What Do You Know To Be True?

Roger Kastner

"What Do You Know To Be True?" is a podcast series with ordinary people about their extraordinary talent, their superhero power, and the meaningful impact it has on others.

Charting a path to unlocking one's potential starts with a deeper understanding of one’s superpower and how to make a meaningful impact in service of others.

In these conversations, Roger Kastner seeks to discover more about our guests' path to purpose and unlocking potential by exploring their journey from developing their extraordinary talent to creating meaningful impact for others.

The goal of these conversations is not to try to emulate it or “hack” our way to a new talent. Instead, these conversations are to inspire you to think deeply about how to create positive impact in service of others.

This podcast is for Org Development practitioners, coaches, mentors, and anyone who works with other people to unlock their challenges and achieve more. Our audience thinks deeply about their work, the space they hold, and the positive impact it has in service of others.

Our guests bring humility, insights, gratitude, and humor as they delve deep into their experiences, learnings, and impact their "superhero power" has had when used successfully.

The path to purpose: Ordinary people, extraordinary talent, meaningful impact in the service of others.

By learning more about what inspired our guests to develop this extraordinary talent, how they think about their superhero power, and the impact it has on others as well as themselves, we gain inspiration and awareness of our superhero powers and our path to a more fulfilling life in the service of others.

At the heart of our conversations lies the fundamental notion that understanding the inspiration for one's superhero power is pivotal to unlocking a deeper understanding of purpose. In these episodes, we delve deep into what ignites this extraordinary talent within our guests, how they nurture it, and the remarkable ways it enriches the lives of others when employed in service of a greater good.

Whether you're a coach, mentor, educator, organization development practitioner, or simply someone navigating your own journey to finding your purpose and how you can create meaning for your life, this podcast aims to offer a wealth of wisdom to deepen your understanding and enhance your impact.

We steer clear of the notion of gimmicks or shortcuts, recognizing that the pursuit of purpose is a deeply personal and nuanced endeavor. By approaching each conversation with humility, vulnerability, and curiosity, we uncover the unique facets of our guests' superhero powers, how they developed and nurtured those talents, and the impact they have on themselves and others when used. In doing so, we hope to inspire others by witnessing how those stories resonate with our own journeys and experiences.

Expect to be inspired, challenged, and uplifted as our guests share their profound insights, peppered with humility, gratitude, and a generous dose of humor (be sure to check out the blooper highlights at the end). Through their anecdotes, reflections, and wisdom, we gain a deeper appreciation for the transformative potential of our superhero powers and the ripple effect they create in the lives of others.

Our purpose is to inspire you to explore the possibilities that lie within you, to ignite your potential, and chart a course towards a life of purpose, service, and meaningful fulfillment.

