Breaking down Laravel and the MVC framework by building our first model and view. Along the way, Aurooba and Brian talk about Breeze, Artisan, database migrations, and Query Builder - all fundamental components of Laravel- and how they work.
A full transcript of the episode is available on the website. Watch the video podcast on YouTube and subscribe to our channel and newsletter to hear about episodes (and more) first!
- (00:00) - Introduction
- (00:08) - What are we building with Laravel?
- (02:48) - Frontend Demo and Laravel Breeze
- (04:17) - MVC - The Model
- (07:20) - MVC - The View
- (09:22) - MVC - Controller
- (11:40) - Artisan Migrations to set up Database tables
- (16:52) - Our New Suggestions Model
- (18:01) - Strictness in a Framework
- (21:53) - Query Builder
- (25:16) - Views and Blade Templates
- (32:29) - Coding Standards in Laravel
- (35:13) - Next Steps and Outro