15 - Loving-Kindness Meditation: Let’s practice together

WeeWonna Talk

Jun 30 2022 • 6 mins

This episode offers a simple, guided meditation for children. This meditation helps children connect to their heart and their capacity to share peace and love with themselves, others, and the world around them.

It is a short and meaningful practice guided by our ten-year old podcast star Amaya Goodrich. Kids love to be guided by other kids, so offering this approach helps them to feel more engaged and inspired.

This episode helps children to :

  • Learn a simple form of meditation that is created just for them
  • Connect to their heart and natural inclination to love and care for others and the world
  • Feel empowered and less helpless in an often challenging world

// RESOURCES Mentioned in this Episode:

WeeMeditate : Loving Kindness Meditation for Kids



Loving-kindness starts and is encouraged at home. We know it’s not easy to raise heart-happy kids in today’s world. Our content is here as a tool to support busy parents AND we also have a special program for parents and caregivers at WeeWoo designed to give you easy-to-apply strategies at home to help your kids with emotional awareness and self-regulation.

Explore the WeeWoo@Home premier parent program here : https://weareweewoo.com/weewoo-at-home/