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Your Brain Health Fuels Your Superpower | Dr. Krystal Culler
3d ago
Your Brain Health Fuels Your Superpower | Dr. Krystal Culler
How often do you think about brain health? Cognitive performance and brain health are critical our ability to make meaningful impact in the world, but for the leaders, coaches, and colleagues who work hard to develop their talents to live into their potential and possible self, brain health might be something that’s overlooked.Several of my previous guests have talked about how the brain works and have shared the mindfulness practices they perform so that they can show up and attend to their most important work. But we haven’t spent much time on what it takes to ensure our beautiful brains stay healthy and we haven’t talked about the risk of burnout That made me curious to learn more about the relationship between our pursuit for potential and our physical, mental, and emotional health, so I sat down with Dr. Krystal Culler, to learn more about the what we can do to nurture a healthy brain and improve our cognitive performance.Krystal is a great resource to talk about brain health with. Not only does she hold a doctorate in Behavioral Health, she is the founder of the Virtual Brain Health Center and the co-host of the “Let’s Talk Brain Health” podcast. Moreover, she’s had her own challenges with brain health and experienced burnout, so this isn’t just academic for her. It’s personal.In this episode, Krystal answers the following questions: - How can I improve my brain performance? - What affects brain performance? - When should I worry about brain health? - What causes burnout?My favorite quote from the episode: “I can’t do well if I’m not taking care of myself well enough to do the work.”    In response to something Krystal said, I refute the old adage of “if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life,” as being not only untrue, it’s quite the opposite. And this is where Krystal changed my perspective on the topic of burnout. I had thought burnout was from working hard in an area that wasn’t aligning one’s superpower and purpose. Krystal corrected that assumption, saying burnout can happen when you are living into your purpose but not balancing physical, mental, and emotional well-being practices into your schedule.Resources mentioned in the episode: - Virtual Brain Health Center: https://virtualbrainhealthcenter.com/ - Let’s Talk Brain Health podcast: https://podcast.virtualbrainhealthcenter.com/- Substack Newsletter: https://drkrystallculler.substack.com/ Music in this episode by Ian Kastner. "What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superhero power, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info about the podcast or to check out more episodes, go to: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/ "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/#BrainHealth #BrainPerformance #CognitivePerformance #Wellbeing
Finding Happiness for Yourself and Others | Clayton Kirkland
Jan 29 2025
Finding Happiness for Yourself and Others | Clayton Kirkland
For Life Coach and Public Speaker, Clayton Kirkland, being a Happiness Hero means helping others explore their happiness, and it means understanding his own relationship with joy and happiness. In the 2nd season of the What Do You Know To Be True? podcast we’re exploring the role of joy in finding one’s superpower and living into one’s possible self or potential, so I wanted to learn more from Clayton about what he knows to bring true happiness for himself and how he helps others find it too. Clayton shares many of the lessons from his award-winning book, “Happiness Trek: 200 Lessons for Happiness,” and what stuck out for me the most was how much happiness is created by being in relations with and creating happiness for others. I had this old notion that only we can create our own happiness, we alone are responsible for our own level of happiness, but Clayton challenges that idea. He also shares his Happiness Scale, like the Pain Scale a doctor uses in pain management, but the opposite of Happiness is not the absence of happiness, it’s suffering. And this is where it gets interesting. As a Buddhist, Clayton knows one of the Four Noble Truths of the Buddha is ‘life is suffering,’ and happiness is what alleviates suffering. Full circle, if you want to help someone experience more happiness, relieving their suffering is a great place to start. In this episode, Clayton answers the following questions:- How to create more happiness for myself?- What is the difference between joy and happiness?- What are the keys to happiness?- How to alleviate suffering?My favorite quote from the episode: “I give myself permission to be human, everyday.”Clayton shares this as part of his daily mantra, and what this does is opens Clayton to welcome more grace and acceptance into his day for himself. What is possible if we applied this for ourselves?Resources mentioned in the episode: - Clayton’s Website: https://www.happinesstrek.com/ - Clayton’s Book: Happiness Trek: 200 Lessons For HappinessChapters0:00 Intro and Welcome4:21 Difference between Joy & Happiness10:32 Importance of Bringing Happiness to Others14:15 The Happiness Scale17:11 How Much Suffering Do We Create Ourselves? 21:25 Admiring Vulnerability and Adaptability 22:38 Relationship between Vulnerability and Happiness24:50 Inspiration to be a Happiness Hero26:09 Framework for being a Happiness Hero 27:21 Relationship between your Purpose and Superpower 29:01 Superpower Impact on Clayton 33:29 What’s true about Happiness?35:14 Lightning Round  Videos in this episode are from Blue Bird, cottonbro studio, olia danilevich, Pavel Danilyuk, Edmond Dantes, Suzy Hazelwood, Ron Lach, Max Medyk, Pressmaster, Danik Prihodko, August de Richelieu, RDNE Stock Project, Antoni Shkraba, Yaroslav Shuraev, Ketut Subiyanto,  Martina Tomšič, Pat Whelen, Matilda WormwoodMusic in this episode by Ian Kastner."What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superhero power, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info about the podcast or to check out more episodes, go to:  https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/  "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamis
How to Overcome Fear & Tell Impactful Stories | Public Speaking Coach Kristin Link
Jan 16 2025
How to Overcome Fear & Tell Impactful Stories | Public Speaking Coach Kristin Link
In this conversation, Public Speaking Coach Kristin Link shares her superpower of helping leaders learn how to tell impactful stories. Whether it’s giving a speech or speaking up in a meeting, Kristin says, speaking with impact is more important than speaking with perfection. And it’s by telling stories that we have impact through connecting with our audience’s hearts and minds.So, what holds us back?  What stops us from getting on stage or speaking up in the meeting? It’s a limiting belief we tell ourselves that we need to be perfect. And it’s also the fear. The fear of not being perfect or saying something that will proves what our internal saboteurs have been saying all along: we don’t belong here.Well, there’s a reason the majority of us get invited on stage or are in the conference room, and Kristin has been proving it for over two decades with the people she coaches, from with Silicon Valley technology leaders, to TEDx speakers, and everyday professionals.Kristin shares two simple frameworks with us, one for how to build our speech, the second for how to focus on the audience. They are simple because Kristin stresses that simpler is better. Simple is comfortable, confident, and impactful.In this episode, Kristin answers the following questions:- How to tell an impactful story?- How to be a better public speaker?- How does a Public Speaking Coach help?- What are storytelling techniques to telling an impactful story?My favorite quote from the episode: “Impact not perfection.”This speaks to me because many of us start with the idea we have to be perfect, and that is not the case. The beginning of Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1963 speech at the Lincoln Memorial was not stirring the crowd, in fact, it was moving some to leave. It wasn’t until Mahalia Jackson, standing a few steps below the podium, shouted out “Tell them about the dream, Martin.” And you know the rest.  What I know to be true about the episode:  Our biggest barrier is our ego, and Kristin’s stories just illuminate this even more. Limiting beliefs, fear of other people’s opinions, past experiences believed to be a predictor of future performance. Toxic mental sludge.What I learned from the episode: Kristin shares that what gives her the most joy is not seeing a leader on stage crushing it, but instead, it’s that same leader months prior who was paralyzed with fear and ready to make a career-limited move and not get on that stage. It’s her ability to move her clients from fear and into experimentation that is the biggest moment of joy. Resources in the episode: -  Kristin’s company – Link Coaching: https://kristinlinkcoaching.com/ Music in this episode by Ian Kastner."What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superhero power, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info about the podcast or to check out more episodes, click here: "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/#publicspeaking #publicspeakingcoaching #coaching #impact #joy
Overcome Yourself: Embrace Awareness to Thrive | Nana Gyesie
Jan 2 2025
Overcome Yourself: Embrace Awareness to Thrive | Nana Gyesie
What gets in your way when trying to use your superpower?If you are like most people I talk with, your response is, “Myself.” Overcoming yourself requires awareness of what is holding you back from your best self. Maybe it's your programing, the negative experiences and trauma you've experienced, and our liberation comes from doing the work.But how? For Nana Gyesie, the answers lie in many paths, and all those paths start with mindful awareness and our innate intuitive intelligence. Nana is a Leadership and Life Coach with INNER MILEAGE Coaching, a mindfulness teacher, a yoga instructor, a photographer, and a practicing Buddhist. Nana sees the world and his experiences through the lens of his own acceptance of things as they are, which gives him the ability to choose something different. And since we live in a time of tumultuous and exponential change, where we are seemingly turning from one existential crisis to another, Nana believes it’s critical for our future flourishing and thriving to be able to bring our humanity forward in order to collectively address the very real challenges ahead of us. We can create the future we want only when we have done the work of overcoming ourselves and overcoming our past, individually and collectively.In this episode, Nana answers the following questions:- How to accept the way things are?- How to get out of my own away?- How to have more awareness and mindfulness?- What does the Buddha say about joy?My favorite quote from the episode: “The real joy is in seeing things as they are and accepting things as they are. In accepting things as they there, there’s a realization of your power and efficacy to choose differently.” I have never liked the word “surrender.” It feels like giving your power away. And yet, Nana suggests the opposite. That is, by accepting the way things are, (i.e., surrendering), you increase your power to choose something different. What I know to be true about the episode: I know Nana’s wisdom does not come easily, he’s done and continues to put in the work to overcome his programing and tap into his intuitive intelligence. For that I am grateful that his superpower, purpose, and joy all lead him to share with us the knowledge and wisdom his does in this conversation. What I learned from the episode: Besides not remembering yet how to pronounce “Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,” (Sorry, Rick!), I really appreciate something Nana said in the episode: “When one moves away from self-judgment to compassion, one is overcoming one’s programming.” As is often said, “the past is never in the past,” Nana suggests that self-compassion is a way for us to overcome ourselves. Resources mentioned in the episode: - Nana’s company: INNER MILEAGE Coaching https://www.innermileage.com/ Keywords#Awareness #Compassion #Joy #getoutofyourownway Music in this episode by Ian Kastner."What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superhero power, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info about the podcast or to check out more episodes, go to: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/ "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/
Four Ways to Access Joy Anytime – Fuel Your Purpose and Superpower | Anna Hall
Dec 11 2024
Four Ways to Access Joy Anytime – Fuel Your Purpose and Superpower | Anna Hall
Ever wonder how to not just experience joy, but to tap into the power of joy to accelerate the impact of your superpower? I was talking with a friend recently who shared how elusive joy feels right now. That got me thinking about my belief that joy is not just an outcome of us using our superpower to create meaningful impact, but I also believe joy is a motivator to use our superpower. And if it joy is elusive, does that make it harder to use our superpower, or does that mean our superpowers are getting blocked from creating joy?So, I wanted to talk with someone who knows a lot about joy and the role it plays in our purpose and potential. Anna Hall is a purpose guide, the founder of The Purpose Equation, and the Chief Culture and Community Officer for Front Porch, a not-for-profit organization that services the older adult population. Anna has been studying purpose and joy for over 20 years and she is exactly the person I wanted to talk with to learn more about joy – not just as an outcome of a positive experience, but about the power that joy can give us to live into our strengths, our purpose, and our potential.Anna even shares with us the four ways that we can access joy whenever we want it or whenever we need it.This is a timely conversation, because yes, while there is a lot going on in the world and in our communities today. And joy is not just a counterbalance, it can be the fuel for the positive changes we want to make in our world.In this episode, Anna answers the following questions:- How do I find joy?- How do you generate joy?- How do people find joy in life?- How to hold joy and grief at the same time?My favorite quote from the episode: “Joy is a reflection of other people’s values.” Lately, I’ve enjoyed asking people, “what’s sparking joy for you?” and hearing their response. What I did not know was that they we’re dropping cues as to what their values are. I should be paying more attention!What I know to be true about the episode: I am very excited to share this episode early in the journey into better understanding the role of joy in our superpowers and our potential. Of course, Anna illuminates the topic of joy, as she is the beacon of light for purpose, meaning, and joy.What I learned from the episode: Anna’s four ways to access joy and that synergy is the element I need to recharge my joyfuel tanks.Resources mentioned in the episode: - Anna’s Company: https://ThePurposeEquation.com Music in this episode by Ian Kastner."What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superhero power, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info about the podcast or to check out more episodes, go to: https://WhatDoYouKnowToBeTrue.com "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/
Create Thriving Workplaces By Asking Better Questions with Garin Rouch
Nov 25 2024
Create Thriving Workplaces By Asking Better Questions with Garin Rouch
