Mar 2 2023
What is the Best Type of French Fry?
French fries have long been embraced by American cuisine (despite being stolen from overseas). In France, the French like to claim fries were invented by Parisian chefs who created the recipe just before the onset of the French Revolution. Fries are available at almost every fast food chain in the states. From Wendy's to McDonald's to Burger King, there's an opportunity to get a side of fries. But whether that potato is cut into zigzags, shaved into curls, or finely julienned into matchstick-size pieces, everyone has an opinion on which shape is the tastiest. When it all comes down to it, preference for french fry shape is usually based on how crispy, crunchy, and dippable a fry is produced by a particular potato-cutting method.Become a supporter of this podcast: