Fiona Davis - Bestselling Author

Who I Met Today

Jul 5 2024 • 24 mins

In podcast episode 34, bestselling author Fiona Davis chats about her writing, her books, Egyptian research, movie rights, and iconic New York City landmarks. If you aren't familiar with her novels, please sit back and let me introduce you. You're in for a treat! Her books (and I've read them all) combine everything I love—an entertaining story, history, maybe some romance and mystery. Plus I always learn a great deal.

Topics we reference in this episode:

The Gimlet Slip

Brooklyn Laundry Manhattan Theatre Club

The Thursday Authors

The Caretaker by Ron Rash

The Perfume Collector by Kathleen Tessaro

Fiona's bestselling novels:

The Spectacular

The Magnolia Palace

The Lions of Fifth Avenue