Coaches, consultants, and leaders know the power of asking questions in order to find the next step in unlocking a barrier or solving a problem.For Garin Rouch, asking the right questions is a superpower, one with a lot of consequences, since he's building better workplaces where hopefully people can thrive. Garin Rouch is an Organization Development expert with over 25 years of experience, working with leaders and teams to unlock the barriers that prevent higher performance. Garin is also the Co-Founder of Distinction Consulting and he’s the co-host of the OrgDev Podcast, both with his business partner, Dani Bacon.One of the things he’s learned in that time is the best solutions come from within those organizations by the people closest to the problems, and tapping into their sense of agency and ownership to develop and implement solutions. I’m curious to learn more about the role of joy in achieving our potential, and in each episode of season 2, we are diving into joy. And Garin is great in getting out of his comfort zone here to share his satisfaction, or joy, with creating workplaces that thrive.Garin is quick to point out the value in being an effective consultant is not in having the right answers, it’s in asking the right questions.  In this episode, Garin answers the following questions:- How do I become a better consultant?- How do you stand out in consulting?- How to create better workplaces?- What is Organization Development?My favorite quote from the episode: “If I had one wish for organizations, it’s just slow down.”This resonated deeply with me, and I want to make it more personal: leaders, slow down. Mistakes were never made by going too slow, but by going to fast. And as Ferris Buehler said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."What I know to be true about the episode: Garin is a voracious learner. He consumes a lot of Org Dev, teaming, neuroscience, an leadership content. If there’s ever an Org Dev pub trivia night, I want Garin on my team.What I learned from the episode: I am reminded how grateful I am to be able to connect with people like Garin from around the world who are working on similar efforts, with the purpose to improve the conditions of workplaces so people can thrive and flourish.  Resources mentioned in the episode: -  Consulting firm Garin co-founded: Distinction http://www.distinction.live - Org Dev Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@distinctionconsulting - Book: “Polarity Intelligence: The Missing Logic in Leadership” by Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth: https://bookshop.org/p/books/polarity-intelligence-the-missing-logic-in-leadership-tracy-christopherson/19948202?ean=9781636981888 - Podcast: “The Ready” https://www.youtube.com/@the-ready Keywords#BetterWorkplaces #AskQuestions #OrganizationDevelopmentMusic in this episode by Ian Kastner."What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superhero power, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info about the podcast or to check out more episodes, go to: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/ "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-la
Exploring the role of Joy in our Superpower | Season 2 Trailer
Nov 19 2024
Exploring the role of Joy in our Superpower | Season 2 Trailer
What do you know to be true about joy? What is the relationship between your superpower and joy? What is the role of Joy in achieving your potential?I’m curious to learn more about the role of joy in achieving our potential, and so in season 2 of the What Do You Know To Be True? podcast, we are diving into joy.Each What Do You Know To Be True? episode is an opportunity to learn from and get inspired by our guests, who are everyday people with extraordinary talents, making meaningful impact in their communities. As we explore their experiences with their superpowers, the goal is to learn how we can live more authentically into our own superpowers, and better understand how we can achieve our potential.In season 1 we learned about the role of Purpose as a source for meaning and as a North Star for living into our potential. In season 2, our guests are sharing what they know to be true about joy.Music in this episode created by Ian Kastner. "What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superpower, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info, go to:  https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/ "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/ABOUT THE PODCASTCharting a path to unlocking one's potential starts with a deeper understanding of one’s superpower and how to make a meaningful impact in service of others.In these conversations, Roger Kastner seeks to discover more about our guests' path to purpose and unlocking potential by exploring their journey from developing their extraordinary talent to creating meaningful impact for others.The goal of these conversations is not to try to emulate it or “hack” our way to a new talent. Instead, these conversations are to inspire you to think deeply about how to create positive impact in service of others.This podcast is for anyone who works with other people to unlock their challenges and achieve more. Our audience thinks deeply about their work, the space they hold, and the positive impact it brings to others.Our guests bring humility, insights, gratitude, and humor as they delve deep into their experiences and share their wisdom. They are everyday people, with extraordinary talent, who have made a meaningful impact.
How to Help Others Own Their Voice | Sports Broadcaster Jen Mueller
Nov 12 2024
How to Help Others Own Their Voice | Sports Broadcaster Jen Mueller
As a leader, coach or mentor, our role is to help others find their voice and tell their story.Of course we want to improve our abilities to do this for our people, so I reached out to a professional sports broadcaster and storyteller, Jen Mueller, to learn how she has honed her craft.Today’s guest is one of those amazing storytellers. I’m grateful for the opportunity to sit down with Jen Mueller and learn more about her extraordinary talent of empowering others to own their voice.Jen is well known for her sidelines reporting and post-game interviews with the Seattle Seahawks and Seattle Mariners. Jen frequently interviews athletes right after they made the game winning play and when they’ve made a mistake to lose a game. And she doesn’t shy away from asking the difficult questions, not only because that’s her job, but because the athletes and coaches want the opportunity to answer those questions.  Off the field, Jen is a keynote speaker, leadership consultant, and content creator, sharing valuable insights from her experiences in sports and beyond.In this episode, Jen answers the following questions:- How do you help someone to tell their story?- How do you get someone to tell their story?- What does it mean to have your own voice?- What does it mean to own your own story?My favorite quote from the episode: “Open-end questions create confusion.” In coaching and consulting, we’re told to ask open-ended questions, so hearing this perspective was really valuable. The context of a coaching or consulting conversation is much different than a news interview, but I had not thought about open-ended questions like this before.What I know to be true about the episode: Jen is a pro. I love how well thought-out and planful her strategies and tactics are, and how she bakes in contingency and flexibility into her frameworks to reflect the rapidly-changing nature of sports.What I learned from the episode: Jen shared two great frameworks. The first is about the relationship-building power of saying “Hello” and how simple it is as a precursor to a deepening of trust. The second framework is how she identifies and nurtures questions through the day, the week, and a season. Resources mentioned in the episode: -  Jen’s company: Talk Sporty To MeKeywords#OwnYouVoice #Storytelling #SportsBroadcaster #Empathy #Curiosity #ConnectionMusic in this episode by Ian Kastner."What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superhero power, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info about the podcast or to check out more episodes, go to: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/ "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/
How Travel Changes Us | Insights from Travel Expert Steve Smith
Oct 29 2024
How Travel Changes Us | Insights from Travel Expert Steve Smith
