The Tea with KG

Kayle Grace

Who’s ready to spill? Welcome to the Tea with KG, hosted by Kayle Grace. This is a space where we celebrate showing up exactly as you are. We all have a story, or as I like to call it, a soul journey. Throughout the ups and downs of life we laugh, cry, heal, grow, disagree, learn, and love. The Tea with KG is your weekly boost of real talk mixed with inspiration, funny stories, spirituality, healing, celebrating life, and all those vulnerable, messy moments in between. There’s room for everyone at this tea time so drink it up, spark it up, or just relax and soak it up. Cheers and let’s spill! Instagram: @kayle_grace_ @theteawithkg, Facebook: The Tea with KG, YouTube: Kayle Grace

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#74. Intimate Wellbeing
Sep 5 2023
#74. Intimate Wellbeing
Welcome back to another #TeaTimeTuesday where we are exploring finding your joy! I am so honored and excited to have 3 incredible women joining me on today's episode. We have our favorite Fraser Valley Sex Therapist, Shauna Burns-Thomson, back in the house and she brought some friends with her - Cass & Leah from Intimate Wellbeing! For those who are new to the podcast, Intimate Wellbeing is a women-led, Canadian-based sexual wellness company. Shauna has been singing their praises since the beginning of our Sex with Shauna series and I am so happy she has brought us all together! Tune in as we chat about Intimate Wellbeing, women empowerment, and breaking down the barriers and shame surrounding sexual wellness. You know when Shauna comes to play she comes with free goodies for our listeners! Listen to the episode to find out what you could win and how to enter our September giveaway! Cheers and let's spill!Let's connect:Instagram:|= https://linktree/kaygrace_theogTo connect with Shauna:Instagram: https://fraservalleysextherapy.comSign up for Sexy September - Guide to firing up your Fall Season: off all purchases over $69, use code FraserValleySexTherapist at checkout: IntimateWellbeing.comTo connect with Intimate Wellbeing:Instagram:
#64. Sex With Shauna: Q&A (Special Series)
May 16 2023
#64. Sex With Shauna: Q&A (Special Series)
Your fave monthly series, Sex with Shauna, is back with its 4th instalment! You asked and Shauna has answered! Tune in to hear all the juicy answers to questions submitted by our loyal listeners. Shauna first appeared on The Tea with KG in episode 32 and is owner of Lavender Lane Holistic Counselling & Sex Therapy. If you're curious about parts 1, 2 & 3 of the Sex with Shauna series, head over to episodes 52, 56 and 59 to hear all about sex toys, myth busting and sacred sexuality. Shauna provides so much education and is a beautiful soul with a wealth of knowledge. In today's episode we are also having a MEGA magical sparkly giveaway! May is my birthday month so we are doing it big to celebrate all of you gorgeous listeners! Be sure to listen to find out what you could win! Cheers and let's spill!Let's connect:Instagram:|= https://linktree/kaygrace_theogTo connect with Shauna:Instagram: https://lavenderlanecounselling.caSign up for Shauna's 30-Day Guide to Deepening Pleasure Pathways and Elevating your Self-Love Practice for FREE in honour of Masturbation May (link also in @fraservalleysextherapist bio): sign up (link also in @fraservalleysextherapist bio) or on: intimatewellbeing.com20% off all purchases over $69, use code FraserValleySexTherapist at checkout:
#59. Sex with Shauna: Sacred Sexuality (Special Series)
Apr 11 2023
#59. Sex with Shauna: Sacred Sexuality (Special Series)
Your fave monthly series is back with its 3rd installment! Sex with Shauna is here and today we are diving into sacred sexuality. Shauna first appeared on The Tea with KG in episode 32 and is owner of Lavender Lane Holistic Counselling & Sex Therapy. If you're curious about parts 1 & 2 of the Sex with Shauna series, head over to episodes 52 and 56 to hear all about sex toys and myth busting. In today's episode we discuss the meaning of sacred sexuality and how to move with intention to cultivate this. Shauna provides so much education and is a wealth of knowledge. Be sure to listen for our latest giveaway and find out what you could win! Cheers and let's spill!Let's connect:Instagram:|= https://linktree/kaygrace_theogTo connect with Shauna:Instagram: https://lavenderlanecounselling.caSign up for Shauna's 30-Day Guide to Deepening Pleasure Pathways and Elevating your Self-Love Practice for FREE in honour of Masturbation May (link also in @fraservalleysextherapist bio): sign up (link also in @fraservalleysextherapist bio) or on: intimatewellbeing.com20% off all purchases over $69, use code FraserValleySexTherapist at checkout: IntimateWellbeing.comShauna's OhNut discount code:Use code FraserValleySexTherapist for $7 off of OhNut purchases at