Purposeful Living with Clay Smeltzer

What the Nell!?

Nov 21 2022 • 37 mins

In this episode, Nell talks to Clay Smeltzer, educator and creator of the Purpose Infused Brotherhood, about his unique journey of discovering what it takes to be a man, husband, and father...living with purpose!

Connect with Clay: https://www.facebook.com/ClaytSmeltzer

Become a part of the Brotherhood: https://www.purposeinfusedbrotherhood.com

Click the link to grab a copy of Nell's #1 Bestselling book, Curvature of the Career: https://www.amazon.com/Curvature-Career-Twists-Pursue-Happiness-ebook/dp/B09VD5VNKC/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3ADN1EYOBN906&keywords=curvature+of+the+career&qid=1647545221&sprefix=curvature+%2Caps%2C60&sr=8-1

Find Nell on Social Media!  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nell.tice
IG: https://www.instagram.com/nellktice/

Travel Vlog: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQxvtS3QSmTLOL8IZxm-kyg

Produced by enTICEing Media, LLC: www.enticeingmedia.com