Why do we travel? Do we travel to see some sights, check off a bucket list item, immerse ourselves into a new culture or glam up our social media feeds? I was curious about this so I asked my friend, Steve Smith. Steve is a travel expert and tour guide and has spent almost 40 years with the Rick Steves travel company. He’s the author of the France travel guides published by Rick Steves. They’ve sold more travel books than all travel books combined. Steve spends a third of his time in France updating the guides and leading tours, and Steve also leads trips to Guatemala. I took my curiosity to Steve and asked him why we travel, and why he has spent most of his life inspiring others to experience the world. And the answer might not be in a destination, or in a travel book. Steve speaks fondly of his friend, Rick Steves, the founder of Rick Steves’ Europe travel company. They both speak of travel as a political act. Rick stated his goal is to get out of your comfort zone, increase your empathy with the other 96% of the world, and bring home the greatest of all souvenirs, a broader perspective. In this episode, Steve answers the following questions:- Why do we travel?- Why is traveling important in life?- How can we experience the world in a positive way?- Why do I feel so alive when I travel?My favorite quote from the episode: “But you can’t get that experience on your couch.”What I know to be true about the episode: I was recently listening to the song “Rejoice” by U2 which part of the chorus is “I can’t change the world, but I can change the world in me.” This seems to be central to Steve’s superpower of Inspire to Experience.What I learned from the episode: Aviation only accounts for 2% of greenhouse gases. I was surprised that number was that low, and Steve made me think differently about the opportunity costs of not travelling…plus still burning fossil fuels while staying home.Resources mentioned in the episode: -  Rick Steves’ Europe  - Global Visionaries – youth leadership development organization  - Steve's annual trip to Guatemala: Experience Guatemala - Rick Steves’ Hope and Hunger show:  - Book: “Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before” by Tony Horwitz Keywords#Travel #ConsciousTravel #ExperienceMusic in this episode by Ian Kastner."What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superhero power, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info about the podcast or to check out more episodes, go to: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/ "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/
Greater Awareness Through Polarity Management with Asli Aker | True Snacks
Oct 22 2024
Greater Awareness Through Polarity Management with Asli Aker | True Snacks
Have you ever been stuck between two options, only to find a better option is the third option? And of course, you’ve found the truth in between two very different renditions of the same event. That space in between or unseen just beyond two options is the space of integration – and it can only be found if you are looking for it. Executive Coach and Organization Development Consultant, Asli Aker is a master at being aware of and identifying the integrative space between two seemingly opposite things. Some refer to this as polarity management, but that sounds like a technique. For Asli, it’s a way of life. A way of being.***True Snacks is a bite-sized learning excerpt from the full What Do You Know To Be True? podcast episode. To watch the full episode with Asli, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuFN-bxrXO8&list=PLbWfh34FP_dUcAaCrI31z00_fLdphi6b7&index=10 ***Asli gracefully moves in the spaces between opposites to help her clients find the integration space that’s right for them. It even shows up in how she talks about awareness. She eloquently weaves the warp and woof of polarities into a tapestry of integration – a space that feels holistic, safe, and true. In this conversation, you will find out the true meaning of her name, “authentic,” and that she was born into this superhero power of finding that integrative space between two opposites. In this episode, Asli answers the following questions: • What do we mean by awareness? • What is the real meaning of awareness? • What is polarity management? • What is the role of energy in polarity management? My favorite quote from the episode: “Imagine what you can accomplish when you’re more alive.” What I know to be true about the episode: I am in awe of how smoothly and effortlessly Asli weaves polarities into the conversation, into sentence after sentence. Not as a way of calling attention to the opposites, but instead to occupy the space in between them.What I learned from the episode: A lot about polarity management, including that it’s a misnomer. Perhaps it should be called “integration management,” since that’s the end goal Resources mentioned in this episode can be found at the episode website: - Asli’s company, Niches Coaching and Consulting If you like the conversation, please share this episode with one other person. Thank you! ChaptersKeywords#PolarityManagement, #Awareness, #AchievingMore Music in this episode by Ian Kastner. "What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superhero power, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info, go to:  https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/
How Introverts Can Speak Up and Stand Out | Nancy Ancowitz
Oct 15 2024
How Introverts Can Speak Up and Stand Out | Nancy Ancowitz
Self-promotion in an authentic way can be hard for a lot of people, especially for introverts. Whether it's speaking up in meetings, stepping on stage to give a presentation, or advocating for themselves, how does an introvert push past their discomfort to achieve their goals? As a Career strategist, and a pioneer in the popular introvert literature, including her book, “Self-Promotion for Introverts®” and her articles in the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, Nancy has been helping Introverts stand up and shine for a long time.Nancy joins us to share her superpower—helping introverts master self-promotion, and in doing so, she emphasizes a familiar set of themes we’ve heard in many of these conversations, and that’s: curiosity, empathy, and connection.To complement those themes, Nancy also provides a framework for introverts to have more confidence in getting more of what they want in life.And for you extroverts, don’t worry, there's something here for you too. While Nancy’s superpower is focused on introverts, extroverts can benefit from Nancy’s framework as well.In this episode, Nancy answers the following questions:- How to help introverts with self-promotion?- How do I advocate for myself as an introvert?- Why do introverts have a hard time expressing themselves?- How extroverts get in the way of the strengths of introverts?My favorite quote from the episode: "Let's get the word out there while remaining authentic." I love the tension and space behind this statement. There doesn't need to be a contradiction between bold and honest, or loud and authentic.  What I know to be true about the episode: Nancy made me appreciate how there are consistent themes I’m hearing from guests about what helps them live into their superpowers, and it’s curiosity, empathy, and being present.  What I learned from the episode: While the framework was created to help introvert self-promote, it’s also a good framework for extraverts when they want to make authentic connections. It is in the process of slowing down, listening, and finding a point of commonality to build from that is key to creating authentic creations.Resources mentioned in the episode: -  Nancy’s website: https://NancyAncowitz.com  #SelfPromotionForIntroverts #AuthenticConnections #AuthenticityMusic in this episode by Ian Kastner."What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superhero power, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info about the podcast or to check out more episodes, go to:  https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/ "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/
Create Your Community When It Doesn’t Exist | Michaela Corning | True Snacks
Oct 8 2024
Create Your Community When It Doesn’t Exist | Michaela Corning | True Snacks
What do you do when you cannot find a community that serves your needs? If you are Michaela Corning, you create it. As an entrepreneur, an outgoing sales person, an amplifier, a woman, and a Muslim, Michaela found herself in the middle of an “intersectionality twister” game in workplaces that were not safe for her and she could not find the community that she envisioned. One that provided regenerative well-being and joy for her and other Muslim women. So in 2021, she created Barakah Beauty Collective – the first women only salon and boutique in Seattle focused on uplifting Muslim women economically, spiritually, and physically. ***True Snacks is a bite-sized learning excerpt from the full What Do You Know To Be True? podcast episode. To watch the full episode with Michaela, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HO_xHrIzWM&list=PLbWfh34FP_dWsmhLMNNz6IPXanydwpH-U&index=6  ***With love, business smarts, and a boatload of hard work and perseverance, Barakah Beauty Collective is thriving. And she has built something that is serving the needs of Muslim and non-Muslim woman, and inspiring the next generation of Muslim girls to dream and achieve bigger. In this episode, Michaela answers the following questions:  - How to build community?  - How to build community where one does not exist?  - What is modest fashion?  - Is it necessary to have a cat to make a video go viral?My favorite quote from the episode: “If it’s going to focus on serving the needs of the community, then it needs to reflect the community it’s in and what they need, right? That’s a ‘duh.’” What I know to be true about the episode:  Michaela is an inspiration. She is the change she wants to see in the world.What I learned from the episode:  A good friend, Lakshmi Gopalkrishnan, just shared with me the idea that whatever you have been told that you are too much of, or too little, that thing you are “not the right amount of” is your superpower and your strength, and you need to find the place where that can shine. Michaela is proof positive of that.Resources mentioned in the episode: - Michaela’s Modest Fashion Company: https://michaelacorning.com/  - Barakah Beauty Collective: https://barakahbeautycollective.com/  Keywords#Community #Community Building #How to build a community,Music in this episode by Ian Kastner."What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superhero power, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info about the podcast or to check out more episodes, go to: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/ "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/
