#19 - Don't Forget Your Customer! Effectively Using Customer Service & Feedback to Build a Successful Brand w/ Bryan Clayton

Growth & Greatness eCommerce Podcast

Feb 3 2022 • 50 mins

Running an eCom brand requires you to consider many perspectives, but how often are you really considering the consumer in your decisions? In this episode, join Scott as he sits down with Bryan Clayton, CEO & Co-Founder of GreenPal, for a conversation on the pivotal role of customer service, improving the trust between brand & community, and the mental frameworks needed to develop a successful, consumer-focused business.

From starting his own landscaping business at 18 to establishing GreenPal as the 'Uber for lawn care' with over 100,000 active users on the app, Bryan shares in-depth learnings and case studies to help you understand customer logic and how to apply it to your brand offering.

Scott & Bryan also discuss the early-stage struggles GreenPal faced, how GreenPal removed sales-sabotaging friction from the customer buying experience, and the strategies they employed to develop the product with their customer in mind.

This episode is a must-listen for entrepreneurs & brand owners who want to figure out how to crack the customer service aspect of their business and keep their customers coming back.

For real-time updates, connect with Bryan:

Books  referenced in this episode:

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Full episode transcript & chapter markers for this episode are available on the Growth & Greatness eCommerce Podcast Buzzsprout page!