addiction Treatment Center (Podcast Review) Help Me Stop review Help Me Stop is a growing UK-based rehab provider that promises ‘rehab in the real world’. Their centers offer a model that is sometimes described as intensive outpatient rehabilitation or ‘dayhab’. With two centers in London — and more opening — and an online offer, Help Me Stop promises a practical option for those who are struggling not just with addiction, but also securing rehabilitation. The value of dayhab Inpatient rehabilitation is often seen as the gold-standard when it comes to dealing with addiction. By having the patient onsite and in a controlled environment, intensive treatment can take place without the stresses and strains of ordinary life triggering a relapse. But inpatient treatment is not without its disadvantages. For many people, inpatient rehabilitation simply is not an option. Some might have employers who will not release them, and they cannot afford to lose their job. Others might have family they need to care for. And, for many, the cost is prohibitive. Inpatient facilities can often cost around $1,250 per day, and with stays typically lasting four-to-six weeks, they are not widely affordable. Help Me Stop offers an option for those that need the support of a rehab, but cannot stay in a residential facility. It promises intensive support in a structured program that allows them to continue their normal life, while costing less than a few days in a residential facility. How Help Me Stop works There is a lot of research into addiction and rehabilitation, as well as many people who have overcome addiction without a formal rehab experience. Help Me Stop, therefore, calls on that wealth of knowledge to put in place all the components of rehabilitation that make success more likely. Their programs are based on international guidelines for addiction treatment, offering a mix of therapy and group work, backed up with medical support if required, to help the addict on their journey to abstinence. Both their in-person and online options follow a similar model, with six-week intensive programs and support. Intensive therapy sessions Help Me Stop use the well-known 12-step approach. Although this was developed for Alcoholics Anonymous, and is perhaps still most associated with them, it is a common framework for addiction support groups. Help Me Stop’s clients will attend, for the first four weeks, five group sessions a week, dropping to three a week for their final two weeks. In these groups, they will give and receive support from the group as they learn about their addiction and how to deal with it. These are supplemented with weekly one-to-one therapy sessions. These use cognitive behavioral therapy. This is a practical therapy, that seeks to help patients understand how their addiction works in real life, and develop strategies and techniques to manage it. It is reinforced with practice between sessions, and the aim is that the patient will, effectively, become their own therapist, identifying how their thoughts and feelings affect their actions, and vice versa, and how to take practical steps to change their behavior. Family support Good rehab will always offer support for the wider family and network of an addict. Having a supportive network will improve the chances of recovery, but only if the support is offered in the right way. Loved ones might plead for change or issue ultimatums because of their love, but are not helpful to someone caught in a cycle of addition. Help Me Stop offers free family support, which can be essential during a dayhab model since family members can, unwittingly, be part of the addiction cycle, perhaps because of the stress caused by family dynamics or issues of co-dependency. Help Me Stop’s family support will help the addict’s family and loved one’s understand how they can play a role in helping the addict recover and return to a loving family life. Aftercare Rehabilitation is a process, and there is never a clear point at which the addict moves from rehabilitation into a lifelong recovery. And with relapse occurring more commonly immediately after a formal end of rehab, aftercare is vital. Help Me Stop’s dayhab model avoids the shock of ending a residential stay. Their intensive program also has a slight taper, with slightly fewer group sessions in the last weeks, helping the client with their adjustment for recovery. However, it adds to this with three months’ free aftercare. These weekly groups offer those starting their recovery the opportunity to return to a supportive environment where they can share and solve the problems and challenges they have encountered. Help Me Stop’s options Help Me Stop offers two different options, either face-to-face in one of their locations, or online. In both cases, the model has flexibility built in. Clients can choose between different ‘streams’ to suit their lifestyle. Those with children, for example, can opt for daytime sessions while their children are at school, while those at work can attend evening sessions. Both the in-person and online options following similar, best practice, addiction treatment models, so for many the choice might be down to convenience or even preference. Both options are very competitively priced, offering six-weeks of individualized treatment at just £3,000 ($4,000) for face-to-face treatment and £1,500 ($2,000) for online treatment. Costing a fraction of the price of inpatient rehab, Help Me Stop offers a realistic rehabilitation option to people for whom such help was previously out of reach. And following established treatment models means it is effective; the dayhab model was pioneered by The Twin Town center in Los Angeles, and 76% of their clients are clean nine months after completing the program, an incredible success rate when studies typically find relapse rates of at least 40%. Help Me Stop offers a high-quality rehabilitation program. Their rehabilitation is structured to offer the therapy, support, and accountability that make successful recovery more likely. Whether it’s because inpatient rehab is impossible, or just unappealing, Help Me Stop offers a proven, and affordable, rehab option for those looking to conquer their addictions. Pros and Cons Help me stop is a good budget option for quitting alcohol and drugs although there are none of the extra facilities and amenities that you would normally find in a luxury united kingdom rehab
The Hawaii Island Recovery Podcast
Apr 4 2022
The Hawaii Island Recovery Podcast
Hawaii Island Recovery   Hawaii Island Recovery was founded by John Hibscher. Hibscher is highly experienced in the addiction rehab realm. After gaining a Master's Degree and Doctorate Degree from Northwestern University, he worked at his own private practice in Milwaukee. In 1997, Hibscher moved to Hawaii to work with individuals suffering from addiction. In more than 35 years of clinical psychology, Hibscher has worked with a variety of patients, using evidence-based therapies. These same evidence-based therapies are utilized by Hawaii Island Recovery today, giving residents the chance to gain independence from their addictions.  The rehab welcomes a maximum of eight residents at a time to its fantastic property. Accredited by the Joint Commission, Hawaii Island Recovery works with men and women. Along with evidence-based therapies, you will experience medically supervise detox after arriving. Holistic and experiential therapies are on the menu at the luxury rehab.  What is a day at Hawaii Island Recovery like? Hawaii Island Recovery has therapists capable of working with residents suffering from substance abuse, addiction, and co-occurring disorders. The rehab has three key areas it targets when treating residents. The key areas are clinical care, holistic health, and recreational activities.  Along with substance abuse, drug addiction, and alcohol addiction, Hawaii Island Recovery works with residents suffering from process addictions such as gambling, sex, pornography, and food. You may also receive help for post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety. You can select a rehab program for 30, 60, or 90 days. Hawaii Island Recovery provides a timeframe that works for each resident rather than providing a one size fits all program.  Upon arrival at Hawaii Island Recovery, you will undergo pre-medical approval and an assessment to determine the therapies you will experience. Medically supervised detox is provided if needed. This gives you the opportunity to remove the toxins from your body before moving onto the full residential program. Once the residential program begins, you will attend individual and group therapy sessions multiple times per week. Medication will be administered if needed during your stay.  One of the biggest selling points for Hawaii Island Recovery is the center’s dolphin-assisted psychotherapy program. The program allows residents to swim with dolphins to improve their mental health. There is also an equine therapy program. Experiential therapies and activities such as snorkeling, hiking, and trips to the beach provide additional healing to residents.  Other Rehabs in Hawaii Luxury Rehabs in Hawaii
Hills and Ranges Private (HARP) Rehab in Australia * Know Before You Go to Hills and Ranges
Apr 1 2022
Hills and Ranges Private (HARP) Rehab in Australia * Know Before You Go to Hills and Ranges
Hills and Ranges Private - Rehab Feature on Worlds Best Rehab Magazine Original Feature: Hills and Ranges Private provides continual support and guidance to individuals on their journey to addiction recovery and sobriety. Hills and Ranges Private is a luxury voluntary rehabilitation center located in Melbourne, Australia. With luxurious facilities in a quiet Melbourne location, Hills and Ranges Private offers one of Australia's most successful high-end recovery and detox programs, drug counseling, recovery training, and holistic AOD services to help clients recover in an effective, efficient, and sustainable way. Hills and Ranges Private was created when two veterans of the alcohol and drug rehab industry sensed a lack of quality, luxurious care in the psychiatric arena, particularly in the Victoria region. Hills and Ranges Private was born out of this lack of quality and has filled the gap well.  The luxury rehab’s success has led to it expanding to 12 beds across two sites in the Dandenong Ranges. The rehab opened in 2019 and despite the COVID-19 pandemic, experienced incredible growth throughout its first three years in business. The founders of Hills and Ranges Private put the rehab’s fast growth down to the high-quality service that is provided to guests.  According to Hills and Ranges Private, the rehab eliminates the white walls and doctors wearing lab coats atmosphere that many rehabs offer. Instead, clients can expect a luxurious setting in the rehab’s chalet accommodation.  What is a day at Hills and Ranges Private like? Guests at Hills and Ranges Private will have the best clinicians at their fingertips. The rehab has worked diligently to assemble the best psychotherapists, psychiatrists, counselors, and general practitioners available under one roof. It isn’t just Hills and Ranges Private’s clinical staff that makes it a one-of-a-kind rehab, however.  