Just US: Before, Birth, and Beyond


Welcome to Just Us: Before, Birth, and Beyond. We invite you to tune in for a podcast focused on perinatal and community health. In an effort to raise awareness and start a conversation about perinatal health, our hosts have joined forces with doulas, midwives, nurses, lactation consultants, physicians and more from across North Carolina to share best practices, lived experiences, and lessons learned. Just Us explores real topics and dives into what has happened, what is happening, and what can happen next in the sexual and reproductive health and wellness space. Our goal is to learn and grow together in order to take care of ourselves and each other so that we can all live our healthiest lives. Thank you for being here. Let’s get started!

This project was made possible thanks to the funding, guidance and support from North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services - Division of Public Health - Maternal Health Branch-Women, Infant and Community Wellness Section.

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $10,216,885 with 0% financed with nongovernmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government.

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Season 3. Episode 4: Lactation and Mastitis, What You Need to Know
Jun 18 2024
Season 3. Episode 4: Lactation and Mastitis, What You Need to Know
In this episode Katlyn Moss, BSN, RN interviews Georganna Cogburn, MSHE, RD, LDN, IBCLC, RLC  on breastfeeding and mastitis. They cover everything from normal physiological changes in the breast after delivery to hand expression and breast massage. Georganna shares the importance of patient education in the prenatal period and shares tips on how to triage a patient who calls with mastitis symptoms. We hope you enjoy the episode!  Podcast Survey: https://redcap.mahec.net/redcap/surveys/?s=XTM8T3RPNK Facebook: Just Us: Before, Birth and Beyond Podcast Resources     Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Clinical Protocol # 36: The Mastitis Spectrum (Revised 2022) BFM-2022-29207-kbm-ver9-Mitchell_2P 360..376 (bfmed.org)English_ABM_Mastitis Handout_Protected.pdf (memberclicks.net)ABM Clinical Protocol #37: Physiological Infant Care - Managing Nighttime Breastfeeding in Young Infants BFM-2023-29236-abm-ver9-Zimmerman_3P 159..168 (memberclicks.net)English_ABM_Physiologic Infant Care Handout_Protected.pdf (memberclicks.net)Unicef UK Baby Friendly Initiative/Hand Expression https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0zVCwdJZw0&t=65s Hand Expression LPCH Stanford https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=613yqVEtu3I&t=60sTherapeutic Breast Massage in Lactation https://vimeo.com/65196007 How to Fit Breast Pump Flanges (1) How to Fit Breast Pump Flanges - YouTubeReverse Pressure Softening by K. Jean Cotterman, RNC, IBCLC http://www.health-e-learning.com/articles/RPS_JCotterman_ver2005.htm Please provide feedback here:https://redcap.mahec.net/redcap/surveys/?s=XTM8T3RPNK