Get Ready for Easter!
Luke 19:29-44; Matthew 21:4-11
Pastor Willie Behrends
As we all know, really important things take preparation…
And the most important day for Christians is Easter!
So how do we, (and should we) prepare for that?
Sermon Notes
Today, the Palm Sunday account gives us some principles…
I - Do what ________ says! (Lk 19:29-40, Matt 21:4-9)
II - ________ what Jesus ________ (Lk 19:41-44)
III - Use your ________! (Matt 21:10-11)
Today's 'Take-Aways.' Ask yourself...
1. “What is Jesus telling me to ___________?”
2. “How do I really about My World?”
3. “Who do I need to ___________ to this week?”
EASTER SUNDAY: What Are You Looking Forward To? ( I Corinthians 15:1-20 )
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