Finding the Courage to Launch Your Solopreneur Business | Liz Steblay
Oct 1 2024
Finding the Courage to Launch Your Solopreneur Business | Liz Steblay
Starting your own solopreneur business would be easier if you had a coach on your side.  Someone who brings empathy and experience to show you the ropes, know what you are going through, and can name when fear, uncertainty, and doubt rear their ugly head and get in your way of success.Years ago, Liz Steblay left a successful career at a well-known consulting firm to go out on her own and start an independent consulting business because it was better for her family, and better on her terms. Then she started two businesses tailored to helping solopreneurs.Liz know a thing or two about helping launch solopreneurs. But early in her career, Liz was told that empathy and emotions in the office was a sign of weakness. Now she knows empathy is a superpower, her superpower, and it’s what she brings to support thousands of independent, solopreneur business owners through her firm, her workshops, and now her book, “Succeeding as a Solopreneurs." In this episode, Liz answers the following questions: - What does it mean to be a solopreneur? - What is the difference between an entrepreneur and a solopreneur? - What does it take to be a solopreneur? - What do Solopreneurs struggle with?My favorite quote from the episode: “Oh no, people need a lot of inspiration!”   It’s not what Liz says, but the conviction with which she says it that is convincing. And to combat the FUD monster (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), I can appreciate the strength of the required inspiration.What I know to be true about the episode:  Liz is amazing in how she shares her experience from a single mom starting her own independent consulting company, to creating a firm for other independent consultants, to creating another firm that focuses on equipping solopreneurs. In plain speak and a no nonsense approach, Liz has got you covered.What I learned from the episode: More of a reminder – there’s always someone who has gone up the path before you, and who is willing to reach back and tell you what you need to know. You just need to know how to ask for that help! Resources mentioned in the episode: - Liz’ website to all the things: Six Keys  - PICA – Professional Independent Consultants of America  - Books “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey  - Book: “Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership” by Joseph Jaworski Keywords#Soloprenuer #StartingABusiness #EmapthyMusic in this episode by Ian Kastner."What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superhero power, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/ "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-lands.ca
Aligning to what I’m supposed to be doing | Strategic Narrative with Guillaume Wiatr | True Snacks
Sep 24 2024
Aligning to what I’m supposed to be doing | Strategic Narrative with Guillaume Wiatr | True Snacks
Storytelling in business has been a hot topic for quite some time, but crafting a strategic narrative is a newer concept, one that our guest, Guillaume Wiatr, knows a lot about.What’s the difference between a story and a narrative? As Guillaume shares with us, the old question of the glass half full or half empty can be instructive. The glass itself is the story, your perspective on its disposition is the narrative. ***True Snacks is a bite-sized learning excerpt from the full What Do You Know To Be True? podcast episode. To listen to the full episode click here: ***In this conversation, Guillaume helps me understand the difference between a story and narrative, and how the process is both a decluttering of noise, and a creating of clarity.   Guillaume also gives a glimpse of the actions he took to take control of the strategic narrative for his own company. If someone were to ask me before this conversation what Guillaume does, I would have said that he helps entrepreneurs and business owners craft the story they tell about the why, how, and what they do.Problem is, that would have been wrong. Guillaume is quick to use words like abundance, joy, and love, but is clear about how these things need to be applied in a systematic approach that produces money, for his clients and him.  He also says that for many new business owners, despite what Simon Sinak says, starting with why can be dangerous.  In this episode, Guillaume answers the following questions:· What is the difference between a story and narrative?· How is narrative used in business? · What does narrative literally mean?· What are some common examples of narratives in business? Links to resources mentioned in the episode: - Guillaume’s company, Metahelm If you like the conversation, please share this episode with one other person. Thank you!Music in this episode created by Ian Kastner. "What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superhero power, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose.  For more info and to subscribe to the podcast, go to: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/
Rediscovering Connection: Mark Meadows’ Journey to Belonging
Sep 17 2024
Rediscovering Connection: Mark Meadows’ Journey to Belonging
What would you do if we were already connected to one another?Mark Meadows shares this evocative question with the knowledge that we’re already connected. We are already connected, because we are human and we are here. And that which gets in our way of connecting is only the stories we are telling ourselves.Mark is an Org Development practitioner, a business owner, and is a self-proclaimed recovering deep thinker. He’s put in the work to re-discover how to be present, how to acknowledge the feeling of being, and how to be connected with those around him.Mark shares a beautiful journey to discovering the truth of connection and what he does now to create and honor connection – it’s a simple framework:1. Remember we’re already connected2. Act accordinglyIn this episode, Mark answers the following questions:· How to create a connection with people?· How to connect more deeply with people?· Why do I struggle to connect with people?· Why can't I emotionally connect with anyone?My favorite quote from the episode: “Connection is an innate wisdom. It is about remember what was already present.” Borrowing from something Sebene Selassie wrote in her book, “we already belong to one another.” We are already connected. The contrary is artificial and made up.  What I know to be true about the episode: Mark’s vulnerability in sharing where his appreciation for connection as a shared superpower with his father is inspiring. What I learned from the episode: Acknowledging the gifts from complicated relationships is a sign of growth and the ability to strip away all that prevents connection in the first place.   Resources mentioned in this episode:• Mark's company, Terra Nova Development  · Book: “You Belong” by Sebene Selassie · Book with Mark’s “Recovering Intellectual” essay, “Love Notes from the Soul” by Cynthia Gregory  If you like the conversation, please share this episode with one other person. Thank you!Music in this episode created by Ian Kastner. "What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superpower, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info about the podcast or to check out more episodes, go to: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/ "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/
How to Design for What Matters in Human Systems with Kellee Franklin | True Snacks
Sep 9 2024
How to Design for What Matters in Human Systems with Kellee Franklin | True Snacks
Transformation in organizations, whether driven by strategy or technology imperatives, will often attempt to treat the human side of change as an afterthought or something to be managed.And that is why most transformations fail.****True Snacks is a bite-sized learning excerpt from the full What Do You Know To Be True? podcast episode. To watch the full episode: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/video/how-to-pay-attention-to-one-another-pay-attention-with-kellee-franklin  ****Transformation and innovation consultant, Kellee Franklin, understands that most transformation efforts needs to flip the script. They are not adding humans to a technology or strategy system, they are inserting technology or strategy into human systems.To design successful transformation, Kellee knows that it’s the human system that needs to be understood, respected, mapped, and attended to.And the best way to do this, is to pay attention.On an individual level, when everyone craves human connection and want to be seen and be heard, the most valuable and powerful thing we can give someone is our attention. Kellee Franklin is a consultant, a leadership development advisor, a coach, and an instructor. While she helps businesses design and implement advanced technology into their organizations, she stresses that those organizations as human systems. The technology has to fit inside those human systems – and not the other way around.Kellee shares what she knows to be true after years in consulting, years advising business and technology transformations, and years teaching in the classroom. You might think from all that experience and knowledge she’s accumulated, she shares nuggets of wisdom she’s gathered along the way. But instead, it’s how she shows up and how she attends to the people and their needs within those spaces. In this episode, Kellee answers the following questions:- How to give attention to someone?- How to attend to someone’s needs?- How to show you're paying attention?- How to be radically present with others?Chapters00:00 Intro & To Pay Attention01:41 Framework for Paying Attention05:45 Things that matter that can't be measured08:43 Love you, mean it10:47 Love has a place in all Human Systems11:45 What Do You Know To Be True? My favorite quote from the episode: “To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.” -  From the Mary Oliver poem “Yes! No!”What I know to be true about the episode: Kellee is probably in a lot of spaces where she is the smartest person in the room, and others where she’s rubbing elbows with geniuses, but her approach to paying attention does not waver because of a deep belief in the value of each individual, what they can contribute, and what can be learned from them.What I learned from the episode: It is further reinforcement of several threads we can pull on in these conversations where Kellee and other guests, all super-high achievers and people who enable and support highly accomplished people, highlight the powers of curiosity, empathy, and being radically present with others. Music in this episode created by Ian Kastner. "What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or super power and the meaningful impact it has on others. For more info, go to our website.  "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/
Think Differently, Lead Boldly: Rick Beaton’s Guide to Thriving in Complexity
Sep 3 2024
Think Differently, Lead Boldly: Rick Beaton’s Guide to Thriving in Complexity
Divergent thinking and courageous alternative perspective sharing is what’s needed to transform organizations, challenge the status quo, and evolve our human systems so people and organizations can thrive and flourish. Our problems will not be solved with the same thinking that created them.  Our current systems of education, business, and politics are broken because they were designed as technical systems instead of human systems. They do not work for the complexity of human beings, and as we’ve moved into a post-industrial age we need new perspectives and ways of thinking. And we need people who can help us think differently, challenge our assumptions, and offer alternative perspectives.Rick Beaton, CEO of Motis, works with clients to help them reveal how they can evolve the human systems within their organizations so that companies can achieve their business goals and people can flourish and thrive in the workplace.Rick joins us to share his superpower, a Kaleidoscope of Perspectives, which is the ability to see the world through a multitude of filters based on a diverse set of experiences. Rick is able to see and hear things differently that most people and share them back as a gift to others.In addition to a variety of experiences, Rick pulls on a vast background of systems-thinking, neurobiology, technology, academia, philanthropy, and music to inform his perspectives. In this episode, Rick answers the following questions: - How to shift thinking with divergent view points?  - How to help people flourish and thrive in business?  - How to think differently / out of the box? - What are the positives from offering different perspectives?My favorite quote from the episode: “The whole structure of organizations are based on ‘why would you trust anybody?’”What I know to be true about the episode: I am impressed with Rick’s humility and measured approach, and realization that although he might know the answers for his clients, he knows that they need to discover the correct answers for themselves.   What I learned from the episode: Rick talks about the difference between knowledge and wisdom, and the latter comes from knowledge learned, unlearned, and relearned through a diversity of experience that only comes with time and a willingness to enter the discomfort of new experiences that stretch us.Resources mentioned in the episode: - Rick’s company Motis - Book: “Don’t Step on the Rope” by Walter Wright  - Book: “The Speed of Trust” by Stephen M. R. Covey  Music in this episode created by Ian Kastner. "What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superpower, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info about the podcast or to check out more episodes, go to: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/ "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go&
Creating Space for Others | Stuffology with Nicole Kincaid | True Snacks
Aug 27 2024
Creating Space for Others | Stuffology with Nicole Kincaid | True Snacks
Yes, this conversation with Nicole Kincaid is about her superpower of helping individuals better manage their stuff and their space AND it’s a masterclass in empathy, holding space for clients, and self-regulation.Our relationship with our physical possessions, our stuff, is never just about the stuff.****True Snacks is a bite-sized learning excerpt from the full What Do You Know To Be True? podcast episode. To watch the full episode: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/nicole  ****We know this. We know this because we have a box in our closet of things we’ve had for decades, haven’t looked through it, and provide provides no functional value to us today, and yet it remains in the closet. Maybe it’s the watch your wife gave you 25 years ago, your grandfather’s pilot wings, the old hockey jersey…it’s stuff with meaning, and you are never going to get rid of it. And then there’s the stuff that had meaning, but no longer has meaning. That stuff, once you think about it, can go.Energy worker, Nicole Kincaid, helps clients understand the relationship and energy with their stuff, so that they can be more intentional about the stuff they surround themselves with. With empathy, non-judgment, and the realization that the solutions she comes up with and not the right solutions for the client.Nicole knows only the client can create the right solutions for themselves. Nicole also leans into the value of creating systems for success. And this is where the masterclass level knowledge shows up as Nicole shares “You can’t create the systems before you’ve gone through the stuff.”While I’m reminded of comedian George Carlin famously quipped the following question: “Have you noticed that your friend’s stuff is shit, and your shit is stuff?,” (I’m sure he came up with that line after helping a friend move), it feels like it’s all really important, not the stuff, but the relationship with the stuff.In this episode, Nicole answers the following questions:- What is Stuffology?