Hills and Ranges Private’s holistic approach means guests will have access to other treatment options giving them the chance to heal inside out. The mind and body work in tandem, and clients must treat both parts to heal 100%. Hills and Ranges Private offers holistic treatments in the form of massage therapy, personal trainers, estheticians, and nutritionists.  Each client is treated uniquely. All drug and alcohol issues, as well as mental health issues, are unique to the individual. Therefore, Hills and Ranges Private designs treatment plans based on the needs of each client. Treatment plans are tailored to each resident’s needs. Residents will undergo counseling, psychology, and the rehab’s 5i® Recovery Treatment Program. The Hills and Ranges Private rehab process typically starts with a mental and physical assessment of the prospective resident. The rehab’s specialist assesses the severity of the addiction to better understand what types of treatments, activities, and therapies the individual needs.  The assessment also employs a physical activity program that is unparalleled in Australia. It offers more than a 12-step program to clients and focuses on a multi-layered, ongoing treatment program to support healthy detox and recovery. The 5i® Recovery Treatment Program guides clients through a self-paced curriculum focusing on traumatic events, behavioral issues and character areas that demand attention. The program provides residents with the tools and resources to bring about positive life changes.  Hills and Ranges Private Accommodation Clients traveling into and outside of Australia to attend Hills and Ranges Private can access the rehab’s private jet transfer. The rehab works with high-profile clients. Many of the individuals to seek help from Hills and Ranges Private work as high-level executives and entrepreneurs.  Hills and Ranges Private offers two chalet properties for guests. Clients can choose from staying at the Olinda or the Sassafras. The chalets provide clients a safe and comfortable place to stay during treatment. The facilities are ideal for clients as they go through treatment for anxiety, depression, and addiction. The chalets are well-appointed and furnished with modern amenities. The rehab is an easy 45-minute drive from Melbourne’s Central Business District. The chalet has a state-of-the-art kitchen and nutritious food is served to help in the recovery process. There is fresh air and green landscapes that surround the chalets. The landscapes are perfect for helping clients improve during the healing process.  There is a fully equipped fitness room and yoga studio. Hills and Ranges Private puts an emphasis on improving the body physically. Clients have plenty of space to relax and heal. Bedrooms are comfortable and perfect for spending the end of the day in.  Hills and Ranges Private Privacy Hills and Ranges Private’s exclusive chalets provide a safe, secure atmosphere for healing. The rehab’s expert and highly trained staff have worked with a variety of high-profile clients previously. Residents will experience a white-glove treatment process at all times. Hills and Ranges Private makes the rehab experience fulfilling thanks to its unique treatment program.  One of the world’s best rehabs Hills and Ranges Private opened in 2019 and in just a short time, the rehab has become one of the most exciting executive treatment centers in the world. Its treatment program and luxurious accommodation is second to none. Residents will experience a unique treatment process aimed at healing the entire person. Hills and Ranges Private Modalities Residents will undergo counseling, psychology, and the rehab’s 5i® Recovery Treatment Program. The 5i® Recovery Treatment Program guides clients through a self-paced curriculum focusing on traumatic events, behavioral issues and character areas that demand attention. The program provides residents with the tools and resources to bring about positive life changes. Hills and Ranges Private Setting The rehab is an easy 45-minute drive from Melbourne’s Central Business District. Hills and Ranges Private is situated in beautiful leafy surroundings. The nature and landscape just outside the windows of Hills and Ranges Private’s chalets are ideal for improving the mind, body, and spirit during treatment.  Hills and Ranges Private Cost Hills and Ranges Private works with high-level executives and entrepreneurs. The cost of Hills and Ranges per week begins at just over $16,000. Hills and Ranges Private Accommodation Residents have comfortable, private bedrooms and bathrooms in the beautifully appointed chalets at Hills and Ranges Private. There is a fitness room and yoga studio for clients to improve their physical and mental fitness. Other Rehabs in Australia to Consider Remedy Wellbeing Luxury Rehab in Australia
Why Do I Keep Relapsing in Addiction Recovery?
Mar 26 2022
Why Do I Keep Relapsing in Addiction Recovery?
Why do I keep relapsing?   Full relapse, or the risk of relapsing into drugs and/or alcohol use is a part of the journey to full recovery. Addiction takes time to end and it may take several rehab experiences to finally overcome your addiction. There is a common misconception amongst people who have never been to rehab that just walking into a treatment center’s doors will magically heal you. Yet, a strong commitment and ongoing treatment is needed to deliver you to full-time sobriety.   Research has found that up to 60% of people that leave residential drug and alcohol rehab relapse in the first three months after ending their program. Going to rehab for a month’s worth of treatment doesn’t automatically “fix” you. Coping strategies are needed and attending rehab more than once may be needed to get these coping strategies to stick.   What are the reasons for relapsing?   There are multiple reasons for you relapsing on drugs and/or alcohol. It can be maddening to relapse after a long period of sobriety. Irresistible urges can occur out of nowhere. So, what are the reasons you may relapse on drugs and/or alcohol?   Stress   Stress and burnout is often the main reason people relapse. Many people struggle to cope with stress properly and immediately turn back to the substances that help them relax. Most people use drugs and/or alcohol to cope with the stresses of life. Stress may be caused by relationships, work, or family. Re-adjusting to life after rehab may also cause stress that leads to a relapse.   If you can learn to cope with stress in healthy ways, you give yourself the chance to continue your sobriety. Positive coping skills may include spending time outdoors, exercise, painting, writing, reading, and other activities that engage you physically and mentally.   Lack of Support in Addiction Recovery   You will need strong support system to aid your recover from addiction. Support networks are important to have in recovery and they can hold you accountable for your actions. Rehab and recovery are nearly impossible to accomplish alone. It is vital to have someone to turn to for help. Many of the individuals seeking treatment have burned bridges with friends and family. It is common for people to have damaged relationship that need mending. You may need to find a new support network with a sober coach or 12-step group post rehab. A support group could be the thing to keep you on the straight and narrow.   Undiagnosed Mental Health Disorders   There is always a root cause to addiction. Mental health issues are typically a root cause to addiction. Not all mental health issues are diagnosed. Issues such as anxiety and depression may go undiagnosed leading to your addiction issues. Even diagnosed mental health issues can lead to addiction and relapse.   Trouble Working with Rehab Program   All addictions are unique just like the people who suffer from the addiction. Your needed for treatment are different to the needs of others. You may not have clicked with a rehab program because it didn’t address your unique needs. You need to find a program that fits your needs, which could lower your chances of relapsing on drugs and/or alcohol.   What are the warning signs of a relapse?   There are several signs and symptoms that take place when a relapse is about to occur. If you know the signs of relapse, it will help you prevent falling back into addiction before it happens. It is important to use your support network, if you feel a relapse is about to happen. The symptoms may be overwhelming and the best solution could be voluntarily checking into a rehab center.   Relapse signs include:   An Increase in stressOverconfidence during sobrietyNot keeping up with substance abuse treatment or aftercare guidelinesChanging your daily routine and getting out of good habitsIrrational decision-makingChanges in your social circleNot putting sobriety first in your life   How to stop relapsing   The best way to stop a relapse before it occurs is to plan and prevent. These are two key components of long-term sobriety.  If you relapse, there are a few steps to take to prevent it from occurring again.   Change your treatment methods. If the recovery program you initially picked didn’t stick, it could be time to switch to a different one such as SMART recovery. Entering the same treatment program only to continue relapsing proves that you need a new method for recovery. There are several different methods to treat addiction. Try something new if the only methods aren’t working.   Check into inpatient rehab. It has been proven that long-term residential rehab helps people take sobriety more seriously. It has also been shown that residential rehab is more effective than outpatient care. If you remove yourself from the everyday life and the environments that created addiction by committing fully to treatment, you are more driven and motivated to stay clean and sober.   Surround yourself and reinforce yourself with positive support. A positive support system will help you stay on the straight and narrow. Positive support networks make you accountable to your actions.   Locating the reasons for your relapse is key to recovery. Identifying why you used allows for proper safeguards to be put in place to prevent further relapses. If the triggers that brought on your relapse are found, the same triggers can be eliminated for the future.   The more you know about our personal triggers and warning signs, the easier it may be to understand if a relapse is on the horizon. A relapse prevention plan could be an effective tool to ensure another relapse does not happen. You cannot guarantee a relapse won’t occur.   However, you can put precautions in place to lower your risk of a relapse. Taking prompt action will address a relapse. This is the best way to treat falling back into the old traps of addiction. It is up to you to recognize that a relapse is serious and must be addressed immediately. Relapsing is not a failure, but each time you relapse, it provides the potential to fall back into destructive behaviors full-time.
