Are you living a “Kingdom of God lifestyle” today, in a very real sense? Do you feel like growth, abundance, and victory are all a part of your community life and church experience? This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar and Heath discuss how Jesus explained normal life and growth in the Kingdom of God.
In This Episode You’ll Learn: - The true definition of a Missional Community.
- Caesar’s story of a pretty rocky start to all of this 😳
- How Jesus explained life (all of it) and growth, and what to expect.
- The Pattern and Promise we see throughout the Parables in the NT.
Get started here... From this episode: “There is a reason Jesus lived and taught in the ways he did. He wasn’t random or cleverly trying to adapt to the local customs of his day. Yes, his methods were rooted in real life, and they were immersed into his culture, but there was something far more eternal and subversive going on.” Each week the Big 3 will give you immediate action steps to get you started.
Download today’s BIG 3 right now. Read and think over them again later. You might even want to share them with others…
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Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode: Coaching with Caesar and Tina in discipleship and missional living. Caesar’s book: Small is Big, Slow is Fast Get Caesar’s latest book: Bigger Gospel for FREE… Click Here