Jul 16 2024
158. Evolution of the Enneagram, Skepticism, and What's to Come feat. Mario Sikora
In Part 1 of this interview special guest and my Enneagram mentor, Mario Sikora shared the details of the history, myths, and misconceptions of where the Enneagram came from and even set the record straight on the origin of Wings. When you listen in to Part 2 this week, you'll hear how Mario has seen the Enneagram evolve (and how he's played a huge role in its evolution), what he says to the skeptics, and where he sees the Enneagram going - both with a cautious and an optimistic outlook. Get in touch with Mario:mario@awarenesstoaction.comAwareness to Action Enneagram Certification:https://ata.enneagramondemand.com/Listen to Mario's Enneagram podcast:https://the-awareness-to-action.captivate.fm/Instinctual Leadership Book:https://amzn.to/4eJdVoN*****Send us a text 🗓️Book an Enneagram Dream Team Workshop for your team retreat at work:https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-team-workshops📦Lead your own Enneagram training with the budget-friendly DIY Workshop Kit: https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-workshop-kit✏️ Get an overview of all nine types inside the Understanding People at Work Cheat Sheethttps://www.enneagrammba.com/cheatsheet