“The Lament of the Batavii” by J.S. Hawthorne (part 2 of 2)

The Voice of Dog

Sep 23 2024 • 36 mins

Tulla Aula Agrippina has left the body of her former lord behind, seeking to summon and destroy the monster responsible for his death. She has so far found little luck in her search, and she has no idea that the demon she seeks is already stalking her, ready to consumer her mind and soul as it did her late lord.

Today’s story is the second and final part of “The Lament of the Batavii” by J.S. Hawthorne, who is definitely not just a flock of magpies in a trenchcoat. Today’s story is one of eighteen featured in “In the Light of the Dawn,” an anthology of antiquities by the Furry Historical Fiction Society. Excavate more at fhfs.ink.

Last time, Tulla Aula Agrippina, bodyguard to Gaius Julius Caesar, heir to the Imperial Throne of Rome, discovered that her master had been killed by a monster summoned by a terrible curse. Aula has sought to summon the monster herself, but so far has met only with frustration and constant reminders of her failure.

Read for you by Rob MacWolf — werewolf hitchhiker.

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