Exploring Eating Disorder Rehab Treatment
Mar 25 2022
Exploring Eating Disorder Rehab Treatment Eating disorders are not uncommon and are not limited to one gender or age group. Anyone is susceptible to developing a difficult relationship with food, their body, and exercise. Some people may be more prone to this because of other mental health conditions, but everyone has things they do not like about themselves and wish they could change. That desire to change something about your physical appearance can, in some cases, escalate to an extreme disorder revolving around food. Once someone has developed an eating disorder, it can be difficult to escape from without proper professional help1. Eating disorders have everything to do with our minds and the way we think about and visualize ourselves. For this type of mental illness, not only do physical changes need to be made, but mental changes and habits need to change as well. It is ok to desire to be healthy and in shape. The physical response our bodies have to being healthy and eating good food is positive. It makes us feel good inside and out. The problem arises when that desire stops being something you implement in your life to make you feel good and you instead become obsessed with the number on the scale, the amount of food you eat, and the inches around your body. Typical symptoms of an eating disorder include:   mood swingsfrequent mirror checksobsessive dietingwithdrawal from previously enjoyed activities and friendscutting out entire food groupsskipping meals/extremely small portionsfood ritualsdo not like eating in front of othersobsessive thoughts and behaviors that make your life revolve around weight, food, and dietingweight fluctuationsgastrointestinal issuesmissed/irregular periodsdizziness/faintingfeeling coldproblems sleepingfinger calluses (inducing vomiting)brittle nails, hair loss, dry skincavities, teeth discolorationmuscle weaknessyellow skininfections/impaired immune system   The effects of an eating disorder, no matter which one (Anorexia, Bulimia, Orthorexia, Binge Eating) are all serious and all can have a long-lasting impact on your well-being and health. There may be slight differences between each of the eating disorders, but the effects that they have on your mental and physical health are serious. If you suspect that you or someone you love has developed a poor relationship with food and their weight, there is professional treatment available. And the sooner you seek it out, the better the outcome will be. Treatment can come in all shapes and sizes, but will typically include variations of three different categories: psychological therapy, nutrition/healthcare, and medication. You may require all three categories or you may only require two of them. Most cases will at least involve psychological help and nutrition education and healthcare. Not all cases will need medication. It just depends on you and your situation. Eating Disorder Treatment Options   Psychological help for Eating Disorder Treatment Eating disorders do not only affect your body. They affect the mind as well. You will need professional help to reshape your mindset and habits around food and weight. It can help you create healthy habits and get rid of unhealthy ones. It can reshape the way you look at yourself or critique yourself in the mirror. It can give you a healthy coping mechanism to deal with problems that arise. There are a few different therapy methods you can use and you can use a combination of all three if you choose. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a method used for many mental illnesses. It will pinpoint behaviors and feelings that have likely extended or caused your eating disorder. Learning about these thoughts and feelings can help you analyze your own behavior when you are out in the world and dealing with something that is triggering. Family-based therapy involves your family if that is something you think would be helpful. They are often support systems and having them as a part of your therapy can be helpful for accountability. Group CBT is similar to the cognitive behavioral therapy listed above but will involve others who are in a similar boat as you. Discussing similar feelings and behaviors with people who struggle as you do can be very cathartic. Nutrition/Healthcare for Eating Disorder Treatment Dietitians and other healthcare professionals are those you will need to help establish a healthy eating plan and pattern. You will likely need to see a physician to assist with any sort of medical issues that have arisen because of the eating disorder. These are the people who will help create a care plan for you as you move forward with the process Medication for Eating Disorder Treatment Not everyone needs medication for their eating disorder and medication does not cure eating disorders. Medications in this scenario are used along with therapy. They are often antidepressant medications and can help you cope with depression, anxiety, and other symptoms that exacerbate your eating disorder. Hospitalization/Residential Treatment In some cases, many people will need to attend a residential treatment or spend time as an inpatient in a hospital for medical issues. Residential treatments are specifically made for long-term eating disorder care and you will likely live with others who have similar illnesses. Hospitalization is usually involved if the medical complications involved with your eating disorder are serious and require intensive medical attention. Day Programs for Eating Disorder Treatment There are hospital and eating disorder facility programs that function as if you were an out-patient. These are where you come in daily or a few times a week for close-knit guidance or group therapy. These day programs can include medical care and family therapy as well. You spend the day at the facility and receive both your therapy variation and nutrition education in one place – often with others who are also going through the recovery process. Long Term Healthcare for Eating Disorder Treatment In some severe cases, those who have recovered from an eating disorder will need long-term treatment. This long-term treatment is either out-patient or in-patient but is required because the medical issues that were caused by the eating disorder were not resolvable with the eating disorder. They are health issues that the individual will likely live with for the rest of their life. No matter what treatment you end up needing, you are taking an important step. The first step is always the most difficult, but you are not alone in your recovery and you are well worth the time and effort it will take to recover from your eating disorder. Are Eating Disorders Brain Disorders? Eating Disorder Signs in Teens Signs of PICA Eating Disorder What Does Feeling Fat Really Mean Emotionally? The Link Between Bullying and Eating Disorders The Link Between Eating Disorders and the Perfect Appearance Does the Pursuit of Academic Perfection Cause Eating Disorders? The Increase in Cases of Bigorexia Understanding and Treating Orthorexia Worlds Best Rehab: The #1 Treatment Journal
Understanding the link between pornography and depression
Mar 25 2022
Understanding the link between pornography and depression According to the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), pornography can neither be classified as an addiction nor as a mental health condition. However, people have tried to link it with several addictions and mental health conditions over the years - some have even tried to link it with depression.    While others are convinced that the former leads to the latter, others swear that the reverse is true. But is there any merit to any of these claims? Well, that’s what we want to explore today.    Does pornography lead to depression? So far, there isn’t enough scientific evidence to prove that pornography leads to depression. However, the American Association of Sexuality Educator, Counsellor, and Therapists (AASECT) does acknowledge that people’s sexual urges, thoughts, and behaviors can result in negative consequences.   This is further supported by a 2019 study that found that excessive consumption of pornography increases the risk of depression in both men and women. This was particularly the case among those that feel that their pornography use is problematic. Ultimately, it was found that the likelihood of someone using pornography and being depressed largely depended on how long and how often they were using it.    During the study, both male and female participants who used pornography for 3 months beyond the set baseline exhibited symptoms of depression at 6 months. However, this is not the only study that links excessive pornography use to depression - a 2017 study on male senior college students did it too.   Out of the 582 men surveyed for the study, 14.6% of those who used pornography more than 3 times a week experienced depression. On the other hand, only 2.8% of those who used ponography less than once a week experienced depression. Moreover, those who started using pornography in primary school were more likely to be depressed than those who started in junior middle school, high school, or university.    Even after adjusting for other factors like physical activity and sleep times, the study still found that higher frequencies of pornography use were positively related to high levels of depression and other negative emotions. Interestingly, there are also recent studies that object to this narrative, one of which is a 2020 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.    As part of the study, scientists gathered 3 samples (14,006, 483, 672) from general sites and a pornography site, and analyzed their profiles. Eventually, it was found that high-frequency pornography use isn’t always problematic and that it isn’t a bullet-proof indication of your susceptibility to depression and other negative emotions.    