The True Cost of a Bad Hire with Tom Finn and Tanya Abbey

Talent Empowerment with Tom Finn

Jul 27 2023 • 42 mins

Looking for recruitment tips? Tanya Abbey is the CEO of Recruitcorp, a recruitment expert, and a career mentor. In this episode, Tanya shares her knowledge of 15 years of experience in the recruiting world, the importance of being honest both as a recruiter and a candidate, and her tips for a successful job interview (Spoiler alert: Don’t bring your bird).

🎙️Talking points:

(01:44) How to get a job in today’s market

(04:11) Are cover letters important?

(08:38) What makes a good recruiter or headhunter?

(10:43) The cost of a bad hire

(14:10) Transitioning into a new role

(27:34) Do’s and don’ts in a job interview

(35:47) Recruiting industry in 10 years

🌟About Tanya Abbey:

Tanya Abbey is the CEO of Recruitcorp (Executive and Recruitment Projects) and the CEO/Founder of the Candidate and Career Consulting platform

She also volunteers her services as a Small Business Mentor under the Queensland Government’s Mentoring for Growth program and as a Career Mentor for Headspace.

🔗Connect with Tanya:

🔗Connect with Tom Finn: