14 - The Compassion Train : Let’s learn what it means to be compassionate

WeeWonna Talk

Jun 23 2022 • 12 mins

This episode is all about compassion and helps children imagine compassionate responses to various situations in a fun and imaginative way — through a train that only moves when you give a compassionate reply. Join Dr. Deborah Quibell, Amaya and Beezly on this special journey.

Throughout the episode, Beezly and Amaya are given three real-life situations and asked to imagine how they can respond compassionately to each one. Only when they give a reply, the train gets moving again. Compassion helps all of us to move forward . . .towards a world of kindness, care, and courage.

This episode helps children to :

  • Understand what compassion means
  • Imagine a compassionate response to specific situations
  • Comprehend that compassion has two parts—first, to imagine how the person may be feeling and second, to react in a kind and helpful way.
  • Cultivate empathy to others around them

// RESOURCES Mentioned in this Episode:


Compassion starts and is encouraged at home. We know it’s not easy to raise heart-happy kids in today’s world. Our content is here as a tool to support busy parents AND we also have a special program for parents and caregivers at WeeWoo designed to give you easy-to-apply strategies at home to help your kids with emotional awareness and self-regulation.

Explore the WeeWoo@Home premier parent program here : https://weareweewoo.com/weewoo-at-home/