Interestingly, the study showed that most people who use pornographic materials (over 90%) have experienced no negative consequences. While 68% to73% of the sample size were actually low-frequency users, 19%to 29% were high-frequency users who haven’t experienced negative effects - only 3% to 8% were high-frequency users that have suffered because of it.    Does depression lead to pornography? While we currently don’t have conclusive evidence that depression leads to pornorgraphy use, there are some studies that suggest this. For instance, a 2017 study published by the American Sociology Association found that depressed men may use pornography as a coping mechanism, especially if they didn’t view it as immoral.    On the other hand, those who view pornography as immoral may develop depressive symptoms as a result of using it, even at low frequencies. Another study that explored the effect of depression on pornography use was a 2021 one spearheaded by Steven D. Shirk. This particular study concentrated on male US veterans, gathering data from 172 of them.    It was found that young male military veterans had higher chances of developing problematic pornography use. In fact, the younger the veterans were and the lower their educational attainment, the higher their problematic pornography use was. Beyond that, the data suggested that these high scores were positively related to depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, impulsivity, and insomnia.    Over the years, there has also been some research linking loneliness and internet pornography use. However, it will still take more research to establish if depression truly leads to pornography use.    Other conditions linked to pornography As we have said before, pornography has been linked to several conditions over the years. These include: AnxietyLonelinessNeuroticismNarcissism Reduced sexual, relationship, and life satisfaction   Signs of problematic pornography use  Most of the studies that link pornography to depression particularly mention problematic use as either a cause or result. As such, it is important to be able to identify when your pornographic use has entered the realm of being problematic. Some of the signs to look out for include:   Feeling uncomfortable about your pornography useIncreased strain on your relationships due to the ponography useIncreased sensitivity towards boredomDecreased levels of self-esteemInsecurities about your body imageDepression symptomsPropensity to forgo socialization in order to isolate and use pornographyIncreasing dissatisfaction with your partner’s appearancePreoccupation with sexual thoughts throughout the day  A propensity to take risks in order to watch pornography i.e watching it at workIncreased objectification of others    Ultimately, if you realize that you seek out pornography not for occasional pleasure but rather as a psychological craving, it is time to look for help. This is a major sign that your pornography use is starting to interfere with your day-to-day life.    How to get better  If you feel like your pornography use is getting out of hand or is causing negative effects like depression, here are some things you can do:   Seek out therapyIdentify when your impulse/depression levels are high and implement healthy interventions to keep yourself from going down the rabbit hole. You could meditate, exercise, or go to therapy instead.Check whether you are making progress by tracking your daily habits and seeing how much you have improved. You could even use Apps to track your digital behaviorKeep an eye out for signs of undiagnosed depression or ADHD so that you can avoid further negative consequences   What treatments can your therapist recommend? If you exhibit signs of severe pornography addiction, your therapist may recommend you join an inpatient rehabilitation center. Such programs usually last 28 to 90 days and are designed to reduce distractions from the outside world. Whether you go for a residential or outpatient plan though, the treatment options are usually the same. They include:   Individual therapy  This is usually the first course of treatment. It’s a great way to become aware of triggers and find healthy ways to deal with them. It usually relies on cognitive behavioral therapy and other therapeutic approaches.   Group therapy This involves meeting other people struggling with pornography and learning coping mechanisms from them. It is also a great way to get support and a sense of community from those facing similar challenges to you on a day-to-day basis.    Medication together with the therapy If you have an underlying mental health condition such as anxiety or depression, your therapist may recommend medication to go hand-in-hand with your therapy.   The Side Effects of Porn Addiction Am I a Sex Addict? 14 Signs You Might Be a Sex Addiction
The Worst Case Effects of Pornography Addiction
Mar 25 2022
The Worst Case Effects of Pornography Addiction   The term ‘porn addiction’ is likely to raise a few eyebrows and more than a few giggles from people who hear it. Yet, porn addiction is a real issue that affects millions of people – many of whom are men – around the world. With the availability of pornography on the Internet, illicit sexual images are more available than ever before at the touch of a smartphone or tablet.   Medical professionals consider porn addiction as a manifestation of sex addiction[mfn][/mfn]. Pornography addiction is a compulsion and an obsession that consumes an individual’s life. Individuals with porn addiction do not talk about it due to the stigma that surrounds it. It is an addiction that is looked down upon, in many ways, more so than sex addiction.   Individuals may avoid getting help for their pornography addiction. Their struggle to get help comes from the guilt and shame of the behavior. One of the keystones of porn addiction is secrecy. Many sufferers do not want friends, family, and even perfect strangers to know they have a porn addiction. Addiction to pornography has been the ruin of many romantic relationships. It can also cause financial woe due to individuals buying new pornography or signing up to websites. Mental and physical health can be damaged by porn addicts due to feeling heavy levels of anxiety and depression.   What are the signs of porn addiction?   There are signs that a person or partner is addicted to porn, although these aren’t as obvious as addiction to drugs and alcohol.   Signs of porn addiction may include:   A person becomes less satisfied with sex.Pornography causes relationship problems or makes a person feel unsatisfied with their partner.A person engages in risky behavior to watch pornography.A person views pornography in inappropriate situations.A person my ignore other responsibilities to watch pornography.Videos and/or images become progressively more extreme to achieve the same feeling of gratification.They feel frustrated, guilty, or ashamed after viewing porn but continue to watch.They want to stop using porn but feel unable to.They spend large amounts of money on pornography.A person uses pornography to cope with sadness, anxiety, insomnia, or other mental health issues.   Porn addiction side effects of a secret addiction   When it comes to addictions, pornography is one that is difficult to identify. Individuals addicted to alcohol and drugs show, oftentimes, obvious signs of misuse. However, porn addicts do not have obvious signs. It is an addiction that is done – most of the time – behind closed doors. With the rise of smartphones, tablets, and being connected to the Internet 24/7, porn addiction has become more out in the open. Yet, compared to alcohol and/or drug misuse, pornography addiction is not as visible to see or identify.   Addicts to pornography possess a feeling of powerlessness. The compulsion to look at or watch pornography consumes them. Consuming pornography may cause individuals to have major disruptions in their day. The compulsion to watch porn is so high that individuals will consume images or videos at highly inappropriate times. These times include work, school, social gatherings with friends, or during family events. Pornography becomes more important to the addict, and they begin to give up on other areas of their lives.   Porn addiction side effects   Porn addiction causes more issues in a person’s life than outlined above. One of the biggest porn addiction side effects a man may experience is erectile dysfunction. Studies suggest that watching too much pornography can cause erectile dysfunction in men and other sexual performance issues. A survey performed in Italy considered 28,000 men. It discovered that “excessive consumption” of pornography beginning at 14-years-old, and consumed daily into the men’s 20s, desensitized males toward the images. Its proven then that one porn addiction side effects is to lower a man’s libido and prevent them from gaining an erection.   Unfortunately for men, despite their being a myriad of erectile dysfunction pills on the market, ED created by watching too much pornography is not treatable by drugs. Medications cannot treat erectile dysfunction created porn addiction as the drugs are not made to address porn addiction side effects. The problem is not in the male penis, rather it is in the brain when it comes to addiction.   Further porn addiction side effects happen as a person experiences a shift in their brain chemicals when consuming too much pornography. This leads to an organic case of erectile dysfunction. Men grow higher expectations when it comes to sex. Most pornographic videos are not based on reality in a variety of ways. From the people performing in the videos to the unplausible stories taking place.   