Jun 9 2020
CTW 140: Jorge Abreu - Entering Mutli-Family Through Construction
Jorge has been Investing in Real Estate full time for over 14 years, having wholesaled over 200+ Properties, Fixed & Flipped over 100+ properties and developed $8M worth of several new construction projects. He is the CEO of Elevate Commercial Investment Group and has he now has ownership interest in 3,200 units, both on the LP and GP sides. In addition, he is the CEO of JNT Construction, where he focuses on helping Multifamily Investors with their full renovations. Topics Covered Clear communication with investors, daily logs, video, pictures, updatesUnderstanding preferred rate of returnLooking for acquisitions amidst the pandemic/recessionBuilding systems right the first time the prepare to scale Nuggets of Wealth What is a good tool, source, or platform that you use almost daIly that can also help others? Active Campaign = CRM and marketingWhich book are you currently reading and which one has had the biggest impact on your life? E-Myth, Can’t Hurt Me, Dare to LeadWhat was the best business advice you ever received? Hire others better than you.Rules for success? #1 Focus, #2 Don’t be afraid to be uncomfortable, #3 Find where you can add valueWhere do you see your business in 5 years? Continue to focus on MF. Originally said 10,000 units by 2021, 20,000 units over 5 years. Continue to grow on that end.At the end of your life, how do you want to be remembered? Family to give them more than what I have. Family Man. Good business owner.Where can CTW Nation go to contact you or find out more about Elevate Commercial Investment Group or JNT Construction? elevatecig.com - Free Ebook jntconstruct.com jorge@elevatecig.com Free checklist LinkedIn account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jorgelabreu Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/jorge.abreu Instagram account: http://www.instagram.com/jorgemultifamily "