Why You Deserve To Be Wealthy

Life by Design

Sep 4 2024 • 26 mins

In this episode, Jessilyn and Brian Persson discuss why we deserve to be wealthy. One of the key points they make is that wealth is more than money. Money is a large part of it, but what we gain from wealth is more than financial. Jessilyn and Brian describe how they approached money before shifting their thinking versus how things changed for them later. The takeaways in this episode reflect their experiences.

  1. Wealth is a mindset. Shift it and everything around us will shift.
  2. Be intentional. There is always enough to go around.
  3. We need to be willing to give up something in order to be wealthy.

One of the things they stress is opening ourselves up to seeing the money all around us. Identifying the wealth that is available in the world makes it easier to see pathways to earning more. Jessilyn and Brian’s "Riches, Relationships, and Real Estate" program guides the mindset shifts necessary to understand why we deserve wealth, what we can easily cut out of our budgets while preparing to earn more, and how life becomes richer in ways beyond money once we’ve taken the right steps. Tune in and prepare for an eye-opening conversation on the wealth available to us all.

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Jessilyn Persson: [00:00:09] Welcome to the Life by Design podcast with your hosts Jessilyn and Brian Persson. We support couples in achieving their wealth goals by sharing our journey of overcoming barriers to build our financial empire.

Brian Persson: [00:00:20] With our extensive personal experience and increasing demand for couples seeking alignment to invest confidently in real estate, we created the Riches, Relationships and Real Estate program to help you achieve your goals.

Jessilyn Persson: [00:00:33] Today, we're going to talk about why you deserve to be wealthy. We're going to dig in with our thoughts and perhaps what people think about when it comes to wealth and how it pertains to them. I mean, we believe you deserve to be wealthy because wealth is not just about money. It's about the freedom to live life on your terms, the freedom to pursue your passions and to create a legacy for yourself and your loved ones.

Brian Persson: [00:01:01] And if you're willing to put in the effort and make smart decisions and take control of your financial future, then wealth is in your reach. As Jess said, we both believe that everybody deserves to be wealthy, and I think that leads right into our first takeaway, which is that wealth is a mindset.

Jessilyn Persson: [00:01:19] Yeah. So the difference between those that are wealthy and those that are not is simply their mindset. And we know that because we've been on both sides of the fence.

Brian Persson: [00:01:29] All kinds of stories we could tell.

Jessilyn Persson: [00:01:31] And we will. So, I mean, we've been fortunate enough to never, like, go bankrupt, lose it all. But we, you know, we did choose to do some adventures and businesses and not have active income coming in. And our real estate supported us, which we are very grateful for. But we were redlining. We got to a point where we had to make some hard decisions and shift back into some contract work that we originally hadn't planned on doing, but we knew we took some risks. They didn't go the way we'd planned. And so we took plan B to get ourselves back up and our bank accounts fluffed up a bit more so we could continue to build our dreams and our passions.

Brian Persson: [00:02:14] Mhm. Exactly. We did redline it really, really close. But the funny thing is, is that we were building our mindset throughout those years while we were doing it. So even when we did redline, you know, it wasn't what we wanted to do to get out of that. It was more along the lines of we already built our mindset up, and now we were able to effectively and more powerfully come out of that situation.

Jessilyn Persson: [00:02:40] Yeah. Like there were points where we had a lot of money in our account, but we didn't feel wealthy.

Brian Persson: [00:02:48] No.

Jessilyn Persson: [00:02:49] Maybe a little more me, I think actually both of us, but I just remember having five, six digits in my account. And while I thought it was exciting, I still had the scarcity mentality. I was still like save, save, save, save, don't spend, don't spend. Right? And then we got to a point where the flip, several years later, where we were redlining and we're like, wow, there's lots of money out there. We can make more. We can do this. We can do that. Right? Like it was just, it was a shift in our mindset.

Brian Persson: [00:03:18] Yeah, there's definitely a pre and a post us in the sense that, yeah, like you were saying, we had very good jobs. We had a lot of money coming in and yet we still felt kind of poor because our mindset was poor back then.

Jessilyn Persson: [00:03:36] Yeah.

Brian Persson: [00:03:37] And then we went through a bunch of business building, ended up having very, very little money for a number of years building those businesses. But I don't really recall ever feeling poor. It's just the sensation I remember is, what do we need to do next? Not necessarily like, oh my God, you know, I'm so poor I can't afford anything.

Jessilyn Persson: [00:03:59] We didn't look at it like that at all. It was like, yeah, we're building our wealth as our bank was declining, we're building our wealth. And we were just pumped and we were working on all kinds of different avenues. And yeah, we didn't think about it that way at all. So it's not your bank account. It's literally how we thought about it.

Brian Persson: [00:04:18] Yep, yep. And now we have approximate amount of money coming in as the pre sort of broken mindset Brian and Jess. And back then we felt quite financially shaky. And now we feel quite financially indestructible.

Jessilyn Persson: [00:04:36] Absolutely.

Brian Persson: [00:04:37] Yeah. And our, what we call the basement, like what is the lowest level of finances that we are willing to accept, has risen up. And so just due to mindset, pretty well, the actual numbers are relatively closely the same. And yet our mindset has risen that basement up so that we're significantly multiple zeros higher than we were before, and we won't go below that.

Jessilyn Persson: [00:05:06] Yeah. So your mindset is the foundation of the wealth. And we learned that. Again, we learned it the hard way. We didn't come from that mindset. But once we shifted it we went, oh it's our mindset. And once we un...