Amount and type play a role in addiction   The type or style of pornography a person watches plays a role in their porn addiction side effects. It isn’t just the number of videos or images a person looks at. Modern pornography, the type that is available in abundance for free online, is generally more hardcore and readily available than the more softcore product of classic pornography magazines like Penthouse or Playboy. Individuals can also be consumed at all hours of the day as online pornography is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The triggers and drivers of porn addiction are similar in nature to those displayed by compulsive sex addicts.   However, like any drug or alcohol, a person builds up tolerance over time. An individual needs more sexual stimulation to gain an erection. The stimulation a person gets from their sexual sexual partner may not be enough to perform once they are consumed by porn addiction side effects.   Is there a treatment for porn-related erectile dysfunction?   An individual with porn-related erectile dysfunction cannot be treated with medication designed to enable men to achieve an erection. As previously stated, the problem is not in the male penis, rather in the brain, which prevents the person from gaining an erection.   Treatment for porn-related erectile dysfunction comes in a similar form to 12-step recovery programs. Treatment programs begin with a four-to-six-week plan that desensitizes certain brain receptors. Talk therapy helps address some of the underlying problems men experience. Clients are also encouraged to spend more time with their partners. Encouraging the partners to touch one another can help reconnect them. Porn addiction is not a simple fix. The Link Between Porn and Addiction Am I a Sex Addict? 14 Signs You Might Be a Sex Addiction
Am I a Sex Addict? 14 Signs You May Be a Sex Addict
Mar 25 2022
Am I a Sex Addict? 14 Signs You May Be a Sex Addict
What is Sex Addiction? Nearly 30 million Americans suffer from sex addiction and many more multiples of this Worldwide. But what is it? What does Sex Addiction mean? And is it really as serious an addiction as some people think it is? Sex addiction is a constant desire to be stimulated sexually. It is the compulsive behavior where the individual becomes excessively preoccupied with sexual thoughts and behaviors that can have adverse effects. It is also referred to as Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder or hypersexuality. Sexual impulses, thoughts, and actions are normal, however, with sex addiction, the focus is on those behaviors and thoughts in excess that can negatively affect life. The idea of sex addiction is a dichotomy because millions of people suffer from it, but also it is not officially recognized as a mental health disorder in DSM 5, making it difficult to diagnose and treat. However, current research has pointed to sexual addiction developing like a chemical addiction. Also, much like a chemical addiction such as drugs or alcohol, sex addiction can have negative physical and mental repercussions, such as emotional distress, development of anxiety or depression, sexual dysfunction, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Sex addiction is not just limited to excessive or compulsive sex acts. It can also take the form of addiction to pornography, prostitution, public sex (exhibitionism and voyeurism), unrestricted sexual fantasy, or compulsive masturbation. It can also cause the need for increased risk, danger, or other factors to achieve a similar level of arousal. If you or someone close to you is suffering from sex addiction, it’s only natural to wonder whether a cure for sexual addiction exists. Sex addiction can be effectively treated and managed for life. If compulsive sexual behavior isn’t treated, the individual might experience intense guilt and eventually develop low self-esteem. This can ultimately lead to depression. Individuals who suffer from sexual addiction can also develop relationship and family problems. The potential also exists to become infected with sexually transmitted diseases or experience an unplanned pregnancy. Therapy is available, and it’s never too late to ask for help. Am I a sex addict? It may be difficult to determine or diagnose whether or not you suffer from sexual addiction and the main reason is sex drive, or libido, varies for each person. You may have comparatively compulsive sexual activity when your partner has a significantly lower sex drive than you. Sex addiction can be difficult to diagnose because there is no definitive test or standard to define it. However, there are some indicators that can help you self-diagnose and determine if you want to seek help for your sexual addiction. Addiction to pornography. Excessive masturbation. Being unable to control the urges to masturbate may be a sign of sexual addiction, especially if it interferes with regular life. Unsafe sex practices, such as having unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or strangers. Risky or dangerous behavior to obtain sexual gratification, including breaking local laws. Pursuing or engaging sex workers, or paying for sex. Some common behaviors of sex addicts include: Shameful or guilty feelings after sex, or feeling regretful about sex acts or addiction. Giving in or unable to contain sexual urges. Feeling overwhelmed by sexual appetite. Thoughts of sex dominate everyday thoughts. Neglecting responsibilities, work, family, and friends for the pursuit of sexual gratification. Need for greater frequency or variety of sexual acts and partners. Destructive romantic relationships. Compulsive avoidance of sexual activity or sexual intimacy. Sex Addiction Self Test If you can answer “yes” to any of the following questions you may be a Sex Addict and there is a solution. According to Philippa Gold, the Worlds Leading Sexologist, “Sex therapy is a specialized type of psychotherapy — a general term for treating mental health problems by talking with a mental health professional. Through sex therapy, you can address concerns about sexual function, sexual feelings and intimacy, either in individual therapy or couples or family therapy”. Do you keep secrets about your sexual behavior or romantic fantasies from those important to you? Do you lead a double life?Have your desires driven you to have sex in places or with people you would not normally choose?Do you need greater variety, increased frequency, or more extreme sexual activities to achieve the same level of excitement or relief?Does your use of pornography occupy large amounts of time and/or jeopardize your significant relationships or employment?Do your relationships become distorted with sexual preoccupation? Does each new relationship have the same destructive pattern which prompted you to leave the last one?Do you frequently want to get away from a partner after having sex? Do you feel remorse, shame, or guilt after a sexual encounter?Have your sexual practices caused you legal problems? Could your sexual practices cause you legal problems?Does your pursuit of sex or sexual fantasy conflict with your moral standards or interfere with your personal spiritual journey?Do your sexual activities involve coercion, violence, or the threat of disease?Has your sexual behavior or pursuit of sexual relationships ever left you feeling hopeless, alienated from others, or suicidal?Does your preoccupation with sexual fantasies cause problems in any area of your life — even when you do not act out your fantasies?Do you compulsively avoid sexual activity due to fear of sex or intimacy? Does your sexual avoidance consume you mentally?What does life feel like for a sex addict? Life for a sex addict can be relatively normal from the outside perspective, but on the inside, it can be a very different story. Lies and deceit can often fuel the sex addict because it can be shameful or embarrassing, or it can offer a sense of thrill and risk that the addict may be searching for. If you have a regular partner or are in a committed relationship, being a sex addict can put a serious strain and have an emotional impact on both parties. Sex addiction can hurt familial relationships, work or financial issues, and can have physical consequences, such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Other activities such as having chronic sexual relationships with recurring partners or strangers can be part of the sex addict life. That can often include meeting with strangers for the sole purpose of having sex or continually having multiple partners to engage in a variety of sex acts with. Compulsive sexual fantasies. Sexual fantasies can be relatively normal until they become excessive and the focus of all thoughts. Thinking about sex, sex acts, and various fantasies is a normal occurrence, until it becomes difficult or impossible to control. Thoughts and compulsions begin to interfere in everyday life. Have you ever been so consumed by a thought or a favorite thing that you couldn’t function without it or were convinced you couldn’t live without it? When those sexual thoughts and compulsions start entering your mind during inappropriate times, such as during work, or family time, it can have an affect on not just the addict, but also the family or coworkers. Chronic sexual relationships, including with strangers (anonymously). Dating apps such as Tinder and Grindr have made hooking up much easier, especially for someone with sex addiction. Swiping left or right on someone’s picture, exchanging messages or phone numbers and arranging to meet up has been somewhat normalized in this new “hookup culture” and that normalization can help those suffering from sex addiction hide from their reality. Dishonesty. Lies and deceit can ruin relationships, friendships and family, especially if an addict is lying to cover up sexual misconduct and uncouth behavior. There can be thrills an addict gets from lying to achieve their sexual