* Three weeks ago we began to consider that ultimate expression of truly comprehending that God is the giver of every good gift and every perfect bestowment will be: that we will want to BE doers of His Word and not hearers-only; we will want to Receive, Apply, Study and Continue in - the Perfect Law of Liberty. That Perfect Law of Liberty is our call to love our neighbors as ourselves.
* Two weeks ago we began to consider how James applied this truth within the realm of our practical theology ... how we live out what we believe.
* First we considered James exhortation regarding Loving without Partiality. Last week, we considered how True Faith will be revealed in True Works - such that faith without works is dead.
* Today, we want to consider James' teaching regarding the importance of words revealed in three different aspects.
* This message was presented on October 22, 2023 by Bob Corbin.