The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast


The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast helps Christian leaders navigate and lead through the cultural issues of our day by giving voice to recognizable names in ministry, subject matter experts, and local pastors and leaders. Whatever area of ministry you serve in, our goal is to help you lead better every day. read less
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Best of 2024: Jon Acuff—How To Pursue Success Without Destroying Your Church
Dec 22 2024
Best of 2024: Jon Acuff—How To Pursue Success Without Destroying Your Church
Get notes on this podcast here: In our top performing episode of 2024, Jon Acuff joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to explain why church leaders should wholeheartedly pursue their potential and how they can do so in a way that honors God. Last week, Dr. Libin Abraham joined us to share what God has taught him about the calling of a pastor and the importance of focusing on the local church. Check out our conversation with him here: ► Listen on Apple: Visit ChurchLeaders Website: Find ChurchLeaders on Facebook: Follow ChurchLeaders on X/Twitter: Follow ChurchLeaders on Instagram: Follow ChurchLeaders on Pinterest: “All It Takes Is a Goal: The 3-Step Plan to Ditch Regret and Tap Into Your Massive Potential" by Jon Acuff "Soundtracks: The Surprising Solution to Overthinking (Overcome Toxic Thought Patterns and Take Control of Your Mindset)" by Jon Acuff "Stuff Christians Like" by Jon Acuff Check out Jon's website Follow Jon on Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter and YouTube
Jody Dean Gives Church Administration Advice to Pastors Who Hate It
Nov 27 2024
Jody Dean Gives Church Administration Advice to Pastors Who Hate It
Get notes on this podcast here: Dr. Jody Dean joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to explain why church administration is an essential part of ministry and how, far from taking away from ministry’s personal side, administration supports and empowers pastoral care. Rev. Dr. John Dickson joined us last week to discuss the historical impact of Christianity, the importance of acknowledging the church's failures as well as its contributions, and how Christians should engage with culture today. Check out our conversation with him here:  ► Listen on Apple: Visit ChurchLeaders Website: Find ChurchLeaders on Facebook: Follow ChurchLeaders on X: Follow ChurchLeaders on Instagram: Follow ChurchLeaders on Pinterest:  “Managing the Ministry: A Practical Guide to Church Administration” by Dr. Jody Dean New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Follow Jody on X/Twitter Practical Tools for Church Leaders Brotherhood Mutual Church Community Builder Church Form ChurchLeaders ChurchLaw&Tax Evernote Google Suite Planning Center The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast Todoist
John Dickson: What the Good and Evil in Church History Teaches Us About How To Live Now
Nov 20 2024
John Dickson: What the Good and Evil in Church History Teaches Us About How To Live Now
Get notes on this podcast here: Rev. Dr. John Dickson joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to discuss the historical impact of Christianity, the importance of acknowledging the church's failures as well as its contributions, and how Christians should engage with culture today. Mike Cosper joined us last week where, drawing on the work of Hannah Arendt, he explained the dangers of ideological movements within the church and shared how church leaders can resist being captivated by anything other than the gospel. Check out our conversation with him here:    ► Listen on Apple: Visit ChurchLeaders Website: Find ChurchLeaders on Facebook: Follow ChurchLeaders on X: Follow ChurchLeaders on Instagram: Follow ChurchLeaders on Pinterest:   “Bullies and Saints: An Honest Look at the Good and Evil of Christian History” by Rev. Dr. John Dickson “A Doubter's Guide to World Religions: A Fair and Friendly Introduction to the History, Beliefs, and Practices of the Big Five” by Rev. Dr. John Dickson  Check out John's website Follow John on Facebook, Instagram, and X/Twitter
Mike Cosper: How Church Leaders Can Resist the ‘Banality of Evil’ and Stand Strong in This Moment
Nov 13 2024
Mike Cosper: How Church Leaders Can Resist the ‘Banality of Evil’ and Stand Strong in This Moment
Get notes on this podcast here: Mike Cosper joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” where, drawing on the work of Hannah Arendt, he explains the dangers of ideological movements within the church and shares how church leaders can resist being captivated by anything other than the gospel. Rev. Dr. Chris Adams joined us last week to discuss the critical intersection of mental health and ministry, emphasizing the special role church leaders play in helping other people's mental health and the unique challenges pastors face with their own. Check out our conversation with him here:    ► Listen on Apple: Visit ChurchLeaders Website: Find ChurchLeaders on Facebook: Follow ChurchLeaders on X: Follow ChurchLeaders on Instagram: Follow ChurchLeaders on Pinterest:   “The Church in Dark Times: Understanding and Resisting the Evil That Seduced the Evangelical Movement” by Mike Cosper "The Bulletin" on Christianity Today "The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill" on Christianity Today Check out Mike's website Follow Mike on Instagram and X/Twitter
Sean McDowell and Timothy Muehlhoff: How Church Leaders Can Rise Above Cancel Culture
Oct 23 2024
Sean McDowell and Timothy Muehlhoff: How Church Leaders Can Rise Above Cancel Culture
Get notes on this podcast here: Dr. Sean McDowell and Dr. Timothy Muehlhoff join “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to discuss the challenges of navigating disagreements in today's polarized culture, highlighting the importance of empathy, truth, and building relationships.  Beth Moore joined us last week to explore the art of compelling Bible teaching. She emphasized the importance of a teacher’s relationship with God and addressed the nuts and bolts of preparation, as well as the role of criticism in a teacher's journey. Check out our conversation with her here:    ► Listen on Apple: Visit ChurchLeaders Website: Find ChurchLeaders on Facebook: Follow ChurchLeaders on X: Follow ChurchLeaders on Instagram: Follow ChurchLeaders on Pinterest:   “End the Stalemate: Move Past Cancel Culture to Meaningful Conversations” by Dr. Sean McDowell and Dr. Timothy Muehlhoff Check out Sean's website Follow Sean on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X/Twitter, and YouTube Check out Tim's website Follow Tim on Facebook and X/Twitter
Kay Warren and Glen Bloomstrom: The Vital Role Church Leaders Play in Helping To Prevent Suicide
Sep 4 2024
Kay Warren and Glen Bloomstrom: The Vital Role Church Leaders Play in Helping To Prevent Suicide
Get notes on this podcast here: Kay Warren and Glen Bloomstrom join “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to discuss the crucial part church leaders play in helping people battle suicide and how those in ministry can take action to be equipped for this fight. Rich Villodas joined us last week to discuss what it means to follow Jesus on the narrow path and the dangers pastors face as they do so.    ► Listen on Apple:   Visit ChurchLeaders Website: Find ChurchLeaders on Facebook: Follow ChurchLeaders on Twitter: Follow ChurchLeaders on Instagram: Follow ChurchLeaders on Pinterest: LivingWorks Intervention Training options: LivingWorks Start - 90-minute fundamental suicide alertness online training LivingWorks safeTALK - four-hour in-person training on suicide alertness skills LivingWorks ASIST - two-day comprehensive intervention training that includes an intervention model and safety planning. This is the training that most crisis line workers are trained to use. LivingWorks Faith - five to six-hour comprehensive, competency-based suicide prevention program for clergy and faith leaders that includes training in prevention (understanding suicide in the context of faith, the role of faith leaders, how to encourage help seeking), intervention (using LivingWorks Start) and postvention (ministry after there has been suicide behaviors, covering actions immediately following a suicide, funerals and memorials and suicide grief). Other Resources PDF of Kay's diagram: Partnership in Mental Health Care Hope for Mental Health Initiative LivingWorks Education National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention Check out Kay's website Follow Kay on Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, and YouTube