satisfaction. Willingly involved in danger or endangering others for the sake of sex. Engaging in dangerous behavior for the sake of sexual satisfaction can be very risky. Everything from exhibitionism (public sex, or public sex acts) to more fetishized predatory behavior to breaking local laws can be considered acts of sexual addiction and need to be addressed in therapy or treatment. Escapism. Sex addiction can often be an escape from reality, loneliness, depression, anxiety, and sex addiction can often cause escapism. What treatments are available for sex addiction? Sex addiction is not universally recognized as a mental health diagnosis, but there are treatments that can help you recover, depending on the underlying cause of the addiction. There are no drug treatments and the diagnosis is not covered under insurance, which can make getting treatment seem more out of reach than other mental health disorders. Sex addiction can get worse over time, and untreated sex addiction can have continual negative effects on life including severe anxiety and depression. If you feel you are no longer in control of your sexual impulses, you are concerned or distressed by your behavior, you try to hide sexual activity or impulses from others, or your addiction is beginning to hurt your relationships with family, friends, or partners, you should consider seeking treatment or counseling. Treatments can include behavioral therapy, group therapy, support groups, as well as couples or marriage counseling. Although, some addicts believe, and have been successful, without outside intervention, it is up to you and a professional to decide which avenue would best suit your addiction and address the underlying cause. Desiring to no longer be consumed by sex addiction, or thoughts of a sexual nature can be the first step to looking for treatment. Seeking help or treatment for repetitive negative sexual behaviors can be a positive experience with the right treatment and professionals. Some things to consider when seeking out treatment for sexual addiction are: Reasons and motivations for seeking treatment. Are you looking to change for yourself or others? And consider what negative effects having a sex addiction has had on you personally. Every person does not suffer the same side effects or consequences of sex addiction, and it is important to determine your own motivations. Program percentage dedicated to sexual compulsiveness. Finding a program dealing with addiction is an important facet to dealing with sexual compulsiveness, as it is an addiction. Also consider seeking out programs with professionals who deal specifically with hypersexuality or sex addiction. They will have more appropriate resources to fit your needs. Education about sexual compulsivity, addiction. Educating yourself on your addiction is just as important as receiving treatment. If you don’t understand or have difficulty finding your underlying cause, it will be harder to treat and find recovery long term. Inpatient vs outpatient facilities. Deciding between inpatient and outpatient facilities will depend on the few factors above and how much you and your counselor. The compulsive need to be engaged in or consumed with sexual thoughts, also known as sexual addiction or hypersexuality, affects millions of people every day. If you are neglecting your responsibilities, feel as though you are overly interested or preoccupied by thoughts and actions of a sexual nature, and are in search of constant sexual gratification, you might suffer from sex addiction. If sex is the driving force behind your every action, you might suffer from sex addiction. Even though sex addiction is not recognized as a mental health disorder, as more research becomes available, more people are reaching out to therapists and mental health counselors to seek treatment. No matter what avenue you decide to take to help your sex addiction, you should always make sure to seek out a professional with explicit experience in sex addiction and hypersexuality. The Side Effects of Porn Addiction The Link Between Porn and Addiction
Are Eating Disorders Actually Brain Disorders?
Mar 24 2022
Are Eating Disorders Actually Brain Disorders?
Are Eating Disorders Brain Disorders?   According to the American Society for Nutrition, the number of people suffering from eating disorders is on the rise globally, and the severity of the cases has increased as well. In fact, in the US alone, around 24 million people suffer from these disorders, contributing to approximately 10,200 deaths a year. Interestingly, even populations that weren’t deemed prone to eating disorders, like men and citizens of non-western countries, are now seeing a rise in cases. As such, it is now more important than ever to understand these disorders. What are eating disorders? According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), eating disorders are behavioral conditions that consistently disturb your eating behavior and cause distressing thoughts and emotions. Some symptoms of these disorders are binge eating, restrictive eating, compulsive exercise, laxative misuse, and purging by vomiting.   While there’s evidence suggesting that risk factors for these disorders can be hereditary, this is not always the case. Beyond that, these disorders don’t usually appear alone – they come with other psychiatric disorders like anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Common eating disorders include:   Anorexia nervosa – this eating disorder mostly affects women and usually presents itself during puberty or young adulthood. It’s characterized by a nagging belief that you are overweight and an obsession with weight loss, even if you’re underweight   Bulimia nervosa -this is another disorder that is more common in women and tends to develop in teenagers and young adults. People with this disorder binge eat large amounts of food until they become painfully full then they purge by vomiting   Orthorexia is an unhealthy focus on eating in a healthy way. Eating nutritious food is good, but if you have orthorexia, you obsess about it to a degree that can damage your health.   Binge eating disorder – while it may start later on in life, this disorder usually starts during adolescence or early adulthood. It is characterized by eating unusually large amounts of food in short timeframes, sometimes in secret. While they experience shame and disgust after binging, people with this disorder don’t purge   Pica- while this disorder affects children, adolescents, and adults, it is more common among pregnant women, children, and those with mental disabilities. It is characterized by eating things that aren’t considered food. These include chalk, soil, hair, and paper Do eating disorders affect your brain?   Since eating disorders usually lead to malnutrition, they can affect your brain negatively. In fact, a 2007 study published in the McGill Journal of Medicine found that the severe weight loss associated with anorexia can deteriorate your brain’s gray and white matter; a condition linked to other mental health issues.   Also, a 2010 study by Yale University links prolonged anorexia with reduced brain volume1. Ultimately, eating disorders can cause brain changes that negatively affect your mood, decision-making process, ability to think clearly, and ability to cope with daily stressors. Key brain changes to expect in people suffering from brain disorders include:   Neurotransmitter behavior disruption   Deterioration of the brain’s emotional centers   Brain structure damage due to malnutrition   Disruptions in executive and cognitive functioning   Brain oxygen deprivation due to a reduced heartbeat   Weakening of your brain’s reward system   Increased anxiety, fear of failure, perfectionism, and rigid thinking   Can the negative brain effects of eating disorders be reversed?   As long as you recover and maintain full nourishment, the negative brain effects of eating disorders can be reversed. The more you recover, the more your brain grows and its grey matter increases. Studies even show that MRI scans of people who have recovered from anorexia are normal while those of people who still have the disorder are abnormal.   However, brain recovery takes time and requires patience. Even six months after recovering your full weight, your brain will not be fully recovered. But with a good diet and a little patience, you will recover your full health eventually. Can A-Grade students have eating disorders?   Even if you’re an A-grade student, you can still have an eating disorder. In fact, studies even show that there is a strong link between academic perfection and eating disorders in teenagers. This is because both of these activate similar reward systems in your brain. As such, you can suffer greatly from eating disorders but still perform well academically.   Treatment of eating disorders   To treat eating disorders, nurses, dieticians, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and mental health professionals usually work together. This ensures that your treatment and recovery are holistic. Before these professionals treat you though, you will need a professional evaluation – self-diagnoses or hunches will not be accepted.   Once you are diagnosed with an eating disorder though, be prepared for a long and arduous recovery journey. Some treatment methods used for these disorders include:   Outpatient mental health rehabInpatient careResidential programsSecondary care at transitions house1:1 careGroup therapy Ultimately, your assigned medical professionals are the ones who’ll advise you on an appropriate treatment plan for your unique situation.   Eating Disorder Signs in Teens Signs of PICA Eating Disorder What Does Feeling Fat Really Mean Emotionally? Rehab Treatment for Eating Disorders The Link Between Bullying and Eating Disorders The Link Between Eating Disorders and the Perfect Appearance Does the Pursuit of Academic Perfection Cause Eating Disorders? Worlds Best Rehab: The #1 Treatment Journal