- How to declutter your space?- Why is decluttering hard?- What are the steps in decluttering?My favorite quote from the episode: “You can’t create the systems before you’ve gone through the stuff.”What I know to be true about the episode: I need to spend more time thinking about my relationship with my stuff and sitting with the deeper understanding of what my relationships with my stuff means. And to timebox that *stuff* - only so much emotional heavy lifting one can do in anyone setting.  What I learned from the episode: I love how so much of what Nicole talks about in helping her client discover their relationship with their stuff is relevant to the work I do with my consulting and coaching clients, from discovering the emotional connections to honoring the agency and brilliance within the clients to own their issues and design their solutions.Resources mentioned in the episode: - Nicole’s website:  https://nicolekincaid.com/ Music in this episode created by Ian Kastner. "What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superpower, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.c
Crafting Your Space and Managing Your Stuff with Nicole Kincaid
Aug 20 2024
Crafting Your Space and Managing Your Stuff with Nicole Kincaid
Nicole Kincaid's superpower is helping individuals better manage their stuff and their spaces, and develop sustainable systems to keep it up. But this episode is a masterclass in empathy, holding space for clients, and self-regulation.Our relationship with our physical possessions, our stuff, is never just about the stuff.We know this. We know this because we have a box in our closet of things we’ve had for decades, haven’t looked through it, and provide provides no functional value to us today, and yet it remains in the closet. And then there’s the stuff that had meaning, but no longer has meaning. That stuff, once you think about it, can go.Energy worker, Nicole Kincaid, helps clients understand the relationship and energy with their stuff, so that they can be more intentional about the stuff they surround themselves with. With empathy, non-judgment, and the realization that the solutions she comes up with and not the right solutions for the client.Nicole also leans into the value of creating systems for success. And this is where the masterclass level knowledge shows up as Nicole shares “You can’t create the systems before you’ve gone through the stuff.”On one hand, it’s about helping client’s with their physical stuff. At the same it, it’s about helping clients’ with their emotional relationship to their stuff. While it is about the material possessions in one’s house, Nicole also shares some masterclass level learnings about how to create the container for her clients to explore and unblock the things, emotional and physical, that are getting in their way, literally and metaphorically. In this episode, Nicole answers the following questions:- What is Stuffology?- How to declutter your space?- Why is decluttering hard?- What are the steps in decluttering?My favorite quote from the episode: “You can’t create the systems before you’ve gone through the stuff.”While this advice has practical applications, like this whole conversation, there’s more to it than what meets the eye. Experience matters. Getting into it and doing it before designing or finalizing plans for how to do. What I know to be true about the episode: I need to spend more time thinking about my relationship with my stuff and sitting with the deeper understanding of what my relationships with my stuff means. And to timebox that *stuff* - only so much emotional heavy lifting one can do in anyone setting.  What I learned from the episode: I love how so much of what Nicole talks about in helping her client discover their relationship with their stuff is relevant to the work I do with my consulting and coaching clients, from discovering the emotional connections to honoring the agency and brilliance within the clients to own their issues and design their solutions.Resources mentioned in the episode: - Nicole’s website:  https://nicolekincaid.com/ Music in this episode created by Ian Kastner. "What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superpower, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more info: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/ "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/
How to Change Hearts and Minds | Robert Perez | True Snacks
Aug 14 2024
How to Change Hearts and Minds | Robert Perez | True Snacks
Do you think it’s possible to change someone’s mind on social and political issues?In this deeply divided, polarized political situation we find ourselves in, while it may seem impossible to some. But to Robert Perez, change is possible, and it’s only a matter of time.And it does not involve yelling, or telling, or shaming, or outing. ****True Snacks is a bite-sized learning excerpt from the full What Do You Know To Be True? podcast episode. To watch the full episode: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/video/strategies-for-changing-hearts-and-minds-heartwiring-with-robert-perez  ****As Robert says, it requires listening and understanding someone’s values, experiences, and emotional needs. Robert acknowledges that it’s hard work, and yet it’s worth it because change is possible and it’s worth it.Robert Perez, the Chief Exploration Officer at Wonder Strategies for Good, has been crafting strategic communications for social justice and progressive organizations for over 30 years. He’s been equipping people to arrive at a shared understanding of the solutions that make progressive social change happen. In this episode, Robert shares his superpower of Heartwiring – the ability to identify the emotions, identity, lived experiences, values and beliefs of others whose support you need, and then craft messages that untie the psychological knots that people find themselves in. As Robert explains, where there’s a little daylight between those factors, between what someone has been told to believe and what they’ve experienced and what they feel, that’s the space where change is possible. “Heartwired” is a strategy guide that Robert and his colleague, Amy Simon, wrote in 2017 to help change makers better understand the audiences they are working with and how to build stories and messages that invite them to engage differently in the issues at heart.Former FBI Hostage Negotiator, Chris Voss, (author, “Never Split the Difference”) talks about the value of “tactical empathy” to show the other person you understand what’s in their head and the rationale behind their actions. Robert’s Heartwiring approach takes this further and acknowledges what’s in person’s heart, and entrusts them to use their values and experiences to make a different choice.In this episode, Robert answers the following questions:- How do you change someone’s mind? - How do you communicate with someone with different political views than you?- What are the factors that change someone’s position?- What is the role of empathy in political discourse?“True Snacks” is a series of excerpts from the "What Do You Know To Be True?" podcast. The purpose behind this series to share some of the key learning moments from the podcast. Music in this episode created by Ian Kastner. "What Do You Know To Be True?" is a series of conversations where I speak with interesting people about their special talent or superhero power and the meaningful impact it has on others. The intention is to learn more about their experience with their superpower, so that we can learn something about the special talent in each of us which allows us to connect more deeply with our purpose and achieve our potential. For more information about the podcast or to check out more episodes, go to: https://whatdoyouknowtobetrue.com/ "What Do You Know To Be True?" is hosted by Roger Kastner, is a production of Three Blue Pens, and is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Suquamish people. To discover the ancestral lands of the indigenous people whose land you may be on, go to: https://native-land.ca/