Mar 5 2023
Lisa Kon Celebrity Nail Artist: Hailey Bieber, Kate Moss, Zendaya, Rita Ora, Tom Holland
Hosted by Irina Groshina Founder of http://pnwbeauty.proOwner of https://beautissima.us guest: Lisa KonCelebrity nail studiohttps://www.lisakon.com to the new episode of the PNW Beauty Podcast featuring Lisa Kon, a renowned celebrity nail artist. In this episode, Lisa shares her background and explains why she chose to specialize in nail artistry. She also provides valuable insights into avoiding burnout and attracting clients in the nail industry.Lisa talks about the unique qualities of her manicure services and reveals her favorite type of manicure. She also discusses some of the most challenging and memorable experiences of her career, including working with celebrities such as Sylvester Stallone's mother, Kendall Jenner, Hailey Bieber, Kate Moss, Zendaya, Rita Ora, Tom Holland, and Justin Bieber.00:00 Wellcome to the first PNW Beauty Podcast00:30 Lisa Kon, Celebrity Nail Artist1:10 Lisa's background1:40 Why nails?7:20 How to Avoid Burnout?10:37 How to attract clients in the nail industry?21:55 What is unique about your manicure services?23:07 What is your favorite type of Manicure?23:30 How does your Manicure?25:50 Celebrties clients - Silvester Stalone's mother27:00 Kendall Jenner31:52 Most stressful situations38:04 Most difficult Manicure you ever made?36:45 Manicure for a little girl?40:00 Travel with celebrities: Kardashians42:33 Hailey Bieber, Kate Moss, Zendaya, Rita Ora, Tom Holland43:35 Justin Bieber44:08 Importance of salon's interior design45:30 Let's talk money - how much does it cost to open a nail salon?46:04 Future plans51:55 First impression of LALet’s build a community together to network with fellow beauty artists and business owners in the Pacific Northwest! SUBSCRIBE FOR FUTURE EVENTS