Spot the Signs of Eating Disorders in Teens
Mar 24 2022
Spot the Signs of Eating Disorders in Teens In a world where the pressures from social and traditional media are ever-increasing, and we have all been constantly force-fed a diet of aesthetic perfection that we should all be aiming for, it is no surprise that the number of teenagers and young adults suffering from an eating disorder is higher than ever before. But as parents or caregivers, such things are often hidden away from us, in fear that we might try to encourage them to return to a world of normal eating patterns, while the grip of the belief that their eating and exercise pattern triumphs overall. So, how do we spot signs when young people do not trust us to understand how they feel and try and hide their issues at every turn as they fall ever deeper into the clutches of these disorders? Although not always easy, there are several signs that we can pick up on, physical, psychological, and behavioral signs that indicate something might be wrong with a young person in our lives, and that they may be suffering from an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, which includes binge eating and orthorexia. Let us begin with what most people associate most closely with eating disorders, the physical signs that may be presented. These differ depending on the disorder, but societal and peer pressure surrounding body image are also huge factors as to why many people, especially young people, develop eating disorders in the first place. Some common physical signs of an eating disorder include fluctuations in weight or weight loss, sensitivity to the cold, swelling around the cheeks and jaw, calluses on knuckles, discolored teeth from vomiting, fainting, and loss of periods in girls (also known as amenorrhea). If these symptoms all continue, they can lead to fragile bone conditions such as osteoporosis, heart conditions, kidney failure, and even death. If you notice any of these symptoms, particularly any in conjunction with other physical, psychological, or behavioral symptoms of an eating disorder, try to bring up the subject of food with the teen, perhaps a simple discussion about what to have for dinner, and see how they react. If they immediately shut down the topic, or the way they talk about food seems very regimented and set, then this could be a sign that there are food issues. Beyond this initial conversation, stop discussing food diets or bodies with them, as this can be even more damaging to their already fragile mental health, and cause them to lean even heavier into their eating disorder. Instead, focus on healthier topics with them that are unconnected, and steer conversations away from them where you can. As obvious as physical signs of an eating disorder are, they are typically the last to become visible to outsiders, as physical change takes time and repeated behavior to implement, both positive and negative. Psychological symptoms of an eating disorder are much less obvious but are often the first to appear. These can include dissatisfaction with their body image, distorted body image which results in constantly checking how they look in mirrors or window reflections, low self-esteem, increased anxiety around mealtimes, rigidly labeling foods, and obsessively counting calories. As noted above, those with eating disorders are extremely sensitive to criticism and discussion around food, exercise, weight, and body shape. A significant proportion of critique is spread throughout conversations at school and with friends, as teenagers hit puberty and become even more hyper-aware of how they look and appear in comparison to their peers and idols as their bodies go through significant changes. As a result, if you are a trusted adult in the life of a teenager or young person, it is even more important that you do not further any of these messages and insecurities that may be coming from their peers, and instead avoid criticism and offer your support as someone to listen if they want to talk about anything. Even if you don’t understand why or how they have developed an eating disorder, anger, or critique from you is likely to draw a teen away from you, especially if they trusted you. Behaviors to be aware of include focus on dieting, calorie counting, changes in food preferences, focused behaviors around food that may include planning and preparing meals for others without eating themselves, ‘forgetting’ lunches, and evading questions around food and how much they may have eaten. Frequently rushing to the toilet immediately following meals can also be a sign of purging by vomiting or of laxative use, and so should also be watched out for. If you want to help a young person in your life break away from these behaviors, the first thing that you need to do is educate yourself about different eating disorders, how they present, and how they are typically cured – often through a combination of psychological treatment, medical monitoring, nutritional feeding, and antidepressant medication. Although educating yourself will not cure the teenager in your life of their disorder, it allows you to understand them better and be more compassionate when they do come to you for help, and act so that they feel comfortable doing so. Once they have opened up to you, it is important that you gently encourage them to seek help, without being too forceful in suggesting that they do, and providing guidance and resources for them where you can. Eating disorders can become severe issues well into adulthood when left unchecked, causing many of the health issues discussed, although it is important to broach this subject as a positive change rather than a punishment for their behavior. Ultimately, while it can be incredibly hard to watch a young person that you know struggle with an eating disorder, the best way that you can help them is to educate yourself and be as supportive and compassionate as you can. While these disorders can make everyone involved feel powerless, there are many ways that someone can get the help, support, and treatment that they need. Signs of PICA Eating Disorder What Does Feeling Fat Really Mean Emotionally? Are Eating Disorders Brain Disorders? Rehab Treatment for Eating Disorders The Link Between Bullying and Eating Disorders The Link Between Eating Disorders and the Perfect Appearance Does the Pursuit of Academic Perfection Cause Eating Disorders? Worlds Best Rehab: The #1 Treatment Journal Eating Disorder Mental Health Treatment (Verified)
Understanding PICA Eating Disorder
Mar 24 2022
Understanding PICA Eating Disorder
Pica Eating Disorder Eating disorders are common among individuals. It is assumed by many people that eating disorders are for people seeking to become thin. The images of super models and celebrities come to mind when considering anorexia or bulimia, but eating disorders are experienced by individuals of all backgrounds and lifestyles, and do not necessarily relate to losing weight.  In the United States alone, a country in which a premium is put on the way individuals look, it is estimated that at least 30 million people have an eating disorder. The three most well-known eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating.  Eating disorders can tear apart lives, relationships, and families. One person dies nearly every hour of the day due to eating disorders, according to ANAD. While anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating are the big three and affect people of all ages, races, and financial standing, they are not the only food-related issues. A person’s physical and mental health are both affected by an eating disorder. Most, if not all, eating disorders originate due to a mental imbalance in which individuals see themselves differently than others do.  One of the more complex and misunderstood eating disorders is Pica. This is a disorder that many people may think is strange and the person is unwell mentally. Pica is not the average eating disorder and doesn’t have the Hollywood glamor of anorexia, bulimia, or binge-eating.  What is it Pica? Pica involves individuals eating items that are not food and contain little or no value in terms of nutrition. Items that are eaten include hair, paint chips, string, and dirt. Individuals suffering from Pica don’t just eat a little bit of these non-food items. Sufferers are compelled to compulsively eat these substances for a period lasting more than one month.  Pica typically begins in childhood. The eating disorder is more common among young children with developmental disabilities. These disabilities can make it difficult to manage and/or treat Pica. There is often an image produced in film or on television of kids in school eating glue, crayons, or other classroom objects. This is an example of Pica, yet while it is done for humorous effect in media, eating items such as this is not funny.  Children such as infants and toddlers learn about the world around them by putting items into their mouths. It is not uncommon for a child to ingest a non-food item. Pica becomes an eating disorder when the act of eating non-food items becomes a repeated action. Pica may be diagnosed when steps are made to prevent a child from consuming non-food items, yet the child finds a way to circumvent any type of redirection. Research has found that 25% to 30% of all children experience Pica. Although it often starts in childhood, people can carry it over into adulthood. Adults with Pica tend to eat non-food items that are associated with their childhood or the home they grew up in.  What are the signs of Pica? There are several warning signs for Pica. However, the eating disorder isn’t one that necessary stands out in the beginning and can be overlooked at first. Pica warning signs include: Persistent eating of non-food items with no nutritional value for at least one monthEating the non-food item is not part of a cultural, religious, or social practiceDepending on age, substances can varyConsumed substances may include paper, soap, hair, string, chalk, paint, metal, ash, and/or talcum powderEating the non-food item(s) is not developmentally appropriate for the individual What are the risks of Pica? Pica is a mental health disorder and often occurs with other issues including schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder, and intellectual disability. There are a number of risks that sufferers can experience due to eating non-food stuff. The two biggest risks individuals may experience are iron-deficiency anemia and malnutrition.  These factors can be devastating to children, but adults also experience Pica. Pregnant women can acquire Pica and developing iron-deficiency anemia and malnutrition can cause harm to both the mother and child. It is believed that pregnant women develop Pica as the body compensates for a lack of minerals and vitamins that are found in foods. However, Pica can also be a more serious mental health condition.  The eating of non-food items can be deadly due to blockages that can form in the digestive tract. Sharp objects can be ingested and cuts or tears can form in the throat and/or intestines. Cuts and/or tears can lead to internal bleeding. Bacteria and poisoning are also risk factors that can result in death.  Individuals at risk of developing Pica include: Family history of individuals suffering from PicaLow income/povertyTraumaNeglectCo-occurring mental disordersTrichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder)Excoriation (skin-picking disorder)Individuals with other obsessive-compulsive continuum issues How is Pica treated? The most effect way to treat individuals suffering from Pica is a behavioral approach. Treatment often includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The use of CBT builds and improves skills associated with determining edible foods from non-edible items. Family therapy can also be used to manage and treat individuals. Due to the nature of Pica, applied behavior therapy is often prescribed, which is similar to persons with intellectual disabilities.  Although it is claimed around 25% to 30% of all children experience Pica, it is truly unknown how large the disorder is. The reason for a lack of solid figures is due to the disorder being unreported. Adults are afraid to seek help due to feeling the disorder is unnatural.  Pica is a dangerous disorder that can cause physical, mental, and emotion issues in those who experience it. It is important for anyone suffering from Pica or a witness to others who go through it to seek help immediately. What Does Feeling Fat Really Mean Emotionally? Eating Disorder Signs in Teens Fat and Health Busting Reasons to Quit Sugar Are Eating Disorders Brain Disorders? Rehab Treatment for Eating Disorders The Link Between Bullying and Eating Disorders The Link Between Eating Disorders and the Perfect Appearance Does the Pursuit of Academic Perfection Cause Eating Disorders? The Increase in Cases of Bigorexia Understanding and Treating Orthorexia Worlds Best Rehab The #1 Treatment Journal
What Feeling Fat Actually Means
Mar 23 2022
What Feeling Fat Actually Means
What does Feeling Fat Really mean? Scroll through popular social media app Instagram and you will find a variety of “weight loss experts” explaining to you how to lose weight and keep it off. More times than not, they are selling a product and the information given is far from what a trained medical professional would offer. Social media and so-called experts on weight loss have caused a surge in individuals “feeling fat” and believing they too need to lose weight, even if there is no weight to lose.  The phrase “feeling fat” is one that is often used by both males and females to express the way they feel about their bodies. It is a phrase often used by women and girls, and it transcend ethnic lines and cultures. A distorted body image is an issue that many individuals have in the world. With the popularity of Instagram and other social media apps, body distortion is a growing problem.  Body image distortion can result in an individual having an eating disorder. You may know someone who has transitioned from just have a distorted image of their bodies to having an eating disorder. But how do they go from merely “feeling fat” to struggling with an unhealthy food habit? Body shape and weight loss in eating disorders “Feeling fat” is a common issue in individuals that are diagnosed with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder or body dysmorphic disorder. It is claimed that these individuals “feel fat” on a more intense level than others. The same individuals can also feel higher levels of distress in life over a longer period of time compared to other individuals.  Someone suffering from an eating disorder can suffer from a variety of compensatory behaviors. A compensatory behavior is an unhealthy activity that individuals with an eating disorder engage in to make up for having eaten food. The activity is done to eliminate the anxiety, guilt, and shame they have about food. Compensatory behaviors include restricting the intake of food and liquids, over-exercising, purging, abusing laxatives, self-harm, obsessive behaviors, and potentially, suicide.  Why do you “feel fat”? “Feeling fat” is an over-evaluation of one’s body shape and weight. It is a harsh criticism that creates a very restrictive diet regimen. The fat feeling and dieting that occurs afterwards is a cycle that can be compared to other disorders.  It is extremely difficult to break and individuals suffering from “feeling fat” can find it easy to reinforce the belief that they are overweight. The harsh belief that an individual has that they are overweight continually pushes them to strive for change.  One diet leads to another diet. This is a cycle of dieting and obsessing about being overweight. Cycles can last longer with each new diet, making it difficult to stop.  There are some specific signs and symptoms a person with a negative body image experiences. Signs and symptoms may include: constant obsessive self-image scrutiny when looking in mirrorsthinking depreciating thoughts about one's bodyfrequently comparing your body shape and size to other peoplehaving envy of a friend’s body shape and weightcomparing your body to that of a celebrity or another person in the media Fat is not a feeling It may be difficult to realize it, but fat is not a feeling. It is important to note that a person that has a distort image of their body has a deeper underlying issue. The issue is far greater than just the body. Looking deeper into a person’s life, you may discover that they are stressed or worried about something in their life. Or perhaps they are overwhelmed or angry about an aspect that has occurred.  The emotions and feelings that a person experiences elsewhere can be attached to body image. An individual may be perfectly healthy and in no need of losing weight. However, due to issues elsewhere in their life, they believe there is something wrong with their body.  “Feeling fat” may a distraction from the real problems you are experiencing. You may not want to feel or acknowledge the true emotions or problems. Therefore, a distorted image of your weight is the result. For many people, they live life being distracted from their “real” problems by “feeling fat” and focusing on their body image.  You remain stuck in a long-term diet mentality due to “feeling fat”. By focusing on your body image, you are unable to solve the real problems in your life. Fixing your body shape or weight will not make you happier. Rather, it is a temporary relief as the true problem is much deeper.  Getting help for “feeling fat” There is help available to end the fat feeling you have and focus on what causes. As has been expressed in this article, the fat feeling is not down to food, but is a result of something much deeper. Therapy is a way to unpack the issues you have in life. High-quality sessions will allow you to understand the underlaying problems that have caused the fat feeling. An eating disorder specialist will help you uncover the issues at play. This is the first step to healing and making a full recovery. Your therapist may use several techniques to focus on the emotions and feelings causing your body image distortion. You may be asked to make a journal to highlight the times throughout a day you feel fat. Various worksheets may also be used allowing you to express your feelings.  In therapy sessions, you will be able to share your notes. Unpacking your feelings gives you the opportunity to get help and to speak about the issues you experience. Sharing allows you to speak with others, perhaps some individuals who have gone through similar experiences. You therapist may also use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), an evidence-based form of therapy that is used to address eating disorders.  If you “feel fat”, there are ways to end this. Getting help from a trained therapist is the first way to solve the problem presented by the fat feeling. The issue is more than a food or weight issue, and discovering the root of the problem is paramount to healing.    Signs of PICA Eating Disorder Eating Disorder Signs in Teens Fat and Health Busting Reasons to Quit Sugar Are Eating Disorders Brain Disorders? Rehab Treatment for Eating Disorders The Link Between Bullying and Eating Disorders The Link Between Eating Disorders and the Perfect Appearance Does the Pursuit of Academic Perfection Cause Eating Disorders? The Increase in Cases of Bigorexia Signs of Compulsive Exercise Understanding and Treating Orthorexia Worlds Best Rehabs for Mental Health